Monthly Archives: August 2013

What are the Benefits of Juicing

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What are the Benefits of Juicing

If you’re interested in juicing you may be asking yourself  “What are the benefits of Juicing”?

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What are the Benefits of Juicing?

  1. Faster Nutrient Absorption, Nutrients in carotenoid vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, melons, and peppers are better absorbed from juice. In general, the nutrients of fruits and vegetables are best absorbed by the body in liquid form as they can travel more rapidly to the small intestine, where they are distributed throughout the body.
  2. Easier Intake of Healthy Nutrients, If you’re looking for a more efficient way of consuming fruits and vegetables but still want to absorb the nutrients they offer, then Juicing  them is your best option. Extracting Juices from fruits and vegetables makes their intake much casier. You can drink in a couple of minutes what it would take you much longer to eat. Also you can combine fruits and vegetables to find the right balance of nutrition and taste.
  3. Increased Metabolic Rate. Raw  vegetables and fruits that are extracted into Juice form contain healthy enzymes that increase the body’s metabolic rate, which helps the body burn calories faster, and therefore contributes to weight loss. Stress is known to slow down metabolic rates and induce unwanted weight gain. With regular drinking of fruit and vegetable Juice, you can counter the weight gain induced by stress.
  4. Prevention of Diseases. Fruits and vegetables are the number one natural sources of antioxidants, helpful substances which promote cardiac health. Juicing benefits you by helping to prevent heart disease and stroke from occurring. Fruit Juices like pomegranate help prevent malignant cells from forming into cancer. Urinary tract infection can also be prevented with regular drinking of cranberry juice. Arthritis, rheumatism, kidney stones… for almost every disease, Juicing can prevent its onset.
  5. Stringer Immune System Juicing benefits you by promoting a stronger immune system, making it more effective in warding off illnesses ranging from common colds to cancer. A stronger immune function is especially important if you live a stressful lifestyle.
  6. Healthier Alternatives to soft drinks and other artificially prepared products. We all enjoy a drink at meal time. Unfortunately, many of us drink sugary drinks like soda. Soda adds a lot of sugar to our diets and can inhibit weight loss.
  7. Budget savings. A quality Juicer can cost approximately $300 or more and should last for several years. I would focus on the long term  Benefits of Juicing rather than the money you spend on the Juicer itself. Juicing Benefits such as weight loss, stronger immune system and increased energy levels will offset the purchase price of a quality Juicer. Lower cost Juicers are available as well.
  8. Guaranteed Fresh. Preparing your own Juice will ensure you’re drinking the freshest and best quality Juice available. 

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benefits of juicing

Is poor nutrition putting your kid’s future at risk?

Doctor exam


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Is poor nutrition putting your kid’s future at risk?

One in seven local kids underweight –  and this may affect brain development 

HIGH as Singapore’s healthcare standards are, some 14 per cent of Singaporean children under the age of five are underweight- and therefore at risk of poor brain development.

    Such figures, according to the United Nation’s 2005 Human Development Report, put Singapore on par with nations such as the United Arab Emirates and Ecuador.

 Independently commissioned by the UN Development Programme, the report collectively measures poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy and other factors.

Ranked top three on the list are Norway, Iceland and Australia, in that order.

How is it possible that one in seven children here are underweight, when health campaigns seem to reflect growing issues of obesity and its associated health problems?


“There have not been recent studies done on why some children in Singapore under the age of five are underweight. But  possible explanations include not eating enough nutritious food, poor eating habits, illness, stress and poor intestinal quality,” said Dr. Low Kah Tzay. A neonatologist and development paediatrician with the Singapore Baby and Child clinic at Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre.

The brain’s growth rate is fastest from the middle of pregnancy until the child’s second or third birthday. That means babies and toddlers need lots of sustenance to support their high metabolic rate. Said Dr Low: “A one-year-old needs about 1.000 calories a day to sustain that high growth rate.”

If they don’t get the nutrition their bodies need, brain cells do not develop properly and a permanent shortage may result- which can also result in lowered IQ.

But it isn’t just a case of having enough to eat. Dr Low stressed the importance of a balanced diet: “It isn’t just weight gain but also the kinds of food that assist in growth and development.”


And parents who are squeamish about breast-feeding should also think twice.

“Lack of breast-feeding could be a cause of poor intestinal health. Breast-feeding actually helps development and digestion. Babies should be breast-fed for at least six month,” said Dr Low.

Parent who notice their children are underweight should visit a paediatrician and make sure the child isn’t suffering from poor nutrition.

But , added Dr Low, if a child is thin or slender, it does not necessarily mean he or she is undernourished.




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The number of parents who never quarrel is very low. So what children feel in this situation? Do parents deny from quarreling in front of children? Or can they make a quarrel in comity? Here are some ideas from authorities.

Children learn many things from their families. Family is the first place that children got educated first. They learn from their families that sometimes there can be unagreement and people can discuss their problems. The behaviours of parents during the argument is important if they show respect to eachother during argument the child got message that his/her parents are trying to solve their problems. Mother and father are two factors for confidence. If they shout at themselves during the argument or they use bad words the child especially who are at pre-education age think that they are not loved by their parents and they argue because of himself/herself.


The parents should be exemplify in order to teach their children the limits. If blind anger is used during the argument this is terrifying for children. If there is explosion of wrath and practise of violence, they see that their parents are becoming to different creatures. Children are afraid of targetting the anger to themselves. Their sense of security is tossed. Never forget that  children are exemplify their parents in forming their relations. The possibility of  trying to act like his aggressive father of a son is very high. The arguments should be ended before  the tension is uprising.

Children lost their self respect if they are grown up in quarrelling environment because his/her parents are his/her model. For personnel development of children it is important to teach children discussing problems without insulting, putting pressure on himself/herself, and not emposing ideas on them. But never discuss economic problems and the problems about the children in front of your children. You should teach your child how to discuss problems and defend his/her ideas without quarrelling by being model.


If child is grown up in environment whereas polemic takes place very often, s/he lives many problems like night mares and wetting his/her underclothes, aggressive attitudes, telling lies, masturbation,  etc. These effect personnel development of child in negative way. After a quarrel parents should speak with their children in order to lessen the fear of children. The message of ‘This subject is our problem and we will solve this. It does not have relation with you’ should be given to the children.


The children began to be effected from arguments between parents from 2-3 ages old. The older children lives fear of divorcing of their parents.  Boys behaves more aggresive whereas girls are giving more emotional reactions. Their school success declines and they can have bad habits. And in advanced years, the children will show the same behaviours which they learnt from their parents. The right method is to quarrel in place where children are absent. It is better to discuss problems a day later because people are more emotional at that moment. While the argument the couple should not insult themselves and never make children to take a stand.

Never do these: – Do not impend him/her with suiciding and dead. Never use expressions as divorcing, seperating, leaving.

– Do not make children to take a stand

– Do not target your anger to your children

– Do not reflect discredit upon your wife/husband.




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The decisions taken by couples have power of effecting their lives. The balanced and harmonic relationship effects the other ares of lives. If everything is okey at home so every is okey out of doors.

If you feel yourself valuable, comfortable and secure in you relationship so your relationship is the right one for you. But if you cannot integrate with your relation and you do not feeel yourself comfortable and there is  negligence in the relationship so relationship sounds a note of alarm. You need relationships which you are accepted even if you disrobe your all clothes in your soul. You need to be accepted as you are.You should not hide your personality because you should continue to be loving with your faults without being judged.


People start their relations with the desire of having satisfying and everlasting relationships. There is desire of continuing lifelong.You live many things and learn many things as couple. Of course you live some problems. Finally you feel that everything is okey. There is no argument and there is no hypertension. Everything comes about. In fact the relations do not have characteristics like this. The point you arrive is only silent and dangerous point in your relationship.The relatioship is in routine now and in this point the relation is hooked in stationary state. This likes crashing of ship to the rock cliff. The relationship is followed route by habits and the life source of couple which is sincerity and love began to dissolve. This is the point where couples begin to sashay from eachother and this prevent them to express their emotions and  feelings to eachother.


It is handicap from relationship point of view to invest to habits. The habits can be sign of becomig strangers to eachother of couples.Living is changing and when you routinize the habits you cannot be aware of changes. At the end of  the changes you can not settle with the things that you achieve after the change.And when you realize this you reach a deadlock.Your expectations and your contributions to your relationship loses their meanings. So you release to think about yourself and your partner. If you start to living in this way you arrive  that black point which you can not cognize your partner.


Love, sharing, loyalty, harmony and agreement is needed for the relationship of couple. It is very valuable for couples to feel himself/herself as the complement of his/her couple. But s/he should stay as s/he is in this integrity. This is needed for mutual understanding of the developing and changing expectations. The couples who identifies themselves and who can express themselves do  not invest to routine. They are sensitive to the changing targets and needs of their relatinships. They do not cover the problems they dicuss and solve their problems. Whatever the life present to couple, they should be ready to face this and be ready for living and sharing the life together.

The Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables For Health

The Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables For Health

The Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables For Health

The benefits of fruits and vegetables for health are contributed about %50 of the total antioxidant capacity of foods. Antioxidants is lower to help reduce the risk of stroke but it is also a well-known nutrition can prevent cancer, sow the aging process, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

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Most of the fruits and vegetables have many benefits for our bodies. I cannot possibly describe it all here. Only a few that I will write about the benefits of fruits and vegetables for health and the content contained therein.

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The Nutrition In Fruits And Vegetables

As an example, the benefits of fruits and vegetables for health in kiwifruit. Kiwi fruit contains 100 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of weight. While orange only contains as much as 54 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. This means that vitamin C in a kiwi equal to 2 oranges. And kiwi fruit also has a lot of content such as polyphenols, carotenoids, lutein, beta-carotene (Vitamin A), potassium and other enzymes that will help the health of our lives.

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The content of polyphenols, carotenoids and other enzymes form antioxidants that will counteract free radicals that enter the body. The result is a healthier body and can avoid many diseases. Then the benefit of lutein and beta-carotene (Vitamin A) is to maintain eye health. So by eating kiwi, visual function can be maintained properly.

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Potassium role in maintaining health of heart. Kiwi can also help reduce the risk of blood clots that can lead to cardiovascular disease. Control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And one of the other advantages is the kiwi can help those who have digestive problems. Irregular bowel movements or bloating can be solved by consume them on a regular basis.

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One example of vegetables that are good for body is mustard greens. Mustard greens vegetables have a high content of vitamins are very good for health support. Vitamin highest in vegetable mustard greens is vitamin K, which is very useful vitamin for blood clotting. So that the wound will quickly dry up. For its vitamin C content, some experts say that the levels are almost the same as oranges. It is great to keep the immune system so it does not easily hurt.

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And also a high content of calcium is great for forming and maintaining the quality of the bone, which can inhibit bone loss or osteoporosis. The benefits of mustard greens vegetable that is not less important is to lower bad cholesterol levels cause of stroke or fatal heart disease. In addition it can to lower blood sugar causes diabeter.