Beautifully Fresh Instead Greasy Stains

oil free beauty

So the complexion remains long matt!

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If the skin is oily, shiny complexion. So simple, so annoying. Because excessive skin gloss can manage us and act unkempt. Luckily, there’s a lot of tricks and Anti-glare specialists who help to preserve the fresh breath frosted skin all day long.

If the oil film brings the complexion skidded on the skin, it has a beauty simulation program that targets the cause of the problem: Hyperactive sebaceous glands that produce too much sebum (skin oil). The reasons may be manifold: A hormonal imbalance in the body, but also stress, poor diet and high temperatures they bring into service.

The result: Excess sebum as a film settles on the skin surface and makes it shine. He also blocked the oxygen uptake – one reason why oily skin often looks slightly pale and not rosy fresh.

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Step 1: Remove excess fat and calm sebaceous glands

The correct cleaning routine is for oily skin that will work all day dull, the first important step.

Cleaning gel: Please mild. Otherwise, turn the sebaceous glands only on right.

Face water: Absolutely. Otherwise, leaving a film of surfactants and lime, the skin wants to get rid of – by producing lots of extra sebum. The best now use products already with matting (eg kaolin) and sebum-regulating ingredients.

Step 2: A lot of moisture, fat zero

If you’re thinking, oily skin needs after washing no cream,it is on the wrong track. Oily skin needs a lot of moisture. Often a deficiency is thus the reason that the sebaceous glands are in full swing. Which they do not actually need, additional fats or oils.

So: Fat-free gel or fluid applied, the matting ideally contain substances and have an antibacterial effect. The skin must then feel soft and smooth and must not be tight.

Step 3: Foundation – but please no oil

Normal foundations contain nourishing oils that enhance skin shine. The solution: Oil-free foundations which dull the skin, but not dry. Preferably with a brush (make-up buffer), then the job is particularly uniform.

Beautifully Fresh Instead Greasy Stains
Article Name
Beautifully Fresh Instead Greasy Stains
If the skin is oily, shiny complexion. So simple, so annoying. Because excessive skin gloss can manage us and act unkempt. Luckily, there's a lot of tricks and Anti-glare specialists who help to preserve the fresh breath frosted skin all day long.
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