Work Makes You Sick! So The Office is Really Dangerous

Work Makes You Sick

Caution in the office! These diseases lurk every day

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Bungee Jumping? Dive with sharks? compared to a day at the office. If you look even more closely, the notes that as a desk job can be damned dangerous.

Since threaten rather innocuous ailments such as the fiery red phone ear or the mouse hand. But even serious diseases such as heart attack and burnout can be caused in the office! Of the threat posed every day by the dear colleagues, not to mention. Someone is always cold, has gastrointestinal and mutated so that the bacilli-spin.

Find out on the next pages of the dangers of exposure to the office everyday. Do not panic, much of it is completely harmless and provided with a wink. Nevertheless, too much stress and too little exercise can also drag severe disease after an entire series. Relax and do not let stress should be your motto from now on!

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Back problems

The neck is tense, back aches and at worst threaten disc problems. Who crooked sits all day in front of his PC, which is ideal for back problems of all kinds.

Bend your front office with a little gymnastics. Stretch and stretch regularly, get up and walk a few steps. Make sure that your workplace is individually created for you. The chair must have the correct height, just like the screen.

Obesity by unhealthy lunch

Canteen, snack, bakery: Who works in the office, has mostly not really much choice when it comes to lunch. Ready meals and fast food are fast because of everyday life. Who then does not drive enough sports and even in between nibbles, has fix a couple pounds too much on the scale.

Better: Cook yourself and warm the food in the office on. Alternatively, there is only one self-noon sandwich and a salad and you cook dinner fresh.

Mouse hand

A slight tingling sensation, pain in the wrist or a short numbness are the first signs of a mouse or a hand Mausarms. Those who sit all day on the PC and back the mouse on the pad and pushes that spans unusual muscles, tense the ligaments and can lead to inflammation. The disappear with a bit of rest and care mostly by itself again.

So that it does not come that far, you should definitely have a not so cramped posture habit and hands regularly shake out and relax. Also helpful: Special Mouse, who built a small collection, so that the hand rests relaxed.

Phone ear

Flame red with a slight throb: Who phoned constantly risked a red ear! Although this is better again after a few minutes of non-telephony, but need not be. Who phone a lot, you should get a headset. This is much more enjoyable and you also have your hands free.


Work Makes You Sick! So The Office is Really Dangerous
Article Name
Work Makes You Sick! So The Office is Really Dangerous
Caution in the office! These diseases lurk every day Bungee Jumping? Dive with sharks? compared to a day at the office. If you look even more closely, the notes that as a desk job can be damned dangerous.
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