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We must be now whining times! Because women have not it really easy. While men are starting to whine at the hint of a runny nose, we must grapple with much heavier calibers – and we never complain almost!
So that now no one understands wrong: It’s not about men to say how pathetic we find them. We love (our) men and find it mostly sweet even when they bother us with aches and weakness. Nevertheless, it must sometimes be told what we need women to endure and overcome all heavy. These twelve things as:
- We tear facial hair with a thread of
A thread makes regularly to ensure that we are not a single annoying hairs have too much in the face. Eyebrows, upper lip fuzz, ouch! And then men complain that they have to shave …
- We shave down around every day soft peach skin
Why is it okay that men sometimes maintain sprawl and we make every day on the meticulous search for common stubble down there?
- We ruin our apartment with self
He stinks, and annoys sticks without end: self-tanner. Our bathroom tiles have a yellow tinge, our slippers are ready for a ton … Also creeps us almost as soon as we leave the house for a self-experiment, the panic that you see ugly strip. Who actually invented the heck?
- We do everything for a snow-white smile toothpaste
Whitening at the dentist, whitening strips for home, Emery toothpaste: all we have “snow-white teeth” already tried on our mission. While men are easy in the morning and evening just brush your teeth, gargle, spit, finished, we press on a cold wind outside the lips. Why? Because even the slightest hint of cold can hurt our teeth maltreated. But they are white, snow white!

- We bring children into the world
Yes, we find it wonderful that we can have children. The hours that we have to ensure, however, are under hellish pain in labor, we would like to spare us. Not to mention the wailing man who fears loudly to fall to faint.
- We struggle with chest hair
Yes, dear men, you have read correctly: women struggling with chest hair. More specifically with small nasty bristles that from time to sprout around our nipples around and we make with forceps immediately put an end. As a rule of man must remember: Take the visible Body of a woman and multiply it by a factor of 3, then you know how hairy women really are or were.
- We are afraid in the dark
No matter who says it is not so: We are afraid if we go at night alone in the dark unlit roads home. We listen to other steps go faster if someone is behind us or run instead of on the sidewalk rather middle of the road to give attackers hiding in doorways no chance. Some of us also run in the to the front door and calm down again until they finally arrived at the top of your own home.
- We have to compete with Photoshop Models
Sure, men also have to deal with pimped by Photoshop super types – but not nearly to the same extent as women. We are under constant pressure to be beautiful, slim and extremely attractive. What it would be nice to finally every woman (and every man) should be as happy as she or he is. Natural beauty is today but apparently not enough …
- We struggle every month with PMS and pimples attacks
That’s so mean! While most men have with pimples logically nothing to do with little and PMS, we give ourselves every month the edge. Yes, we are proud to be a woman and do not want to replace also. Only every four weeks for a few days being a man, yes, that’s it!
- We are accused of being sluts
No, the times when women are accused of being sluts just because they often times change their lovers are still not over. Gymnastics Men by all beds, are they cool, make women the same, is not it. What is this?