Author Archives: Busra Demir

Healthy Foods Fat


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Acquittal for croissant?

Light, easy, delicious – and just greasy! How many times have we already pinched a croissant, because it’s a less fattening?

Quite so closely, we must not see this. In fact, because there are so few foods, although they are considered very healthy, but definitely more fat content than a croissant.

Stop! This is of course not a free ticket for the croissant. Yes, nuts have even more fat. BUT: the fat contained is healthier. Vitamins and minerals  are not to mention that occur abundantly in nuts and other healthy foods.

Since a high fat content, however many calories means – whether healthy or not -, they should all who keep an eye on the line, hold back on the food on the pages that follow.

Is the comparative value the croissant: The 70 g serving has 23 grams of fat.


Instead of the bag of chips that many want to resort to all kinds of nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts. In itself a good idea, because nuts contain some healthy nutrients. In the case of walnuts, among other potassium, vitamin B6 or folic acid.

But nuts also contain a whole lot of fat – 60 grams per serving of walnuts in it are around 37 grams of fat. For hazelnuts, cashews and others it is much similar. Small consolation: The fat contains a lot of valuable fatty acids that our body needs.


Avocados are strictly for fruit and although it is free of fat, avocados are the great exception. In a 200 g portion stuck about 48 grams of fat.

From time to time we should still enjoy a guacamole, avocado emphasize on bread or cut into the salad. Finally, the fat is purely vegetable and thus free of cholesterol.

Rape oil

Valuable fatty acids, such as omega fatty acids, stuck in vegetable fats such as canola oil. Restraint when cooking is still an advantage, because in just two tablespoons of oil (24 g) stick 24 g fat.

Muesli with nuts

Cereals or croissant for breakfast? Clearly, since the decision should be in favor of cereals. If you want to save a few calories, but should not take the finished nut muesli, in which 200 g (4 tablespoons) have around 24 grams of fat. Better oatmeal that are combined with fresh fruit, a few nuts and fettreduziertem natural yoghurt.


Delicious, pistachios! But beware! 60 g unshelled pistachios have more than 31 grams of fat. Those who want a bit moderate, should unpeeled access, which must be first crack and eat less so automatically.

Health Risk Mama? – More and more mothers are suffering from burnout


Health risk mama

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Mamas work, organize and for their little ones because: The multiple burden that many mothers feel, makes you sick! Because they want to make it as many as possible right and think at least in. That the health dangers, now shows convalescence plant a new study of mothers.

The assumption of family responsibilities, for many moms is a health risk

As the data show, more and more mothers suffer from exhaustion bishin to burnout. Other consequences are insomnia, back pain, severe fatigue or irritability. Too big is the burden of child-rearing, career and household. As is clear from statements made by the person concerned in mother-child treatments, suffering women who participate in such treatments, increasingly under serious stress symptoms – compared to the previous year, the share rose by almost 40 percent!

Also on the reasons made ​​the affected mothers in the survey data: Permanent time pressure, job tasks, unequal division of labor in the family and too little recognition were the most stressful factors.

MGW managing director Anne Schilling explained:

‘The mothers want to be the high anticipatory manner and often seek professional help only when they can no longer work.’

Time for a rethink?

One reason for this development explains Dagmar Ziegler, MP and Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mothers’ Convalescence:

‘The burdens of mothers are socially determined and the disease not an individual failure.’

Is it time for a rethink in our family structures? Are Mamas charged too much? Should the division of labor be another or is the contradiction between the desired and actual roles just too big?

Carrying Babies Baby Wear – So it is comfortable for Mom & Child

baby wear

Carry babies properly

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Range snuggles to the mom feel most comfortable with babies. The same goes for wearing – no matter whether it is an infant or toddler. Since we can not keep the whole day on the arm of the little ones, baby carriers are needed. But which are good for the child? And also for our backs?

By the way, baby carriers and cloths will not only find the small great, they are also practical. Each time the stroller runterzuschleppen the stairs to hard. And out on the town or shopping slings are also much more comfortable because you have your hands free. Back pain does not have to worry about Mami, the wear and towels are designed so that even more children can still be worn.

The M-position

Babies are most comfortable when they are worn with the face to the body. Check them forward, they are overwhelmed by all the new impressions. So that the baby is seated properly and no Hüftschäden get by wearing, it should always take the M-position. This position is also called squat-spread attitude. The legs are splayed outwards and is squatting down to the navel. They form together with the Po ‘M’. The baby looks in this position like a little frog.

Properly wear:

  • Sling or baby carrier must be applied correctly
  • Baby legs should not dangle
  • Head and back must be properly supported
  • The child must not be carried too high, so that the chin mommy comes across his head.

Sling or baby carrier?

Who carries his baby regularly, take it to push through the area in the stroller has two options: A sling that can be wrapped individually, or the baby carrier / the carry sack.

Both systems are recommended, unless the baby to mother or father take a closer and sits orthopedically correct.

The correct binding of the sling is unusual at the beginning, but the cloth is supplied with an illustrated manual and the Internet to find various video tutorials. There are also special courses for binding of towels offered as midwives.

Easy does it with a baby carrier. The only belted. Can often be the size of the child wearing the suit. Again, the correct technique must be learned, so neither mom nor baby suffer damage.

Please avoid: Baby carriers, in which the child can only look forward. This wearing support the Hüftapparat too little and are a burden on the spine.

Different carrying options at a glance

  • There are various ways for carrying towels and racks.
  • Lying in a sling: suitable Until the third month if the baby has no deformity of the hip joint.
  • On the mother’s womb with a view toward the mother: From birth, at the beginning, make sure that the head is adequately supported.
  • On the hip of mother: From about two months, if the head is supported only when the child can hold your head without headrest. Only suitable for short distances, since the mother usually gets back problems.
  • On the mother’s back: From the third month, when a baby sling or a tote bag is made. The large supporting frame until the baby can sit alone.

Back tips for Mami

Who often long and carries its baby in a sling or baby carrier, have to watch a bit on his back. The best position is when the baby is on abdomen or back is supported. Worn on the hip only short distances should be covered because of the back and the hips are loaded on one side.

The baby should be worn as high as possible, so that the back of the mummy is not stressed very much. It is also important that the little one is as close to the body and little room to move has. Otherwise, waist straps at baby carriers useful because they distribute the child’s weight evenly to the hips.

For older children is wearing on his back on the move gentlest.

Just do not! The 7 Deadly Sins of a Diet

diet Sins

These seven deadly sins destroy diet dreams

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You should leave this or that make no case. Who wants to lose weight, listen to all day long clever advice. Much of it may in one ear and right out the other again, because it is simply wrong. There are but a few mortal sins, you should really make no case for a diet because they threaten the success of weight loss seriously.

  1. Stick to Aim High

No plan and no goals in losing weight to have is wrong. But the opposite to make way too much is just as wrong. The goals should be realistic: Half a kilo of weight loss per week, a dress size in two months, three times per week for sports and only one bar of chocolate a week instead of a day. So we can live and these goals can be put into action. Everything else will only lead to frustration and breaking off the diet.

  1. No Sport

Couch Potatoes should all listen carefully in mortal sin number two: Without sports, it is not easy. Only those who move more, decreases permanently. Three sport per week should be, at best something that makes a fun. Ideal is a combination of endurance such as aerobics, jogging, walking or biking and weight training equipment or using your own body weight (sit-ups, push-ups, etc.).

  • Sport is easier when you train in the group.
  1. Strict Prohibitions

No chocolate, chips, pizza or ice cream: In a diet you like to forbid everything that has too many calories or fat. What makes sense at first glance, is on the second a true mortal sin! After a few days the cravings strikes mercilessly and one falls over everything from, what is in the vicinity. Who wants to lose weight permanently, should allow all foods – chocolate, chips and other obscenities but only in small quantities and not necessarily every day.

  1. Underestimate Snacks

How many calories can already have a handful of gummy bears? Or a fruit yogurt? Anyone who constantly thinks and accesses who commits mortal sin number four. A 150-g-cup fruit yogurt can have up to 200 kcal. Pretty lush for a snack – especially if that is not the only day. Better: Look carefully and choose snacks wisely.

  1. Eat Constantly

Directly to the subject of snacking follows the cardinal sin number five: constantly eat. Even if there are vegetable sticks or fruit: also have calories. Other than that, the body also needs time to rest, so fat burning can be set in motion. Morning and afternoon snacks are allowed, but should lie in between meal break.

  1. Eat too Little

However, far too little to eat is not a solution. The body needs sufficient energy to prevent it from falling into the saving mode and is supplied with all the essential nutrients. 1200 kcal a day, it should be at least.

  1. Expect Miracles

Around removing any miracles happen. Overnight, the lifebuoy does not dissolve into thin air and the pounds will not disappear just like that. Anyone considering this, is not disappointed when the pointer of the scale times stagnant and it takes a while until the pants fit looser again. Because only leads to frustration and disappointment to cancel the diet.

  • Weigh once a week is sufficient. Revealing it is, if you measure abdominal, leg and butt circumference regularly.

Cool Hairstyles For Stylish Woman



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Who particular value ‘coolness’ factor when laying on the hairstyles should look around on the heads of models, bloggers and street style fashionistas. For the fashion professionals know exactly what hair styles currently have the predicate ‘cool’ deserves. We have ever risked a glance.

Classic is cool and trendy hairstyle

Sometimes it’s enough that a model rediscovered a classic hairstyle to have cast a look in the eyes of interested fashionably cool. As Karlie Kloss is a chin-length bob with bangs grew, this haircut was at once a hairdo ‘du jour’. Otherwise draws cool hairstyles especially the fact that they look casual and not to strive, and if possible be slightly away from the fashionable mainstream.

Sometimes just the right color is enough to bring the necessary touch of coolness in a hairstyle. Strands in pastel pink, cool platinum blonde, brilliant turquoise blue in a night-black mane – everything, what will stand out and no value puts it to work of course, has a high coolness potential.

We looked around times at the ‘opinion leaders’ in terms of style for cool hairstyles. Whether short or long, colorful or brown – because one way or another favorite hairstyle is determined thereby.

nice hair style