Author Archives: Busra Demir

You are Horror, but I Love You Anyway –  Why Is It So Great to Have a Sister


Having a sister is something really terrific. It’s like having a personal, very special best friend. And forever and ever! Our sister is familiar to us from childhood, she has shared everything with us: chocolate bars, family vacations and the small and big disasters of teenage life. The all welded together.

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Of course it is also a brother very close. But among sisters one is somehow still a small, crucial step closer. We are carved from wood and had broadly by doing the same, until we were grown up. Our sister is thus a very important part of our lives. It is difficult to explain in words what makes precisely the relationship with her ​​so. We try it anyway. Here are reasons why it is so unique to have a sister!

  • No nonsense diet

She is the only one who makes us regarding food no rules. A chip binge or the huge portion of lasagna – all that brings the sister smile would never criticize the other.

  • Food is shared sisterly

When your order at the restaurant does not taste good, you can safely graze on her plate. Finally we had as a child every bunch together share (Be nice and give your sister from something).

  • Secret codes for all

It’s like a secret language when we talk together: a word and the other immediately knows what is meant. Lifetime exercise halt.

  • Thank you? Why?

Although it is only half as nice to her as you might be, it helps one the most. And she knows that even without explicit – thank you -. This is among sisters not even necessary.

  • Lions Mama

The bond between sisters is so thick that there is hardly anything that could destroy it in the long run. They would always defend ourselves if someone attacks us or offended. Like a lion mom.

  • The elder shall always be the Mature

As a child, the elder sister is always cooler than you. She was emulating. She is the great example. And somehow the roles of upper / lower case remains even later so and will probably never change.

  • Forgive and forget

There are arguments, yelling, crying because of some trifles – and five minutes later everything is forgotten (it would be different, would have the terrible twos and puberty never been through together).

  • The third double wardrobe

A very good aspect of a sister: Man has a double closet, so to speak. And clearly they must lend us their new favorite shirt – after all, remains in the family.

First love – Why It Is The Most Beautiful and Unforgettable

first love

Sweaty palms, red ears, tingling in the belly – who is in love for the first time, for the world is the head. Nothing works. Eating, sleeping, thinking of something else? Impossible! The first love caught us with skin and hair.

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No wonder that many think back wistfully to her first love. According to a survey of 1,600 singles do at least 22 percent of men and 31 percent of all women.

And yes, we admit it: The first love is the one that you see quite transfigured in retrospect. As is glossed over, glorified and romanticized what it’s worth. But that’s also the beauty of it. Fancy a little nostalgic raptures, thinking of your first love? Here are a few good reasons why it is so absolutely unique:

  1. It is so gorgeous inexperienced. The love is with all its secrets before one.
  2. There are thousands of firsts: The first meeting, the first kiss, the first declaration of love, the first time, the first time longing and missing, the first reconciliation.
  3. Red ears, sweaty palms – never again you are so wonderfully uncertain.
  4. It is completely surprised when you suddenly feel the butterflies in your stomach – a dazzling feeling.
  5. -Will you go with me Yes – No -. Perhaps- Never again provides a small list for so much excitement.
  6. First love is only once. The sets standards for the following relationships.
  7. The first time someone loves us for our own sake (someone who is not mom and dad’s). This is a mega booster for the ego, you’ll never forget.
  8. If you love the first time, is still completely unburdened by negative experiences. You really think, Forever!
  9. All thoughts only revolve around the loved one. And suddenly it does not matter what others think and say.
  10. Stammering, stuttering, if it is there, it devious a language.

Looks Like It, as If I Were Pregnant?

belly fat, tummy fat

Thought, the women buzz with a little tummy through the head. Stomach in, chest out – so most women maneuver skillfully through life with a little tummy. Not tragic. If only this voice in my head would not …

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Who tends to be small tummies, is like a little bit longer before the mirror, in the morning ten times moves, because everything somehow too emphasizes the bacon rolls. Or because it looks as though you something to hide.

Typical things that one so go there through my head:

  • Does that make me fat, the upper part?

When I look in the mirror, then by all means, but the bathroom mirror was ok.

  • When I put on the top today, I have all day to move the belly .

Sit down … and I should not feel better!

Probably priceless … And dangerous to the be …

  • Conceals the wide upper part of the abdomen or think all that I have something to hide?

Bacon rolls or a baby bump as …

  • How much cleavage I have to show to distract from my stomach?

And when it acts just slutty?

  • Help! I am a brawn!

This stupid belly-off-pants cut like crazy one – but really lean does not make them.

  • Why can I have not a big butt?

The can be much easier to hide under long tops.

  • Can I eat chickpeas salad well?

Or swell my belly then on to three times.

  • Why the woman looks so funny on my stomach? Does she think that I’m pregnant?

Just info: I’m not pregnant, I just have a little tummy! But I wish I were pregnant, the belly would disappear again after nine months.

These thoughts are familiar with most of the women with the problem zone belly. But girls, forget these fantasies. You are beautiful as you are! And you are probably the only ones wasting a thought on your belly .

Rhubarb – The Fruity Vegetables!

rhubarb and strawbery

Rhubarb is his enemy sour flavor one of the few vegetables that is used for desserts, jams and cakes, as only the reddish-purple stems and not the broccoli-like fruit is cooked.

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So do not be surprised if you have never seen the rhubarb fruit because the flowers are usually pinched off before fruiting, so all the power remains in the stems.

Fancy tart sweetness?

Then quickly try out our delicious rhubarb recipes.

Rhubarb – A long history

The large-leaved crop comes from the northern Asia and belongs to the family Polygonaceae. Rhubarb has already been appreciated since time immemorial because of its fleshy stems. Because rhubarb has a long tradition not only as an ornamental plant, but above all as a medical medicinal plant. Only in the 18th century it was officially classified by botanists as a vegetable plant. However, only the edible leaf stalks that can grow up to one meter high. The rhubarb has to be cooked to be eaten, because raw rhubarb is inedible. Caution: The leaves contain toxic substances.

The Dream Team –  Strawberry and Rhubarb

The rhubarb season is from April to July – just long enough to overlap with the beginning of strawberry season. Strawberry and rhubarb are created for each other, because they complement each other perfectly. The red berry brings the sweetness that is missing from the rhubarb. Turn the stem vegetables provides plenty of pectin – a natural gelling agent, to the lack of strawberry. Not for nothing is strawberry-rhubarb jam classic when it comes to canning. Nevertheless, rhubarb jam tastes great with other fruits.

A bar full of nutrients

Rhubarb is wonderful in calories with an extremely high water content:

100 g contain just 16 calories! To neutralize the natural acidity, rhubarb is however often made ​​with lots of sugar, which the original low calorie naturally drives according to the height. So go with sugar sparingly! Healthy Rhubarb is all because it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins! Due to the high fiber content, the stems in China for thousands of years used for medicinal purposes and used as a natural laxative.

What should you consider when buying?

The rhubarb stalks have depending on the variety, a green to violet color. The variety Queen Victoria is green, the varieties Canada Red or Macdonald are red. The red stems with red pulp contain the least acid and are therefore more digestible. The freshness criteria, however, are the same for all grades: The rods should be smooth, thick and solid feel and have to break crisp. From a freshly broken stalk some juice must come out.

Storing and freezing

The rods should ideally be consumed at the latest after the purchase on the day. You can keep a pinch, a few days in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator rhubarb, however. To freeze the chopped pieces or the compote should be placed in a freezer bag.

Tricks to neutralize the acid

  • Peel: The skin contains a lot of acid. Peeled rhubarb is so mild. With thick stems just peel the outer skin with a knife (always at the lower end, ie at the interface start).
  • Quick cook: Boil out the rods 2 min in boiling water.
  • Sugaring: Cut rhubarb small and let soak for a few hours in a bowl with some sugar.
  • With milk products combine (cottage cheese, yogurt, mascarpone, pudding, rice pudding, cream cheese …), because that the acidity is balanced.

The small cooking instructions

Cut the rhubarb pieces small and put to boil in a pot. Per kilo add 100 g of sugar and cook 20 minutes over low heat until the pieces are soft. To get a softer consistency, simply enter a large glass of water.

Rhubarb: Versatile!

  • The soft texture is wonderful for Crumbles, muffins or cakes.
  • pink rhubarb juice or even most rare rhubarb ice drink are all the rage. Also delicious: a strawberry-rhubarb smoothie
  • A cream gets through the rhubarb a refreshing note.
  • When preparing jam or compote, try the rhubarb once with apples and lightly toasted almonds.
  • In combination with chocolate or in a Tiramisu rhubarb makes for a wonderful surprise!
  • Ideal for children: A rhubarb biscuits casserole or a rhubarb semolina pudding!
  • For large and small: Rhabarbereis is simply irresistible!

Mama, What Have You Annoyed!

hair colors

Do you remember the time when no one so much as Mama has annoyed with their constant alls land? We have rolled her eyes, made ​​us deaf or have even become abusive. One thing was clear: Mama has not a right but is just petty! And today? As we know from our own, sometimes painful experience, that it was not Mama who had the wrong, but (mostly) us. For example, with these things here:

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  1. Hair

She warned us. But we still have (almost) all made ​​it, of course: we bleached hair, colored, streaked over the top. Many of us make it even today – and sooner or later try desperately to return to again own natural hair color.

  1. Tattoos

-Before you’re 18 years old, i will not let you tattoo!-  Yes, that was annoying. And yet we are today Mama really grateful that we are not a 16 ‘ass antlers’ or this cute dolphin on the ankle have tattooed.

  1. Attracted inappropriate

How we hated it when the sentence – So you’re not going out of the house – fell. By the time we were a little older and 14 year old girls have seen in super tight mini skirts with midriff tops. Must not be real.

  1. Lie

-Liar-, which has Mama told us more than once. And we? Did it naturally better and are more than once really embarrassing so flown on the nose. Today we know better thankfully and just leave it. Or provide us with at least significantly more adept at doing.

  1. Off to bed!

By 8 clock to go to bed? But since the TV was only just exciting! And today? Hach, what we would give to just be able to ever fall into bed super early …