Author Archives: Busra Demir

These Wisdom You Will Find in Any Parenting Books in The World

wisdom ideas

There are infinitely many parenting books with clever tips, advice and ideas. But who herself has children knows that no amount is half of the truth in it.

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Any book warns parents against children, take each corner and edge, really divulge everything and always know exactly when it where something sweet is..

Attraction Door / Head

Children constantly hit their head, race against doors, hit corners, tables, edges … There seems to be a pretty attractive force between the child’s head and all, in which one can encounter.

Accidents Happen

Does not make you ready when your child falls and hurts. This happens to all parents – even if you still watching as well.

Magic Radar for Everything Unhealthy

The unhealthy food like stand still so hidden, you can find your children.

Secrets are Not Sure

Once your child asks you -Do not merely the father – grandma  – aunt Ann-  it’s only a matter of time before slipping him the secret. Not intentionally, but it happens.

You need a moment for you?

Asks the little ones to get you xyz. Who needs a lot of time for yourself, choose something that is a bit hidden.

Quengel Alarm

Everything is stupid, bitching and whining children in a tour: Now it’s time for a dip in the outdoor. Just a short walk is enough. If it rains, then the gang pulls easy to waterproof.

Stop Toilets

They say that they do not have to go to the bathroom. But: In ten minutes, the little ones need it. So, ensure that your children take every opportunity toilet.

Just do not Fall Asleep

The whole trip was the children awake and bored. Now, just before you arrived home, they suddenly become sleepy. Let asleep any possibility – unless it anyway bedtime. Otherwise, they sleep the next few hours and they are awake at night.

The Most Common Reasons For Separation


This love will not be forever? This can be found at the beginning of a relationship hardly imagine. But the fact is: Many relationships do not go on till lifetime,it fail at the some point.

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The reasons why partners decide to go separate ways, they are manifold. What are the most common reasons for a separation, it has the market research institute Frittkau and Maass found in the order of Elite Partner.

In the online survey 10,855 people were interviewed from 18 years of the possible reasons for a separation from a partner. We tell you here the most common reasons for separation.

Multiple Cheating

Still A one-time fling can forgive apparently. But it should not remain at the one time, the respondents are final deadline for 72.4 percent. A multiple fling is the separation principle number one.

Honesty and Lies

Lies, dishonesty and secrecy: For 71.2 percent of surveyed men and women there is not so funny. They would separate, they should discover with your partner.


Routine is one of the biggest relationship killer at all. And indeed: Over half of all respondents (50,9 percent) reported in the survey that if the relationship routine only and emotionally impoverished, they come for only a separation in question.

Constant Disputes

Dispute comes from time to time in any relationship. But if there is persistent thick air and get the partner for every little thing in the hair, which is a separation principle for 49.9 percent of the respondents.

No Understanding and No Support

If it is in the job or for example, health things are not going so well, it is great to have someone by your side, the understanding of one applied and supported us. However, most of the time the case is the opposite, then this is for 49.8 percent, almost half of the respondents, a separation principle.

Once Cheating

A fling is a significant burden on a relationship. Because the trust of the partner is away for now. 47.6 percent reported in the survey that a fling and if it is only this one time, it was a separation principle for them.


For many people, the absolute horror. Feel confined by the partner. If the other one behind the phone constantly, never once does something to his friends and constantly wants to do everything in pairs, that is the reason for separation for respondents 42.2 percent.


Beautifully Fresh Instead Greasy Stains

oil free beauty

So the complexion remains long matt!

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If the skin is oily, shiny complexion. So simple, so annoying. Because excessive skin gloss can manage us and act unkempt. Luckily, there’s a lot of tricks and Anti-glare specialists who help to preserve the fresh breath frosted skin all day long.

If the oil film brings the complexion skidded on the skin, it has a beauty simulation program that targets the cause of the problem: Hyperactive sebaceous glands that produce too much sebum (skin oil). The reasons may be manifold: A hormonal imbalance in the body, but also stress, poor diet and high temperatures they bring into service.

The result: Excess sebum as a film settles on the skin surface and makes it shine. He also blocked the oxygen uptake – one reason why oily skin often looks slightly pale and not rosy fresh.

Step 1: Remove excess fat and calm sebaceous glands

The correct cleaning routine is for oily skin that will work all day dull, the first important step.

Cleaning gel: Please mild. Otherwise, turn the sebaceous glands only on right.

Face water: Absolutely. Otherwise, leaving a film of surfactants and lime, the skin wants to get rid of – by producing lots of extra sebum. The best now use products already with matting (eg kaolin) and sebum-regulating ingredients.

Step 2: A lot of moisture, fat zero

If you’re thinking, oily skin needs after washing no cream,it is on the wrong track. Oily skin needs a lot of moisture. Often a deficiency is thus the reason that the sebaceous glands are in full swing. Which they do not actually need, additional fats or oils.

So: Fat-free gel or fluid applied, the matting ideally contain substances and have an antibacterial effect. The skin must then feel soft and smooth and must not be tight.

Step 3: Foundation – but please no oil

Normal foundations contain nourishing oils that enhance skin shine. The solution: Oil-free foundations which dull the skin, but not dry. Preferably with a brush (make-up buffer), then the job is particularly uniform.

Now Wearing The Green Parka Again any – Is it uncool or still trendy?

green parka

Really everyone has it. This tells us if our every feeling. If we focus on, we actually see only people in green parkas run past us. Apparently it makes the most out of nothing, to take a look, with which they are not great apart from the crowd. What is the green parka just so popular?

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To find out if the green parka trend is still or slowly but surely must vacate its place. We have Carolina Slute.She is an editor in many moda home and we have Muller. This two persons are agree – The parka is and remains popular.- But why they think this?

The Parka is not only look stylish ,it is also practical and functional. It can be combined perfectly with any look – says Sluete. That you can wear it with many outfits,  also Muller big plus point of the jacket. But also to more elegant styles? Finally, the parka is indeed quite sporty.

Are there models that are now very trendy?

Green. Parka. Alright. Typical characteristics of a classic parkas are the way the hood, the straight cut and the two pockets in the pelvic area. Nevertheless: A green parka is not just a green parka. From a distance, might see all models of the same, upon closer inspection, there are differences – especially in terms of hue and cut. Suppose I do not have a green parka and would like me necessarily.

What trendy alternatives are there in the fall and winter?

As I said: – The green parka is and remains popular – which does not mean now, must remain that all other jackets and coats hanging unnoticed on the clothes racks. Quite the contrary. There are alternatives. The coat trend for fall and winter are definitely stylish – says Schlueter. – And these are the very soft models, in which you prefer would like more purely snuggle up.-

With These Recipe Holiday Goes Into Overtime

tortallini salad

Raindrops are on the window panes, gray sky, barely 20 degrees . Summer. Where are you? We would love to make ourselves comfortable on the couch now, to eat our favorite candies and just shut out the weather frustration.

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Much better: We cook us something beautiful and it is not just anything, but a great dish that conjures up our summer and all the wonderful memories of the last holiday back to the heart.

Tortellini salad, with our recipe, the holiday now goes into overtime.

Tortellini salad


for 4 servings

  • 400 g tortellini with cheese filling
  • 1 shallot
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 50 g bacon
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 150 ml vegetable stock
  • 2 tablespoons capers / from a jar
  • 1 tsp runny honey
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes
  • Salt, freshly ground pepper
  • 50 g rocket / arugula
  • 1 small radicchio
  • ¼ cantaloupe / like Galia melon


Prepare tortellini according to package instructions. Then give Tortellini on a sieve, pour in cold water and drain.

Pull shallot and dice finely. Fry bacon crisp, remove and drain on kitchen paper in a heated pan.

Put olive oil in the pan and heat. Sauté shallots until translucent. Stir in broth, vinegar and honey to the pan, season with salt and pepper. Drain the capers and stir. Mix tortellini with the dressing and allow to cool.

Arugula, cut thick stems. Wash arugula, pat dry or spin dry. Radicchio clean, rinse and drain well. Cut lettuce into bite-sized pieces.

Rinse, dry and halve tomatoes. The stems approaches to cut out. Core, peel and cut the flesh into cubes melon.

Mix lettuce, tomatoes and watermelon pieces with the tortellini. Salad again to taste with salt and pepper. Bacon coarsely crumble, arrange salad with it.

Tip: This salad is perfect for a summer party. The tortellini with the dressing can be prepared the day before. Just before the guests arrive, the salad then season to taste, maybe even add a little broth and oil and mix in the remaining salad ingredients.