Author Archives: Busra Demir

That’s With Constant Chocolate Lust – Tips Against Cravings

chocolate lust

Tips to cravings – It helps

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Chocolate! Now! Immediately! And then a couple of biscuits, sweets and what we get else in the fingers. Cravings is a real nuisance that can make life really hard. The thoughts all day to nothing but sweets, although you actually want desperately to lose weight, is the evil. For it is only a matter of time before we give in to the urge to cram everything in us that which is in tangible Nourish.

But where does cravings really? The causes are varied. Often there is a direct relationship with our blood sugar levels. What we eat, sugar enters the bloodstream, the blood sugar levels rise and the body has to produce insulin to lower blood sugar levels again. This is quite normal. After sweets or white flour products, the rise in blood sugar levels is very fast and strong. Unfortunately, it falls a little later quickly and deeply again. The body responds with cravings, because such a low blood sugar level is associated with a lack of food.

The situation is different when we eat a whole grain bread with cheese or a piece of meat with salad. Although the blood sugar rises too, but much slower and not as strong. Just slow it drops again. Cravings remains off.

With the right food choice we have a certain influence on our cravings. But cravings caused by many other things such as chronic stress, fatigue or psychological problems. The best advice against cravings are available on the following pages. First is betrayed how to respond correctly to a binge, then there are tips to make it not only comes to cravings.

Immediate Action – Chew peppermint gum

Against cravings helps not sweet fruit, but what peppermint containing. Peppermint is nice and sharp and spreads quickly in the mouth. The appetite for sweets disappear by itself. So just pick up the gum, sucking hard candy, or brushing teeth.

Immediate Action – Deflecting

We pay no attention to the cravings, he makes are usually within a few minutes from the dust and leaves us in peace. Distraction is the motto when the appetite for sweets or salty breaks into a sudden about us.

Ideas for deflecting:

  • Call girlfriend
  • Walking
  • Turn on and surf PC
  • Clean up

Preventive –  Do not starve

Who is hungry, suffering faster with cravings. This is due to low blood sugar levels. Therefore: Never go hungry and eat until you are full.

Preventive – Enjoying food

Do not loop, but enjoy: Those who follow this tip, fights rare with cravings. Loops we casually down our meals or eat only when we are with what others just busy, we often do not even know what we ate. Shame about the great food! No matter what we eat, we should take the time to taste every bite. The markets cravings, because the food makes us happier and who is satisfied, does not suffer from constant appetite.

Not Interested In Sports? Here Are Good Reasons Why One Should Pull Themselves

it is in your hands 5 tips work stress

Come on in, the slippers!  -Motivated the angels.- This sofa is so much more convenient, – whispers the devil. Usually we fold the sport and give us the weaker. Not a good idea.

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Fight the bastard! That’s why regular exercise is so good for us:

Bye, stress!

Chocolate! A glass of wine! These are popular stress-killers without question. But wait! Much better acts Sport. By moving stress is effectively reduced, we feel then fit and as free of anger and frustration. Unlike chocolate and alcohol, although they help in the short term, but at the same time make a bad conscience.

Welcome, restful sleep

Thanks a strenuous sport unit we sleep better and wake up the next day to recover. Without sports, we often restless wallow around in bed and think for hours about alleged problems after.

Chips? No, thank you!                   

An evening without sports: We are sitting on the sofa and eat unhealthy stuff out of boredom or sheer frustration.

An Evening of Sports: We treat ourselves after training a large salad and feel the need our bodies to continue to do good.

Desired weight, I’m coming!

Really any sport unit burns calories and brings us closer to our desired weight. Why can win the baser?

Proud as a peacock!

The pride of having just pulled through, even inspires us the next day!


Through sports endorphins are released. Bad mood? Not a chance.

Relationship tester

Motion also has an effect on our relationship: Usually a bit of sport increases body awareness and thus the desire for sex!

The more regular, the easier

Only today … not next week. So runs the always – and suddenly it was not for two weeks in sports. Pretty stupid, because if we would make the training finally the everyday routine, the devil would have no chance more!

What Helps Against Nausea? The Best Tips


Oh how bad! The stomach is a thick boulders and in mind pops the question to – I must give myself the same? –  Nausea is one of the nastiest diseases that can make one – because one feels in a heap. And you only want to know: What helps to relieve nausea?

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Nausea may have different causes. It can occur as a result of too much food or too much alcohol. In the case just only helps Wait until the stomach food or beverage has digested. Often nausea is a side effect of gastrointestinal disease or a food intolerance. However, infectious diseases, migraine or pregnancy can ensure that ours is bad. Who answer the question – What helps against nausea – searches, so it must first find out where the nausea comes.

Unfortunately, it does not stop with a sinking feeling in the stomach in most cases. Those who suffer from nausea, has usually also sweats and feels dizzy. Often – but not always – the vomiting center of the brain is activated and you have to pass. If the nausea caused by food, it goes one better then most. For all others, we have the answer to the question – What helps against nausea – on the following pages. Because there are a few home remedies that help in the rule to happiness. If you do not continue with it, there are special medications. You should also be best to lie down, relax and drink enough. The nausea has not improved after two or three days, a doctor should be consulted.


Ginger is a wonder drug for gastrointestinal diseases. In the tuber specific pungent substances stuck (and shogaole) that suppress the nausea and promote the digestive function.

If you like, cut slices of the tuber and brew it as a tea. Drink as needed. Ginger, there are also dried or as drops.


In case of slight nausea and a very simple trick can help: Take a deep breath, best in the fresh air. This would especially help if the nausea from too much food or alcohol comes.

Camomile tea

Chamomile or fennel tea are also among the home remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems – even with nausea. Just one, drink two cups in little sips. The tea should not be sweetened as possible and not be too hot.

Also peppermint tea can help – here but you should try carefully whether the pungent aroma not rather the opposite effect and increases the nausea.

Something Light to Eat

Listen to the nausea of too much alcohol here, a light meal can drive them. Turns at the thought of not eating stomach, you should try a serving of oatmeal, a banana or a biscuit in small bites. Often that soothes the stomach.


Now It’s Over! Top 4 Reasons to Quit Smoking

quit Smoking

Motivation complacent? You are welcome …

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Lung cancer, heart attack : Yes, smoking is bad for the body. Known. Stop still falls damn hard because smoking is more than an annoying habit. It is a true-addiction.

Nevertheless, with the right motivation anyone can make it, finally throwing away cigarette butts and start in a cigarette-free life. It need only the right reasons here. Those who lead a the hard hitting facts in mind, but at the same time make courage.

If you stop smoking, for example, is super fast experience better quality of life. Even after 48 hours, improve the smell and taste. How good taste chocolate without the nicotine filter? Or a creamy ice cream? And after only a month to listen to even the annoying coughing fits, which are always so embarrassing.

Whom it has so far not impressed that in Germany per day from about 300 to 400 people die from the consequences of smoking (there are annually up to 140,000), or that the life expectancy shortened by a good ten years.

  • Smoking costs an incredible amount of money

What it costs! Smoking is an expensive vice. Even those who only smokes four cigarettes a day, throwing out a good 400 euros to the window in one year. A week All-inclusive holidays are for the money loose inside!

Who smokes a pack a day, so about 20 cigarettes, comes in good Euro 1900. For the money you can really make a lot of holidays, go shopping, eat in fancy restaurants .

  • Smoking increases the risk of dangerous lung cancer

Yes, well, everyone knows smoking that lung cancer risk increases with every cigarette. But to whom is clear that 90 percent of all deaths are caused by lung cancer from smoking? Around 43,000 persons die each year from lung cancer in a small country.

BUT: Those who manage to quit, after only ten years smoke-free reduces the risk of lung cancer by half! And after three months, the lung function by up to 30 percent improved, the Federal Centre for Health Education.

  • Smoking increases the risk for cancer danger there

Not only is the risk of lung cancer increases, other cancers caught smoking about twice as likely as Non smoking. In women it is especially breast cancer and cervical cancer.

BUT: After only ten years to stop smoking, the risk significantly reduced in air and oesophageal, kidney or pancreas developing cancer.

  • Also smoking always increases the risk for cardiovascular disease

And still quite a blow to the health and life expectancy: Smokers suffer more frequently from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke.

BUT: Cessation worth it in no time! After only 24 hours, according BZgA reduced the risk of heart attacks. After only one year, the risk of heart attack falls to half the risk of smokers and after 15 years it is not higher than the risk of a nonsmoker.

Trendy Crafting Fun! How to Make Loom Tapes

rubber bands

Loom make tapes for yourself

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Here, a bracelet for you – because you like it – Colorful Loom Bracelets are just the absolute trend in kindergarten and school. Especially little girls spend much of their free time with the tying of the ribbon. For themselves and of course their girlfriends. Because friendship bracelets are still as popular as in our childhood and youth.

Loom Bracelets can be done quite easily by you. It requires only a Loom (the frame), many colorful rubber bands and a hook and clips to pin the finished tapes.

Meanwhile, there are an infinite number of variations of the Loom Bracelets. Not only the colors, but also in the way how they are made. A simple step-by-step instructions are available on the following pages.

That you need for the colorful rainbow ribbons:

  • Colorful rubber bands
  • A Loom
  • A hook
  • S or C-clips

Step 1

Take the first rubber band and loop it as in the picture diagonally by two pins. Make sure that the average number of pins is set slightly higher.

Step 2

Now take a different colored rubber band and loop it diagonally from the right pin to the center pin.

Step 3

Take another rubber band, and it wraps diagonally to the middle and the right pin.

Step 4

Does that always so on until the end of the Looms.

rubber bands step 5

Step 5

If a rubber band and loop it like an eight to two fingers. Then solves the tape carefully from the fingers, so that the remains Eight, and puts the tape together.

Step 6

Is now the folded strip about the center pin, to which the final rubber was set.

rubber bands step 7

Step 7

Rotates the Loom around now, so that the end piece with the folded belt lies before you. Then take the hook needle, she sticks by the folded light blue band and performs the hook of the needle under the yellow rubber.

Step 8

Pull the yellow rubber over the pin out .

Step 9

And … loop it diagonally over the right pin on the already sits the other end of the yellow gum.

Step 10

Then go with the needle as in the image below to see the green rubber, it pulls slightly and inverts it diagonally on the pin at the other end of the green rubber. So keep going until you have arrived at the end of the loop.

rubber bands step 11

Step 11

Almost there! Take now a s-or c-clip, …

Step 12

… Connect it to the last rubber and solves the tape carefully from the Loop from. Closes the clip to the other end of the tape. Now the bracelet can even be tightened.