Monthly Archives: August 2013




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Detox means to become clean from harmful materials which accrues in the body. In order to use the benefits of detox you should consume vegetable and fruits. Detox applications cause mental and  physical strength. Person feels himself/herself younger and healthy.

Here are some fruits and vegetables which has power of detox:


     Apple enables dashing toxins from body. It is powerful antioxidant. It is rich from potassium and pectin. You can start your day by eating apple.

    Kiwi has benefits especially for skin detox. It has detox effect which eliminates free radicals.

  Orange holds veins young and healthy. It lowers the cholesterol.

  Grape’s grain and peel are rich from antioxidants. It has characteristics of dashing toxins. It is effective in cancer and haert diseases.

  Peach strengthens the immune system. It is important for skin detox. It makes young looking.

   Tomatoes is powerful vegetable. It protects you from stomach, gut and prostate cancer if you consume it by boiling.

  Cucumber is rich from potassium and pectin. It is good for skin detox.

  Parsley is best resource for liver, kidney and urinary tact detoxes.



    Garlic is good heart protector. It dashes free radicals. It should be in detox menu.

     Spinach is powerful detox support. It is rich from Vitamin C, folic acid, beta caroten and iron.

    Artichoke   is most effective vegetable for liver detox. It is good toxin eliminator and has effect of lowering cholesterol.

These vegetables and fruits should be in your detox menu.




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The latin name of almond is Prunus dulcis. It ir rich from protein, calcium, and iron. It has two kinds as sweet almond and sour almond.The benefits of almond are as follows:

– It is good for headache, liver ache and kidney ache.

– It strengthens the immune system.

– It cures wounds

– It cures kidney and breast diseases



– It eliminates constipation. Mix the same amount of almond oil and honey or pectin. Give babies 2 small tea spoon of this mixture with 4-5 hour break. But consult your doctor.

– It has comfortable effect in sunburns

– It increases milk of pregnant women and helps the development of babies.

– It lowers the cholesterol and lowers the risk of having heart attack 50%

– It balances the level of blood sugar and lowers the risk of attacking cancer.

– It has effect of expectorant and tranquiliser


– It cures the wounds on lips. You can use 1-2 drops  of almond oil.

– Sour almond, opens the pores of liver, kidney and spleen.

– It  removes  body and mental exhaustion

– It involves Vitamin B and protein so it renovates the nerves.

– If you eat a handful of almond eveyday, this decreases the risk of having heart attack.

– It strengthens the stomach if you consume it with milk.

– If you drink 1 dessert spoon of almond oil every day, this softens guts and good for kidney stone.

– It softens the skin and nourishes the hair.

These are benefits of almond, Do not forget to add almond in your daily menu for healthy living.




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This is  known as  newspaper model. If you want to make this model first apply two coat nail polish. White colour is preferred but you can apply whatever colour you like.  Wait them to dry. On the other hand cut the newspaper into small pieces.   Put cologne in a small bowl. Dip the newspapers in it and then repress them on your nails. Wait for a while and lastly  apply colourless nail polish as a top coat.


This model is known as princess model. Apply two coat of nail polish. Place nail jewels with tweezers on your nail when they are wet. Wait for a while and apply colourless nail polish as top coat.



This is also one of the most preferred models in 2013. Apply one coat nail polish which fits with your nail caviar. Apply second coat and spill nail caviar on your nail when they are wet. Wait for a while to make them dry. Repress them with your finger. Finally apply colourless coat as top coat.



This model is known as zebra model. Apply two coat of white nail polish. Let your nails to dry. Draw zebra model with nail pen. Let them dry and Finally apply colourless nail polish as top coat.






                                       HEALTHY CLUES FOR LOOSING WEIGHT


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loosing weight

The most important handicap for people who are on diet is not consuming the foods that are liked most. You should put alternative delicious tastes instead of high calorie foods.

People who are on diet want to loose weight in short time. Most of them prefer shock diets instead of healthy diets in order to loose weight. According to dieticians in order to stay on the same  weight you should balance your intake and consuming energy. It is easy  and fast to take energy but consuming it  needs time and effort.

Contemporary living conditions make people to gain weight. The reasons of gaining weight are malnutrition, less exercising and leaving any meal out. People who are on diet should drink water at least 3 liters a day and eat 6-7 meals a day. You should increase the energy amount that you consume. You should not drink alcohol and carbonated drinks. If you take overdose food do not be panic and try to consume more energy. Do not eat anything after 07.00 P.M. Do not eat fruit after meal.


The idea of  ‘If I eat less I will give more weight’ is wrong. If your intake energy is not enough so your metobolism will slow down. Do not drink water during meals. And here are some healthy alternatives for you:

-Consume almond or nut instead of chocolate

-Consume roasted chickpeas or popcorn instead of chips

– Consume wallnut or honey instead of sugar

– Consume toasted sandwich  instead of flan or savory pastry

– Do not drink carbonated drink

– Prefer desserts made by milk instead of oily and patty desserts

– Use olive oil and lemon instead of mayonnaise

– Prefer baked or grilled foods instead of fried foods

weight 1

Drinks with ginger is nutritive and strengthens the immune system. Here are two recipes:

Fresh Lemonade With Ginger: 

Boil 1 table spoon of grated ginger in 1 liter of water. Add 1 table spoon of honey in it and put in the fridge to become cooler. Before drinking it add a lemon in it.

Ginger Tea: Boil water and add 4 sliced fresh ginger in it. Wait to be steeped for a while and drink as tea.

And also if you want to hasten your metabolism. You should eat 6-7 meal in a day. Walking is good exercise for loosing weight. Do not forget to drink 3 liters water and 2-3 cup of green tea in a day. And add red pepper flakes in your meals in order to hasten your metabolism. In healthy menus main spices should be:- For meat use thyme

– For salads use carrot, olive oil and pomegranate molasses

-For soups use mint

-For windy foods use cumin


Avocado and Banana Health Benefits

avocado and banana health benefits


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Avocado and Banana Health Benefits

Fruits are generally fortified with lots of natural health benefits. We will speak about 2 which commence with A and B – Avocado Health Benefits and Banana Health Benefits.

Health Benefits of Avocados:

Anti-Cancer Qualities

Like olive, avocado is abundant with oleic acid. Studies have discovered that oleic acid works well in combating cancer of the breast. Research has also suggested that antioxidants compound in the fruit helps combat prostate cancer and also fight pre-cancerous along with malignant oral cells.

Boost Vision

Avocado is a wonderful origin of carotenoid lutein. Lutein is very effective at preventing cataracts and macular degeneration, which are age-related eye diseases.

Perfect for Your Heart

Avocado fruit has a huge amount of heart helping nutrients, such as the significant omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, oleic acid, folate along with glutathione. The fact is, a cup of avocado supplies a 23% of RDA of vitamin b folic acid. Reported by medical studies, diets rich in folate make contributions considerably to cardio health and give you better prevention against cardiovascular diseases.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Cutting in down Depressive Disorders

Bananas have got tryptophan, an amino acid which can be transformed to serotonin, giving you better feelings.

Enchancing Anemia

Bananas are fairly rich in iron typically assists your haemoglobin function.

Curing Diarrhea and Constipation

Due to their content of fiber, they may help gain back a regular bowel function. In addition, diarrhea commonly depletes one’s body of important electrolytes. Additionally, they contain pection, a kind of soluble fiber which will help stabilize motion through the intestinal tract.

Bananas are a good source of potassium– which is important for brain and nerve function as well as muscle function and blood pressure control. Bananas also contain fiber for heart health and vitamin C to help your body from getting sick.

With all these health benefits you can see why people eat so many bananas every year. Plus, it’s a delicious fruit so while you are eating you healthy snack you can also enjoy its sweet taste!

Don’t forget – it’s alright to try just one bite!