Author Archives: Busra Demir

Diet Mistakes

diet mistakes

If it does not work with weight loss – This diet mistakes can be debt.

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  1. Too many good intentions

The list of our good intentions is long: During the diet, there are no sweets, we go every day for sports, eat nutritious foods, cook always fresh, not snacken all day …

What happens: On or before the third day we bend one. So many resolutions we can not implement all at once! If things go really bad, we’ll throw the diet out completely.

Better: Small superior goals we can also implement! Since we rarely make just one week diet, you can also change gradually things. In week one screw on the diet, in two weeks what change in sport behavior and so on.

  1. Eat too little

In the morning just a little fruit, steamed vegetables for lunch and dinner a broth: It has wonderful little calories. Still is not a good idea if you want to hold the diet for more than two days in a row.

What happens: We are constantly hungry, sooner or later uses the cravings and we eat huge amounts. That being said, we are not supplied with sufficient nutrients and the yo-yo effect continues after a diet.

Better: We are well fed and happy, at least 1,200 kcal should be eaten on the day.

  1. It overdo with the sport

Daily sport, only make one hour endurance, then push it past a device unit, so that muscles are built. The fact is: you can also overdo it with the sport!

What happens: Who has not spent his evenings rather on the sofa, after the first day have terrible muscle soreness and pause for now. And if one then starts again …

Better: Do not overdo it, but start slowly. 30 minutes endurance with a slow tempo and rich. And one day break should always be adhered to so that the body can recover.

  1. Themselves prohibit all

All get an ice cream at noon – but you yourself omitted because it does not fit to the diet. The same applies for the cocktail evening was leaving with friends or dinner invitation. Of course, who wants to lose weight must not accept any offers but reject all, is also wrong.

What happens: Who ever denies everything, will eventually totally frustrated and loses the fun in life. Apart from the fact that the cravings just waiting – always ready to get to have your say.

Better: yourself carefully consider how much you would just ice cream or cocktail. Can we do without it, you should just do that too. Is the appetite very large, you should allow yourself a small portion – but it also left.

  1. Give up too soon

It just will not work! We are totally frustrated that suddenly all else fails, although we play sports and eat little. It was the first week as well!

What happens: In many after a while uses a weight arrest. Now it’s time to persevere and not get angry.

Better: Tut on the balance despite all efforts nothing more, a few days should be eaten a bit more. Then it’ll work again with the weight loss.

Eating by the clock – The 8-hour diet in weight loss check

diet 8 hours

Counting calories are pretty boring. How much easier would our lives be if we would have to make no more worrying about fat and Co. and we would instead only focus on when we eat. This idea was also the US-fitness expert David Zinczenko interesting and has the 8-hour diet developed.

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The 8-hour diet in practice

Eat eight hours per day, the remaining 16 hours one practices in abstinence. This sounds at first quite easy. Quite as much is eight hours but not when playing through the 8-hour diet and physically to one day. So should you eat in the period of 9 bis 17 clock clock. Or from 12 bis 20 clock clock, if you are a morning person and a late dinner prefers breakfast. Before and after that anything containing calories should come from the lips. This includes the coffee with milk, glass of juice or tea with sugar. Up to 12 clock noon really nothing to eat, is pretty hard. Just as from 17 clock to fast.

After all: Supposedly may be eaten at the 8-hour diet everything your heart desires. The pounds are still tumble – even if one considers only three days a week at this FastPlan. In a postscript adds David Zinczenko, who is also editor in chief of the American – Men’s Health -, but added that sweets and white flour products are not all that great. Because they drive the blood sugar levels in the air and lead to cravings. Instead, one should make use of its eight Power-food groups. These include eggs and lean meat, dairy products, nuts, legumes, blue and purple fruits as well as fruits and vegetables red, yellow / orange and green colors.

If it goes to Zinczenko, the first meal should be eaten as late as possible to burn as much fat. Moreover, the metabolism is to be brought at least eight minutes of exercise and a cold shower after getting going.

The theory behind the 8-hour diet

That you can not then eat everything, when you want, nothing is new. Even the popular diet concept – Slim in her sleep – recommends eating breaks of at least five hours and advises the evening of carbohydrates from. Due to the long period of fasting of 16 hours burn fat is to be encouraged so really loud Zinczenko. In addition, the cholesterol levels are to be reduced and the blood levels improve.

What is so great sounds in theory, in practice unfortunately often not so convincing. This is also true for the 8-hour diet. Nutritionists as the former head of the Center for Nutritional Medicine and Prevention at the Hospital of the Brothers of Charity, Dr. John Wechsler, are not a fan of this new form of fasting. 16 hours not eating does nothing for your metabolism. First of all, if you uninhibited feasting in the eight hours and calorie and fat foods enjoys in abundance.

Much better than the 8-hour diet – and even without counting calories – is a long-term change in diet. Here, all foods are allowed, however, high-calorie foods with plenty of sugar and fat such as sweets, fast food and salty snacks only rarely and in small quantities. Whole grains, vegetables, fruit and low-fat dairy products on the other hand may be eaten several times a day without a bad conscience.

The Milk is To Blame? Lactose intolerance and their typical symptoms

Lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy

Lactose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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Grumble, grumble: This is the sound of gut, if you suffer from lactose intolerance and a glass of drinking milk. Cramps and stomach rumblings are typical symptoms.

Lactose intolerance is one of the food intolerances and is relatively widespread in many country. 100 people show about 15 symptoms. For most, however, the lactose intolerance is weak, symptoms show up only after large quantities of milk or ice cream.

What exactly is lactose intolerance?

When lactose intolerance is occurring in the milk products milk sugar, lactose, to the problem. Since not enough lactase (an enzyme) is formed in the small intestine, the lactose can not be broken down and passes undigested into the large intestine. It irritates the intestinal mucosa and causes the typical for lactose intolerance symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain also bloating.

Who suffers after drinking milk, cream or ice cream from abdominal pain, should be examined as a precaution to the doctor on a lactose intolerance. Before the visit, the symptoms should be recorded when they occurred and what was eaten before. The doctor then makes a painless breath test, which confirmed the intolerance or exclude.

To suffer from lactose intolerance does not mean that one must never again eat ice cream or cheese. Most people have mild lactose intolerance and show mild symptoms or none at all, depending on the amount and foods. Individual must be found which is as tolerated. For those who want to enjoy an ice milk without a stomach ache, there are in the pharmacy also lactase tablets, which are taken before meals and help the intestine while to digest the images captured with the dairy sugar.4

Lactose Intolerance: Symptoms

Lactose intolerance, the bad treaties of milk and milk products is characterized by a few typical symptoms also can occur hours later after a few minutes, though. Can be provided without medical examination and lactose-test therefore no conclusive diagnosis.

These symptoms are typical of a lactose intolerance:

  • Bloating
  • Crampy abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating

In these foods puts lactose

Lactose is in almost all milk products – but in different amounts.

These foods contain very much lactose:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Evaporated milk
  • Milk powder
  • Ice cream
  • Quark
  • Junket
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Buttermilk
  • Cream
  • Creme fraiche

Hard cheese is lactose free. Also fermented milk products such as yogurt or kefir are often well tolerated.

How useful are lactose-free foods?

The supermarket shelves swell now on with all the lactose-free foods available. From milk to cream, yogurt, and even the lactose-free cheese.

For people with very severe lactose intolerance these foods are great. All those who show only mild symptoms, can save the money and would rather try first, which amounts to the normal milk products they easily tolerated. Yogurt, for example caused by many no problems.

Milk protein allergy – Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance – milk protein allergy; but everything is the same, right? No, unfortunately not. The symptoms are similar, but the cause of the problem is different.

In lactose intolerance, so the lactose intolerance, the lactose is not merely tolerated. If removed from the milk, as is the case with lactose-free products, you can eat these foods well. Or make possible the consumption of milk and ice by taking lactase tablets.

In milk protein allergy is a true allergy. The body responds to the protein contained in the milk. Here, the only complete avoidance of milk-food. Caution before finished products, which often contain milk powder and milk protein.

Thank Deodorant – So we keep the stink-stopper long fresh


Thank Deodorant – So we keep the stink-stopper long fresh

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If our deodorant is a good friend, it would have earned each summer and again we would write a thank you letter. This could be something like this: ‘Dear Deodorant We owe a lot to you. How do you manage your job welding stopper anyway?’

Answers we did not get our deodorant, by Anette Burger. It is a laboratory manager in product development of deodorants at Nivea and knows the secret of fresh deodorants exactly. How does it work? And how it protects us particularly reliable?

Deodorant or antiperspirant: Both stop body odor

The deodorants contain active ingredients that fight the bacteria in our armpits. Sweat does not smell alone. Only when bacteria decompose it, the typical stuffiness comes on. They also contain fragrances that neutralize odor may occur. Anette Burger says ‘Antiperspirants provide very good deodorant protection and also reduce the amount of sweat effectively’. Antiperspirant actives include aluminum salts. You narrow the sweat pores and thus ensure that we sweat less.

Which drugs are still in deodorant?

Deodorants can stop much more than just stink and sweat: cultivate vegetable oils and smooth as the skin (eg avocado oil), soothing ingredients such as chamomile or panthenol help prevent skin irritation, minerals (eg magnesium salts) absorb moisture and provide a dry skin feeling. So-called  – Anti-Stain Ingredients – to minimize the risk that the deodorant leaves marks on clothes.

Some deodorants promise protection for 48 hours, some even four days. How can such a long reach ‘fug-protection’?

Anette Burger says  – We know that the antiperspirant that narrows the sweat pores, acts over several days, until it is removed by the natural skin renewal –

‘This means that the drug will even withstand the daily shower or shave armpit hair.’ This also allows after two days still significantly reducing sweat and deodorizing effect prove – without the skin is irritated. But also a time-Deodorant should be used every day for the best effect.

If the deodorant leaves white traces …

For the unsightly whitish deodorant marks the aluminum salts are responsible. If they are not dissolved or crystallized, they leave traces, but usually can be washed easily. A special technology solves this problem by encases the aluminum salts with oils and so almost invisible makes. deodorant traces remain from when you let the deodorant dry before dressing.



Pale Complexion, Tired All The Time: Iron Deficiency and Its Symptoms

Pale Complexion

Iron deficiency: Symptoms and prevention

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Tired, unfocused – despite getting enough sleep? Clearly, someone here is ready for a vacation! It may also be that the body is suffering from iron deficiency. Leaden fatigue or difficulty concentrating are for classic symptoms.

Iron deficiency occurs when we do not eat enough iron-rich foods such as spinach or meat. Women in particular often suffer from a mild to moderate iron deficiency. Many do not even notice, because the symptoms are nonspecific, many causes may have.

A slight iron deficiency is nothing bad, but it should be fixed because too little iron in the body can affect our performance. Why? Iron plays an important role in the oxygen supply to the body. It is in the red blood color, the hemoglobin binds the oxygen transported from the lungs throughout the body. Too little iron means fewer red blood cells and hence a poor oxygen supply.

Per day, women should take about 15 milligrams of iron in the diet in order to be adequately supplied with the mineral. Iron-rich foods include meat, millet, oatmeal or spinach. Iron deficiency and symptoms such as fatigue so have no chance! Tired and unfocused we have then only celebrated when we turned night into day and wild …

Iron deficiency yes or no? Typical symptoms can be found on the following pages for future reference. If two or more signs to a physician should be consulted. The place by means of a blood test out quickly whether iron deficiency is the cause of the symptoms or something else behind it.


Constantly tired despite getting enough sleep? The cause may be iron deficiency. Fatigue is one of the classic symptoms.


Who constantly suffers from headaches, although neither of the neck is twisted or other physical cause can be found, can also have an iron deficiency.

Nervousness / Irritability

No matter what friends, family, colleagues do – we react constantly irritated? Or are nervous for no apparent reason? This can also speak for iron deficiency.

Rough skin

Dry rough skin, although we constantly lotion or cracked spots on the corners of the mouth are also hints that indicate an iron deficiency.

Pale complexion

Pale, pale complexion: If the skin is poor circulation, lack of iron may be to blame. Finally, iron is an important component of hemoglobin.