Monthly Archives: March 2013




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It is possible to strengten the immune system by healthy foods and some practical methods. The most important parameter for strengthenning the immune system is diseases because babies cannot  be immunizated against microbes in absolutely steril environment.

The nutrition of babies is very important for their immune system. For healthy babies, healthy bodies are needed.It is necessary for babies to get B12 and B12 is found in meat and chicken. Meat group is important to strengthen the immune system so you can add meat to your baby’s baby food.

Other vitamin group which strengthen the immune system is Vitamin B and Vitamin C. Light coloured foods are full of Vitamin B and C. The fruits and vegetables with red, yellow, orange and green colours belong to this group. Especially potatoes, sweet pepper, spinach and carrot should be in your baby’s menu.

The other nutrition group is prebiotics. Yogurt is very useful for your baby but especially for having high amount of prebiotics it is recommended  to make your own yogurt at home instead of consuming pasteurized yogurts. And also kephir is very rich from prebiotics.

Also your doctor could recommend you to give organic vitamins to your baby. If your baby is older than 6 months you can give vitamins A, C and D to your baby. Regular sleeping periods are important to strengthen your baby ‘s immune system because your baby will grow up while sleeping. The develpoment of baby’s body is occurs during his/her sleep. Mothers must show great attention especiaally to their sleeping periods.

Nursing is also necessary for babies because breast milk consists all nutritions which baby needs. It is natural antibiotics which gives natural protection to babies against diseases. Different from nutrition and regular sleeping periods vaccination has vital important. Follow your baby’s vaccination calender carefully. By the help of the vaccination many babies are rescued from illness and death. It should be known that many illness are no more dangerous for children if they are vaccinated.

In the first six months of your baby hygen is very important.Baby should be grown up in steril environment with steril goods. After six months, again clean environment is important but ‘to live with O microbe’ is not preferred because to live in absolutely steril environment is enemy of immune system. The microbes and viruses are spread in these environment more faster. To live in clean environmet and to live in steril environment are two different things from eachother. Natural and clean environment is needed for your baby.

Finally pets are important for your baby’s immune system. There is wrong belief like baby will get sick if s/he plays with pets. Your baby could play with pets if it is vaccinated.To play with pets will stregthen the immune system of your baby. This will protect your baby from allergy and help him/her to fight with microbes and viruses.

Thus, we gave some hints to strengthen your baby’s immune system. It should be known that it is enough to strengthen the immune system of your baby to protect her/him from illnesses.

RESOURCES: Mother and baby, January 2013, Demet Demirok




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Per serving: 4 people


200 gr. soft white cheese

1 tea glass of milk (coconut milk is preffered)

1 tea glass of flour

1 cucumber

4 eggs

8 pieces of cherry tomatoes

1 clove of garlic

1/2 grated lemon zest

1 table spoon of powder coriander

1 table spoon of coconut


Black pepper

Corn oil


Boil the eggs in hard cosistency. Split the eggs down the middle and take the yolks out. Mix the yolks with soft white cheese, garlic, grated lemon zest, coriander and coconut. After adding salt and black pepper divide the mixture into eight pieces. Put this mixture on each of the egg whites by giving the shape of egg by your hands. Mix (coconut) milk and flour in a deep bowl. Roll the eggs in this mixture and stir fry them. Take the eggs on paper napkin in order to take extra oil from them. Cut the cucumber lengthways and give the shape of flower. Serve the eggs with cucumber and cherry tomatoes. Have a good appettite.

Source: Eyüp Kemal Sevinç




nefes 2

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It is certain that  breathing is the first and vital thing that we perform but can we perform breathing correctly? Stress , hard living  and working conditions  causes changes in our breathing.We breathe less and and we behave less active so our body use less oxygen.

First step for right breathing is to start breathing from stomach, put your hands on your stomach, in this way you will see if you are breathing correctly or not. Breathe from your stomach deeply and  breath out slowly. The period of your breathing out should be longer than your breathing period. Try this again and your exercise should be 3 minutes long.In this way your cells and muscles will receive more oxygen and you will feel yourself better. If you exercise this twice  day after  few weeks yo will start to breath in correct way.

The correct breathing is also known as breathing from diaphragm. Right breathing system is learnt to people especially in yoga and techniques for parity without pain. Diaphram breathing washes all the body with oxygen. Thus, true breathing has protective and curatory feature on your brain, muscles, circulation system, immune system and viscera. Oxygen diffuses to your organs by diaphram and more oxgen means more health.

It is determined that person begins to breathe in wrong way when s/he gets angry especially people who commit crimes like violence breath in wrong way during these crimes, body looses its balance and person could not think in clear way. For this reason  it is recommended that breathe deeply from diaphram in anger times to became calm this is proven clinically.

True breathing is important for two reasons. First one is to give needed oxygen for our organs to live in healthy way and second one is to evacuate waste and toxin from our body. Oxygen is the main thing that our body needs to live. People can live without food for few weeks and without water for few days but cannot live without oxygen even a minute. So best way have to be performed in breathing. Especially our brain needs more oxygen than other organs in the body  because less oxygen going to brain causes mental obscurity or cognitive decline, depression, hearing and visual sense loss. If oxygen does not go to brain this will cause cerebral hemorrhage and if oxygen does not go to heart this will cause heart attack. Thus, oxygen is needed for health and qualified life.

Finally, it is clear that correct breathing increases life quality and parallel to life quality your success  will increase. By correct breathing if you feed all of your organs in best way you will receive physically and mentally healthy body so by starting correct breathing exercises you will give best present to yourself. So why are you waiting for to give this best present to yourself?




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Varicosis  is the change of the shape of vein which carries blood to heart and lungs. Veins widens and getting curly shape. It is seen especially among people who stay on foot for long hours. Long working hours and inactivity are main reasons of this disease.

  False: Varicosis is disease which is seen only among women.

True: This disease is also seen among men but the proportion among women is seen four times more than proportion among men.

False: Thin people does not have problem of high cholesterol.

True: High cholesterol can be seen among every size of people but fat and over-weight people face with this problem more than thin people.

     False: Energetic and alert people do not have tension problem.

  True: Tension is not related with people’s being energetic and alert. You can feel yourself  very well and healthy but your tension could have imbalances. Every habit of body works differently. Regular tension measurement should be done in a day to determine the disease.


False: Birth control pill cause menopause.

 True: No. Menopause occurs when eggs exhausted. This period is not affected from any other factor.

 False: Spiral causes ectopic pregnancy.

  True: Spiral is placed in the womb and does not cause ectopic pregnancy. But woman who use spiral have low possibility of being pregnant this is the reason why the possibility of ectopic pregnancy is discussed for women who se spiral.

 False: The inner part of vagina should be cleaned with soap and water for hygienic reasons.

True: No, it is not recommended. Vagina have beneficial microbes which are called flora. The microorganism which forms flora cause the vagina to stay on fix PH value. Thus, it is prevented for microbes to to be reproduced which causes inflammation. For this reason it is not recommended.

False:Women whose womb is taken by operation face with premature menopause.

True: The reason of endig the bleeding during menopause is exhausting of eggs but if womb is taken by operation, eggcup continues to work. The reason of not to menstruate is not the lack of hormones.


False: Bladder cancer is seen only among men.

  True: Bladder cancer is related with chemicals and it can be seen among both sexes.

 False: Cystitis occurs on summer.

 True: Bacteries causes infection so genital hygiene is important for not to have cytitis. On summer unhealthy pools and seas increases the risk of having cytitis. But every season this disease is active.




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Detox is nutrition with liquids or vegetables/fruits only. Body waste more energy during digestion so the aim of detox is to stop the digestion as possible in order to make the body to use this energy for re-generating cells. In this way the immune system is getting strength and the body is loosing weight through water. If you continue to have healty nutrition after detox and perform detox in regular times your body will be tough against diseases.

If you decide to perform detox in a day your programme will end the next day at the same time. For an example, you began detox on Monday at 2:00 pm it will end on Tuesday 2:00 pm.If you perform liquid detox you should not chew anything even chewing gum. You can drink vegetables soups without grains without limit. Fresh vegetables and fruit juices are free. But if you think that you cannot do detox only with liquids you can choose chewable option. The important thing is not to use the liquids detox or solid detox together. If you begin with liquids continue with liquids, if yo begin with solids continue with solids.

An example for detoxs programme:

 Breakfast: Liquid detox: 2 big glass of water

1 glass of fresh vegetable or fruit juice

Solid detox:   Breakfast  with tomatoes, cucumber and olive.

Lunch:  Liquid detox: Mixed vegetables soup

Solid detox:  Salad with big cucumber, tomatoes,spinach, lemon and olive oil.

Dinner: You have to eat it before  6,00 P.M.

Liquid detox: Soup or vegetable or fruit juice

Solid detox: Salad, vegetable or grilled fish

 Meal breaks: Liquid detox:   Fresh vegetable or fruit juice

  Solid detox: Carrot, cucumber.

Detox Tea from Dr.Ender Saraç


1-2 green apple

1,5 dessert spoon of apple vinegar

1 dessert spoon of honey

 Instructions:  Cut the outher parts of green apple and boil them for 6-7 minutes. Leave this water to become cooler. After 5-10 minutes later add  apple vinegar and honey to this water. Drink this tea before breakfasts and dinners,  If you have stomach disease do not drink this tea. 

Sources: İpek Koşan ‘Detox and exercising ‘