Monthly Archives: May 2019

What is Good for Cough in Infants

What is Good for Cough in Infants?

What is Good for Cough in Infants
What is Good for Cough in Infants

A cough can be a symptom of a disease in infants, or it can be a reaction to an irritant substance in the throat or respiratory tract. What is good for babies cough?

Coughing is the removal of mucus from lung infections or respiratory tract. Dry cough is not a serious problem, but the cause is not always known. During the cold, nasal discharge may be due to irritation of the respiratory tract by going backwards.

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If a foreign body has escaped from the body’s main trachea, dry cough can also be seen as an effort to dispose of it. If smoke is being inhaled around the child, smoking can irritate the child’s respiratory tract and cause dry cough. Ear infections can also lead to dry cough.

What Should Be Done?

If cough is a cough with sputum, do not use cough syrup. In this case, it is important not to cut the cough, but to remove the sputum with the cough. As you cough, put your child on your knee as a face lift, slightly hitting his back to help puke out.

Sleep upright by putting support under your child’s pillow at night. You also prevent the mucus from slipping down the throat causing irritation. Prone or side tilt also prevents irritation.

Keep your cough child’s room moist all the time. A cup of water, or a glass with a light interval to leave the room to prevent the air from drying. Don’t overheat the room.

Before going to bed, give your child something warm to soften his throat. Do not give milk to children older than 6 months as it increases the secretion of milk.

For children older than 18 months, you can give a drink prepared by adding lemon juice with a few drops of melted honey in warm water.

5 Best Natural Methods For Baby Cough

1.Mix Tea: Apple peel and seed; peel an Apple, put in a few seeds, a little lime, a couple of cloves, maybe a cinnamon peel.With a twist of lemon..Drink this for your child warm, warm and abundant, warm during the day (you can taste honey for children over 1 year old).

2. Honey & Ginger: For adults (do not use it to your child) to mix powdered ginger with honey and make a paste (eat), it is very good for your throat.

3. Molasses & Black Pepper: Mix two tablespoons of Mulberry molasses with the appropriate amount of black pepper and give one spoon a day. Cough for a day or two. ( 1 year after the age of)

4. Butter & Molasses: 2 tablespoons butter with 1 tablespoon pekmezi (1 teaspoon water) boil, while warm…It’s delicious and it cuts the cough. (After 6 months)

5. Lime & Quince Leaf: if boiled together with lime and quince leaves, it can be a good solution for cough.(For infants under 1 year old )

Note: What is written here is only recommended.Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


One of the hardest thing in the world is being parented of a child. With the growth of a child, his/her desires, choices, behaviors and decisions will change. All parents desire their children’s happiness. How will you prepare your children in life?

We will give you some hints abou the adolescence. These are as follows:

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  • Çocuğunuzla arkadaş olmaya çalışmayın. Çocuğunuzun hayatında birçok arkadaşı olacak ama ebeveynlerine ihtiyaçları var. Kuralları koymalısın. Sen onun arkadaşı değilsin. Sen onun ailesi. Onunla arkadaş olmaya çalışırsan, kural veya sınır koyamazsın ve onları kuralları gereği mutlu insanlar olarak ortaya çıkarmayı unutma. Bu durumda kendilerini güvende hissediyorlar.
  • Çocuğunuzla konuşurken onun dikkatini çekin. Eğer onun tarafından dinlenmek istersen gözlerinin içine bak. Cümlelerinizi ‘ Sizinle konuşmak istiyorum ‘ veya ‘ Size daha önce hiç söylemediğim bir şey söylemek istiyorum . Çocuğunuza söylemeniz gereken şeyler doğru olmalı. Ona karşı daima dürüst ol
  • Kendini onun yerine koy. Bu ailenin çocuğu olup olmadığınızı nasıl hissettiğinizi kendinize sorun.
  • Your aim should not be to affect him/her, your aim should be to control him/her because in their adolescence they should be under control but not under pressure.
  • Asla çocuğunuzla kavga etmeyin. Kaybedeceksiniz çünkü çocuğunuz sizi kızdırırsa, bu sizi kontrol edeceği anlamına gelir. Kazanan olmayacaksın.
  • Çocuklarımızın güvende ve mutlu olmalarını istiyoruz. Kararlarını ve seçimlerini kabul etmeliyiz. Kabul edersen, daha mutlu olacak.
  • Çocuğunuzun büyümesi bir olay değil, bir süreçtir. Büyüme sınırları dahilindeki özgürlüğünü gösterin.
  • And also, you should not forget that you will not be with your child as long as s/he lives. S/he will make a mistake and get experience from this mistake. His/her mistakes will show him/her the true path in his/her life.
  • Help your child not by recommending but help your child by asking questions. Show that you support your child.
  • You should talk to your child about sexuality. If you will not do this find a member of your family who can fulfill this instead of you.
  • Be the leader of your child. Learn him/her to respect others. Show the rules and consequences of these rules if s/he does not obey them. When s/he makes a fault instead of punishing him/her, show the truth.
  • During adolescence, the child’s body will change and you should talk and inform your child about these changes. S/he should know about the changes in his/her body.
  • The communication between you and your child should be good. Your child is trying to learn and understand the changes in his/her life and parents are trying to understand their changing child. Listen to your child.
  • Give responsibility to your child. S/he can fulfill the responsibilities that you will give to him/her like being responsible for his/her room. The room is his/her private place. Leave him/her alone there. S/he will behave as s/he wants there. Cleaning and arrangement of the room will be his/her responsibility. And do not forget by this way s/he will trust himself/herself. You can give his/her pocket money as weekly or monthly so s/he will learn to spend it neatly. Also, you can ask him/her to go shopping or to pay invoices when you are busy.
  • The main stone of a family is the relation between parents. If parents have problems in their relations it is inevitable to have problems with the other members of the family. If you want to grow up good children, first of all, you should look at your relations with your partner.
  • You can face some problems in life. Do not hide these problems from him/her. Never say lie, tell the problem but you do not need to tell all the details. If s/he knows the problem s/he can have the ability to cope with problems. If you hide your problems, you can foster him/her to hide his/her problems too because the logic is the same. ‘ I do not tell because I do not want to make him/her sad. ‘ If you want to teach honesty so be honest. The way to make your child tell his/her problems to you first, you will tell your problems to him/her.
  • Friends are very important during adolescence. S/he can do everything for his/her friends. Their relations with their friends form the most important thing in their lives. Respect his/her friends and never argue with him/her about his/her friends. Do not forget in adolescence they live for their friends. Invite his/her friends to your house in order to know well them.
  • Rules and limits are important but while putting rules you should describe the reason. In this way s/he will understand the logic of rule and s/he will not try to break rules. Tell him/her about the reason why you say ‘No’.
  • The social environment is very important. As all humans also teenagers want to be accepted by society. The social group which s/he belongs affects his/her conflicts in adolescence. S/he will choose a star in this group and his/her behaviors will be affected by this star. Music and sport can be some fields which your child will have social activities in social groups that can help your child during this period.
  • Finally, take important precautions for their safety and leave them free in their personal limits. If you can not cope with problems during adolescence and you need to take psychological advice, consult to a specialist.

7 Best Homemade Baby Food Making


1. Homemade Mashed Pumpkin and Carrot

  • 1 coffee cup semolina.
  • 1 medium zucchini.
  • ​1 medium carrot.
  • 1/4 onion.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Peel the shells of zucchini, onion and carrots and chop the cube. Let’s put the onions in a saucepan without burning the olive oil.

Add carrots and turn them with a wooden spoon for 1-2 minutes. Add a cup of hot water and cook for about 15 minutes, add the zucchini shells and bulgur to the pot and cover and cook for about 10 minutes.

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We can serve our baby when the vegetables get warm by crushing them with a fork.

2. Mother’s Hand; Pistachio and Rice Mashed

  • 1 piece small zucchini.
  • 1 cup of cilantro, until.
  • 1 cup rice.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Wash rice with plenty of water and let it drain, in a small pot, let the rice boil with a small amount of water.

Add the zucchini and Semiz grass that we cut and boil for 10 minutes, put the fire on it and add olive oil and rest on it and then put it on the blender and feed the little puppy.

3. Homemade Mashed Mussels

  • 2 tablespoons semolina.
  • 1 teaspoon corn syrup (optional).
  • 1 banana.
  • 1 cup of vitamin-enriched milk.

Continue to put the milk and the semolina in a saucepan and cook, after a little cool, crush the banana into the syrup.

4. Baby Rice Pudding

  • 1/2 cup mother’s milk or milk cream.
  • 1 cup cold water.
  • 1 tbsp oats.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • 2 tablespoons corn syrup.

1 cup cold water, rice flour and oat flour in a small saucepan and mix until flour melts. Then stir in the heavy heat and cook until the custard consistency.

Let cool the thick custard, continue with a little lukewarm milk or breast milk and add molasses and stir well.

5. Baby Biscuits

  • 1 cup oat.
  • 1 medium apple apple.
  • 1 tbsp butter.
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

Melt butter and knead it with the apple, mix with oat flour and let stand for about half an hour and bake 170 degrees.

6. Oatmeal, Banana and Avocado Puree

  • 1/2 cup of vitamin-enriched milk.
  • 1/2 banana.
  • 1/2 avocado.
  • 1 tablespoon oats.

Continue to boil milk and oats in a small saucepan and wait for oats to swell, crush bananas and avocado and mix them all, you can feed your baby when you get warm.

7. Pumpkin Mashed Honey

  • A small piece of honey gourd.
  • 1/2 cup oats.
  • 1/2 cup of vitamin-enriched milk.
  • 3-5 walnut nut.
  • 1 tsp corn syrup.

Boil as much honey as your baby can, mix all the ingredients into it, and then you get a full bomb, and after waking up, a little energetic baby awaits you.


Due to unhealthy diets and living conditions hypertension is not only seen in adults but also in children. Children of every age can have blood pressure including newborns. According to Doc. Dr. Ilke Beyitler high blood pressure that can have serious effects on vital organs such as the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys is generally discovered during routine check-ups of children before they have shown any symptoms. This can cause symptoms such as sweating, restlessness, difficulty in feeding small children and panting.

Hypertension can develop without showing any symptoms in children. But simply, it can cause dizziness, headaches,cloudy vision, nosebleeds,red face,nausea, delayed development, vomiting, tiredness and short breath. Also pain in the legs after exercising and palpitation in older children.

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Dr. Beyitler mentioned that if we search the reasons of high blood pressure we see the causes of it as follows, congenital or late occurring narrow arteries regarding the heart and vascular system, congenital or non-congenital kidney problems, problems with the arteries or venous blood vessels of the kidney, hormonal deficiencies due to the adrenal gland, thyroids and parathyroid glands, neurological problems such as stroke, brain tumour, infection or trauma, use of certain medication such as steroids, increase in total blood volume, increased sodium in the blood and stress.

The other reason of high blood pressure is obesity which is on the rise. Consumption of fatty foods with additives, sedentary lifestyle, habits that limit movements such as spending a long time on a computer and watching TV are the main causes of obesity. Inactivity and the habit of constantly eating in front of the television are factors that cause obesity at an early age. As a result, high blood pressure is becoming more commonly seen in these obese inactive children.

Emotional state changes such as exam stress or other stresses in daily life, sudden fear, excitement and joy can cause changes in the blood pressure. These are generally natural waves that do not harm the child. However, if a child has previously diagnosed hypertension, then their blood pressure will rise under such circumstances and can cause sudden upsetting complications. Hypertension can be present without showing any symptoms, so the blood pressure of children must be tested at every check-up.

As in adults, it is not possible to give a specific hypertension limit for children. The blood pressure measurements that are accepted as normal differ for each age group and gender. This is the reason of the blood pressure measured in babies or children must be evaluated by a specialist physician according to the normal blood pressure values of each age group.

Due to the fact that measuring the blood pressure correctly is very important, the procedure must performed by an experienced nurse or physician. Babies should be calm and not crying during the tests of high blood pressure.

The treatment of hypertension in children is more important than for adults because children have a longer life expectancy. The treatment of hypertension is generally started with one medicine. If the blood pressure is not brought under control, then a second or even a third medicine can be added to the treatment. The effecting mechanisms of the medicine must be different if more than one medicine is used. The causes of hypertension, the side effects of medicine and ease of use must all be considered in the choice of medication.

Bringing serious secondary hypertension under control for children is more difficult than controlling essential hypertension in adults and requires the use of a combination of more than one antihypertensive agents. In the case of tumour, surgically removing the tumour will also cure the hypertension. Angioplasty is conducted in the treatment of renovascular hypertension. The patients must be closely monitored for hypertension after an angioplasty because narrowness may sometimes reoccur.

Obesity in children will cause different health problems such as cholesterol that they will have to fight all their lives, diabetes and hypertension. Even if there is a familial genetic tendency, this problem can be avoided by controlling dietary habits. A healthy diet, regular exercise and low salt intake must become part of life style.

Finally, Beyitler concluded as it is important for the blood pressure of every child to be measured at least once a year with a suitable device and if their blood pressure is high, then the underlying cause must be found. For medical treatment to be effective, the medication prescribed by a doctor must be taken regularly until the blood pressure levels balance out. If hypertension is not treated early, it can effect vital organs such as the eyes, kidney and heart. It must not be forgotten that damage can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment.