Monthly Archives: September 2013




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Healthy nutrition is important for mental development between  0-3 ages. According to investigations the children who consume sugar and  salt very much face with problem of low IQ level. Their IQ level are 8 points less than the children who did not consume much sugar and salt.

0-1 ages babies’ nutrition is divided into 2. 0-6 months and 6-12 months. Babies should be fed by breast feeding in first 6 months. First year babies should not be fed by cow’s milk. If breast feeding is not sufficient baby should be fed by mother which involve prebiotics to develop and protect the immune system.


breast milk

Here are important advices for mothers: – From 1 years old your baby should consume four basic nutrition group. ( meat, egg,leguminous seeds group, milk and milk products group, vegetable-fruit group, bread and cereal group)

– The most important protein group after breast milk if egg. Give an egg every day to your child.

– Your child should drink 1-2 glass of milk every day. Vitamin D is needed to place calcium to bones. You can synthesis Vitamin D only with sun. So sun is important for your children.

– In first one age iron in the milk is not enough for blood formation.So, child should eat meat, greeny and pectin which are rich from iron. In order to increase the benefit of iron in the body foods rich from Vitamin C.


food and baby

– Do not add alt to your baby’s meal. In the following years you can start adding salt in his/her meal.

– Omega 3 oil acids are important for mental development of children.

S/he should eat fish, wallnut, purslane.

– Make him/her to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

-Do not give foods like hamburger, chips which does not have nutrition value to your child.

These are some clues for you to grow up your child.




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A prepared cake with cacao

A package of chocolate pudding



2 sliced banana

6 packages of kiktkat

3 packages of m&m




Prepare the pudding according to the direction on the package. Add sugar in lukewarm milk. Wet the bottom part of the cake with this mixture. Rub puddingon the cake. Place bananas on the cake. Put the upper part of the cake on this and wet it with milk. Rub the pudding on the upper part of the cake. Divide kitkats from eachother and place them around the cake. Wrap it with ribbon. Put M&M on the cake. Bon Appetite!



                                              MOCHA CUPCAKES WITH ESPRESSO


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1/3 Cup of cocoa powder

1-1/3 cup of flour

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

1 egg

1/2 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee

1,5 teaspoons of espresso powder

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1 stick butter


Put espresso powder in the brewed coffee and dissolve it. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt. Mix butter (at room temperature) and brown sugar and granulated sugar with mixer on high speed for 2-3 minutes. Add egg and mix them. Put milk, brewed coffee mixture and vanilla in it. Combine flour mixture and coffee mixture slowly. Cook muffins on 200’C for 17-20 minutes. Cool them completely and frost them. Bon Appetite.