Author Archives: Busra Demir

Baby Acne



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Pimples are a real cross. As a teen you have trouble with the red pustules, as an adult sometimes and not even sweet little baby be spared. Barely a few weeks old, the face can be full of small pimples suddenly. A clear case of baby acne.

The most important facts about baby acne

Baby acne, also Neugeborenenakne is quite harmless, but causing many mothers at first for a small shock. But do not worry, do the pimples on the face neither hurt nor itch. The offspring of the baby acne gets nothing with.

Blame for the pimples is not the wrong care, but the hormonal changes after birth. Finally, the offspring were fed for months with the hormones of the mother. After birth, the hormone levels decreases and as a result, the sebaceous glands of the skin are more sensitive. Baby acne usually occurs in the third week of life, little boys are more often affected than girls. In general, the pimples heal within a few weeks off again and leave no scars. The pimples are red with a yellow nodules in the middle. You are mainly on the cheeks.

This helps baby acne                                                                    

Since baby acne is quite harmless, they must not be treated specially. It heals by itself again. However, there are a few things that aggravate the irritation: baby spit and spat milk for example. Here it helps if baby’s head under a dry cotton cloth is laid, which sucks the liquid. It should also be taken to ensure that the baby does not scratch the face. Cigarette smoke worsens the irritation also. Important: The pimples may not be expressed!

In addition to the baby acne there are two other main problems that babies sometimes have to fight: baby acne and milia.

Infant acne

The infant acne looks at first glance like the baby acne, but does not occur until much later – between the third and sixth month. Here, too, suffer the little ones to red pimples with yellow node in the center, which abound on the cheeks.

Unfortunately, the Säuglingsakne is not quite so harmless. Sometimes it itches and no later than they should be treated by a doctor. Also thereof boys are affected more often than girls. Not infrequently remain scars on the cheeks. As with the baby acne, it helps if a clean cloth is placed underneath sleeping or lying to collect saliva. The pimples may be expressed in any case.


Milia appear as the baby acne on shortly after birth and are caused by the hormonal changes that by making the baby. Instead of red pimples have the little white-yellow dots, mainly around the eyes and nose. Milia do not hurt and heal within a short time all alone again. As with the baby acne and the applies Säuglingsakne: Please do not Express.

How to Apply Rouge to The Face

how to apply rouge to face

Rouge is important for makeup. Find your face shape and apply it right. Reflect your beauty.

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  • Round Face Shape

The problem:

A round face often looks too flat, as distinct contours are missing.

The solution:

Place the powder brush or the finger with Rouge at ear level and apply to the corners of the mouth down.

Important: The line should extend slightly below the cheekbones. Good blind up and down. Then, still give a touch powder on the narrowest part of the temples.

The light-dark contrast at eye level structured face additionally.

  • Square Face Shape

The problem:

For a square face, the cheeks is very pronounced and the distinctive chin is unfavorable in focus.

The solution:

With this face shape the Rouge should sit sideways on cheekbones and thereby further down range than other face shapes. Thus the area of ​​the cheeks is interrupted and the chin slightly indented from the vantage point.

  • Oval Face Shape

The problem:

Actually, no. But that’s the beautiful proportions of this face shape look very good, there is also the ideal placement for the rouge.

The Recommendation:

The Rouge set directly on the cheekbones. In this case, start at the highest point of the cheek and spread the color back. Something Rouge at the hairline above the temples emphasizes the beautiful proportions addition.

  • Long Face

The problem:

A long face is perceived as too narrow – the proportions seem discordant.

The solution:

The Rouge from the highest point of the cheekbone almost horizontally applied towards hairline. The horizontal line is the necessary balance to the length of the face. So it seems less narrow and slender.

Rogue Types and Shapes

allık türleri

Who wants to bring color to her cheeks, are spoiled for choice: There are a variety of Rogue Types and Shapes.

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Powder Blush: Whether loose or pressed – Powder Blush is versatile and adheres well. With a special Rogue brush it is applied to the powdered skin or the Foundation. The ideal Rogue for oily skin.

 Cream Rogue: In the jar a compact cream melts this Rogue in contact with the skin. It is applied with the fingers and incorporated in a circular motion – after the powder. Due to its high fat content, it is ideal for dry skin.

Blusher Sticks: Rogue in stick form is actually only firmer Cream Rogue. It can be applied directly to the skin and then rubbed with the fingers. Always work from the inside out and from the front to the temples down.

Liquid Rogue: The packaging often reminiscent of nail polish, and as the liquid is applied with a small brush-Rogue. Many products are waterproof and kiss proof and exceedingly long. Attention Beginners: Since this Rogue quickly absorbed, it has to be fast when applying.

Also:  Watch the face shapes and find the most suitable rouge type for you.

Apply Rouge – So it looks beautiful of course

rouge tones

There are days when we said our mirror image thing above all: More sleep, please! If that does not work, helps the charms Rouge. Fresh and relaxed look in ten seconds? Apply Rouge and the miracle is accomplished.
But Rouge can do even more: With Rouge can model the face. A round face is less full, a strong jaw less edged with Rouge in the right place. We’ll show you how to apply blusher properly explain what Rouge is best for you and present selected Rouge products before.
How to Find The Right Tone
The Rouge-bar was in the 80’s hit – today it is accepted Revival parties only on the catwalk or in Denver communities. Otherwise: Naturalness is the key. Ideally Rouge looks like the rouge after a yoga workout. The correct color is the basis for this natural freshness.
Basically, women with blond hair and fair complexion delicate Pinks are good, brunettes brownish shades such as terracotta or brick red. Who has black hair and a rather cool skin tone, may resort to pink or rose wood tones. Rouge-beginners – regardless of hair color – play it safe with warm reds with yellow content like coral or salmon. These colors Rouge forgive most small mistake during application.
Also: To learn which Rouge types and shapes.

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No More Bad Hair Days


What’s wrong in these days when our hair just does not want to sit? Sagging strands, an oily mixture or a stubborn pony bring us regularly Bad Hair Days. But now everything is good! We have the SOS tricks for beautiful hair.

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Little tricks – big effect

If the hair defies all styling arts, the various reasons may have. Perhaps the styling products were incorrectly chosen or metered. Who kneads hair wax in the lengths should not be surprised if the so complained hair hangs down lifeless.

But maybe also just the section already completely over and going to the hairdresser inevitable. In this case, the quick fix is only a plait or a cap. At most bad hair days but there are actually one or the other trick that ruckzuck brings the hair back under control.

  1. No volume

The problem:

The hair is limp as wilted chives. No trace of volume.

The SOS solution:

A short or medium length hair helps by brushing with a paddle brush – and crisscross. This mini muscles are stimulated in the scalp and the hair stands up. Or let trickle powder volume in the neck, massage in and then carefully brush out. Immediately ensures better grip and wealth and excess fat sucked on.

Who has more time and long hair: simply roll short large heated curlers in your hair, leave to cool and finished a mane with a whole lot of volume.

  1. Defeat Curls

The problem:

Curls that have lost the battle against gravity.

The SOS solution:

Fresh-up sprays specifically for curly hair spray in the mane and the curls so kneading the tips from the direction of approach. With a hair dryer with diffuser attachment may still upside down blow in the curls and continue kneading until all the hair is heated. Then Exhibit hair dryer and still continue kneading until the curls feel cool again.

  1. Visible Approach

The problem:

Just a few weeks after dyeing it again says “Hello” – the visible hairline. Either gray streaked, too dark or too bright. In any case, extremely ugly.

The SOS solution:

Waves or curls bring movement into the neck and let him look less conspicuous. Is the approach brighter than the rest, just try the trendy wet look: The gel makes the hair look darker.

Special color products for the approach hide until the next wash (eg by Schwarzkopf) and can be applied with pinpoint accuracy with an applicator. Full fixed solution: A hair band that makes the approach ruckzuck disappear, at least in the forehead area.

Greasy Approach

The problem:

Often it is after one day again – the approach is greasy and sweaty. Although the lengths were still okay, the hair looks a bit scruffy. Only for washing is unfortunately just do not have time .

The SOS solution:

Dry shampoo spray in the approaches distribute with your fingers and leave it short. Then fire up hair dryer with cool shot and the excess powder only so far as possible to blow upside down from the hair. Then remove with natural hair brush the rest. The surplus is gone, when the hair has no grayish shimmer more. The result: The hair look fresh again and even have extra volume because of the powder results in increased grip.

  1. Hair Flying

The problem:

When combing or removing a cap starts the hair ‘to fly’, as it was electrostatically charged.

The SOS solution:

Spray the Sprühpflege or hair spray in the palms, rub short and therefore emphasize the approach to the tips of hair. Long term, the problem is reduced by only combs and brushes made ​​of natural materials (wood, natural bristles) or antistatic plastic is used.

  1. Flattened Skull

The problem:

The skull is flattened, the proportions of the hair style are no longer correct.

The SOS solution:

Simply the vertex to the other side comb or embarrassed two inches to the right or left. This brings more immediately prior to the approach. Lightweight backcombing enhances the effect still.