Hair color in pregnancy
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For many women, it simply is part of the beauty this: hair coloring. Especially if they can look already the first pieces of silver. During pregnancy, stop it, then hard. But it must be, right? Finally, in hair dye inserted a lot of chemistry. We wanted to know exactly what goes into the myth of coloring hair during pregnancy is dangerous.
A healthy skepticism about the ingredients of hair dyes is not wrong. Finally, they manage to dye our hair from blonde to brown or gray strands to make visible only with a lot of chemistry. A few years before hair dye has been associated with bladder cancer in the United States, interceded in us the fear around, the chemical substances could penetrate through the scalp into the body and cause bad there.
Above all, expectant mothers are afraid to jeopardize by hair dyes, the health of her unborn child. But come in dyeing – be it at the barber or at home – really chemical in the body?
Chemistry in the body by color?
Whether eye shadow, nail polish or shampoo: Never substances may migrate from the product into the human organism. Even creams that promise effects in deep skin layers are pure surface muscles in anatomical terms. Even hair dye must satisfy this claim. In recent years they have been repeatedly subjected to rigorous testing.
While there is no authorization requirement for cosmetics, but their manufacturers have to guarantee their safety. Sampling check the states, whether the products meet the legal requirements. Cosmetic products that pose a health risk may not be available on the market, – that you also and especially for hair dye.
The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in UK, which checks the safety of cosmetics, explained in terms of pregnancy and lactation question: “information about health risks from hair dyes that are used during pregnancy and lactation, currently do not exist.”
So better not dye?
Is hair dye for pregnant women and the unborn child so it completely safe? Yes and no. Firstly, the statement of the Federal Institute are only again that there is currently no evidence of risk by the hair colors. But just because you have not found anything or could prove, that does not mean that there are not that.
On the other hand takes a different risk for pregnant women’s hair coloring into play – the allergy one. Hair dye can cause severe allergic reactions, something like this is the warning, which can be found on the package inserts of each coloring, tinting or bleaching.
The manufacturers recommend to perform an allergy test 48 hours before coloring. For this purpose, for example, behind the ear a small area of skin with pure color dabs (without fixative). Then, if nothing itches, weeps or burns, is the risk that the colorant will trigger an allergy, as well as excluded. For pregnant women such an allergy would be particularly threatening because they have to give may to medication.
Dyeing with henna
The good news for pregnant women who want to play it safe: There are alternatives to conventional hair dyes.
They consist of natural ingredients such as bark, leaves or henna powder. Them, however, metal salts are frequently added. Important: Although they are not a health concern, but they remain in the hair and make an over-coloring with chemical colors impossible.
Care with henna colors from the non-European countries. They often contain PPD, a substance that is classified as hazardous to health.
Fresh color dull manes like he can hide gray hairs.
- Tint fluid for the approach:
Be applied to the approach and remain until the next wash the hair.
It also pregnant should take:
Our conclusion: Who is pregnant, the health of his body and the unborn child should introduce each ideal of beauty. Many expectant mothers decide about the safest way and dispense in pregnancy and lactation on the hair dyeing with chemical substances. So any residual risk can be safely excluded. Thanks to the alternatives to chemical dyes, but they do not have to walk around with gray interspersed tuft.
Who still wants to color, should make the allergy test – even those who did it with the same color before. During pregnancy, the hormone levels and the quality of the hair change. This allows not only the color otherwise precipitate out earlier, but also the susceptibility to allergy be increased.