Healthy and balanced diet can be that simple! We show with five simple rules, as it is possible in everyday.
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Healthy eating is easy
More fruits and vegetables, to whole grains and less fast food – there are a lot of smart tips about healthy eating. But how to set the best order in everyday life?
The ten most important rules for a healthy and balanced diet summarized the English Nutrition Society in practice. Very important: Eat versatile. The larger the food selection is that you draw, the better you are supplied with all nutrients.
And you must be supplied with sufficient vitamins. You have several advantages. For one, your immune system is strengthened, which means you will not easily get sick. However, a healthy diet also helps you to beautiful skin, strong nails and shiny hair, because in many foods are beauty minerals such as zinc or selenium hide.
With all the advantages that come with a healthy diet, you should also not forget that it is still to delicious! Finally, nothing beats a home-cooked meal with fresh herbs, delicious vegetables and a light dessert like a bowl of fruit salad with vanilla sauce …
Rule 1: Versatile eat
The most important part of a healthy diet is as versatile as possible to eat. Check out next purchase times exactly: What foods you see that you have never bought? Surely there is one or the other vegetables or fruit that you do not yet know. Parsnips or parsley roots are many more unusual vegetables. Make the Internet smart and pick out a delicious recipe to do. And then buy it a try and cook with it.
Info: As diverse and varied food is in many ways a good thing. On the one hand is not as fast boredom on your plate, and on the other, you are much better supplied with the various nutrients. Because all food, whether fruit, vegetables, meat, cereals and milk, contain different vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. that we all need for a healthy diet.
Rule 2: Plenty of cereal products and with the potatoes
Bread and Pasta fill you up and contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Eat several times a day so one serving. Ideal are whole grains, because contain all the ingredients of the grain and thus significantly more nutrients than products made from light flour. Many supermarkets now offer whole wheat pasta, the taste really delicious and not that much different than traditional pasta. Try whole wheat pasta but even with a sharp arrabiata sauce that complements the delicate flavor best.
Incidentally, whole meal and multigrain bread are not the same. When multigrain bread out the high-ground flour is usually used and easy pimped with different grains’. Ask in the bakery best targeted for real whole grain bread. That does not even contain grains. There are also finely ground versions.
Rule 3: 5x a day fruit and vegetables
It is not easy, but doable: Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day should land on your plate in a balanced diet. Two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables are good? One serving equals approximately to what fits in your hand.
Start in the morning with cereal with fresh fruit. Then you have checked off one serving of fruit. As snack example, there are some carrot sticks or a few slices of cucumber. Lunch definitely a good portion of vegetables or salad to the pasta in the afternoon as a snack an apple and also again in the evening salad or cucumber, tomato for bread.
Rule 4: Milk products, meat and fish
Animal foods such as meat, cheese or milk are often contain too much fat and to promote an increased level of cholesterol in disrepute. That’s not natural. Because they contain many important nutrients. So milk and dairy products are important, for example, calcium suppliers, meat contains vital B-vitamins and fish iodine and omega-3 fatty acids.
Healthy food has so little to do with the right degree. Milk and milk products you should eat daily. But watch out for low fat versions such as skim milk and yoghurt, metallurgical.
Fish should prepare one to two times per week, best fat fish. When meat it should not be more than 600 grams per week. This includes sausages. Here, pay attention to naturally low-fat varieties such as poultry products, cooked ham.
Rule 5: Fat and high-fat foods in moderation
Fat is much better than its reputation. Because fat contains many essential fatty acids and it is therefore essential, when it comes to the topic of healthy eating. But when it comes very fat on the type and amount? So you should eat animal fat from meat or eggs only in small quantities. It contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which have a bad influence on cholesterol levels. Better are vegetable fats such as olive or canola oil.
Tip: Use only for cooking small quantities of oil. This works if you are using coated pans. Eat only rarely fried and avoid fast food as well as finished products, which often contain a lot of hidden fat. Try to take no more than 60-80 grams of fat per day to themselves.