Author Archives: Busra Demir

İnterior Design – Make Your Home Awesome

We have got some ideas about ​​how it might look dream home. Someone  have just  a pool or someone want  modern design or integration with natural elements. No matter what all is that makes you dream about unique dream home, you can make them real , here are a few examples of homes where persons  realized some of their amazing  fantasies of home designer.

Maybe you can recognize that something you wanted to see always, or maybe the pictures will get your interest or to come up with something new design or to be home builder. İnterior design ideas:

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Aquarioun bed idea for bedroom

aquarioum bed idea

Spiral staircase

spiral staircase slide idea


Hammock bed idea for livingroom or garden

hammock bed idea

Vertical herb garden in kitchen

vertical herb garden idea for kitchen

Fire Pit Table for livingroom


The Best Makeup Tips Ever – For Eye Make-Up


Makeup tips for eye make-up

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A flirt always begins with eye contact. It is worthwhile to pay special attention to the eyes applying makeup. That’s what the professionals do business with the right makeup technique and matching colors from each pair of eyes an absolute eye-catcher. Eyes on: We have the makeup tips of the experts!

Makeup Tips with eye-warranty

Big, small, round, with or without visible crease: eyes can be quite different in shape. Professionals go out one, lift mitVorzüge (eg a bright blue iris) out and conceals small blemish (eg a Schlupflid).

At the same time know the makeup experts but also the tricks eyes look bigger cheat. Basically namely, the larger the eyes, the more attractive we act. Last not know the pros and the right products that make eyelashes as full and ensure that eyeshadow does not settle. So beware: Anyone familiar with the professional make-up techniques, knows exactly how eyes to make it big.

  • To Keep The Eye Shadow Extra Long

Whether powder or cream consistency: After some time, the eyeshadow can settle in the crease. An unsightly thick line across the eyelid is the visible result. To prevent this from happening, professionals apply a eyeshadow base, and they briefly move into the skin before applying eyeshadow.

The base brightens and evens the lid color differences (veins, dark shadows) from. The skin is the perfect ‘canvas’ for the later color. At the same time the eyeshadow sticks on the base so well that discontinuation or smearing fails.

  • XXL Lashes

For most much Lash wear makeup professionals first a ‘base’ on the hairs on. These mostly white primer encapsulates the individual lashes, so they are more voluminous and longer before the mascara. Some of these products even have a soothing effect. Let it dry a little, then apply mascara – done are the XXL lashes!

  • Crease Stress

For an intense look and round, alert eyes make-up experts emphasize the crease with a darker tone than the rest of the eyeshadow. In normal eyelids just start painting directly in the crease and slightly blind upwards.

The problem with drooping eyelids: The crease is not visible. Therefore notice before applying makeup, which area of the eyelid is seen in the eye is opened and then paint exactly this.

  • Set Highlights

Top tip for thin, small or deep-set eyes: first the entire eyelid coloring with matte eye shadow. Then strong shimmering eyeshadow in the same color family to the center of the lid – directly above the pupil – dab and good dazzle. The gloss opens the eye and makes it bigger and more awake look.

  • Bend up The Lashes

Very straight lashes look shorter than they actually are. That’s a shame, because long eyelashes open the eye and make you look more awake. In order not to waste the potential of the hair, dispense not a professional on the eyelash curler before mascara.

Simply clip the hair as close to the lash line as possible between the two rubber lips and one, push two minutes gently. Who pre-heated the tongs with the hair dryer, still gets more momentum in the hairs. In order to eliminate creases come into the lashes, start at second and third place in the direction of eyelash lace again.

  • Choosing The Right Eyeliner

An eyeliner is always a good choice because it emphasizes the eyes discreetly and makes the lashes look fuller. But how exactly looks like the line on the upper eyelid margin, influence on how the made eye acts later.

Narrow eyes let professionals work round by pulling the eyeliner on the entire upper lash line. Directly above the pupil, the line is at its widest, to the sides it tapers again.

Drooping eyelids and ‘hanging’ eyes are best optically corrected when the eyeliner only begins in the middle of the lid. At the beginning he is very fine and then getting wider to the outside world.

Pretty Stupid Things We Do For Heart Pain


Heartache and the stupid consequences

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Most of us had ever experienced painful, how terrible heartache – and what he can do with. If we have heartache, we let ourselves be carried away sometimes for the stupidest things. Things that we would normally never do.

If your best friend is suffering from heartbreak, then we are worried and shaking his head next to it and hope that the bad phase quickly passes and the arms at last ‘normal’. We put ourselves in the midst of heartache, we are the ones who scare our environment with oblique and self-destructive actions.

Heartbreak hurts – and makes headless

Heartbreak makes us often to emotional toddlers who would like to stomp his foot, so that the man of the heart please come back very quickly and asks for forgiveness. But there’s no use pounding and no swearing – heartbreak is a nasty phase through which we must by. And at some point he goes over again. This is as good as certain.

Then we look back, we are sometimes shocked by the absurd actions that we have done ourselves from hurt feelings and heartache out. Here are some of the stupidest things you do for heart pain. Maybe you get quite a lot of them familiar .

  • Telephonenumber:  delete his number from the phone book but before that, of course, write.
  • illogic : Write him that one has forgotten him and no longer thinks of him.
  • Dustbin: his gifts dramatic sinking in the dustbin.
  • Suppressed number : with suppressed number to call to hear his voice at him
  • Tons of chocolate.

Fashion Trends for Fall and Winter 2014/2015


Fashion trends for fall and winter 2014/2015 summarized. These trends are clearly indicated: Dark tones dominate the image patterns are few and far between. The materials leather, knitting, lace and fur and faux fur are ahead. And skirts are definitely a real you must have one.

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Fashion Trend: Red

Red is simply indispensable from the catwalk. And so the fiery color counts in autumn and winter 2014/2015 continue the trend shades, where we simply will not come. The best: We have the freedom of choice and can use them in big red pot. You might want to choose as a bright signal red, a raspberry or relies on a soft bordeaux-red.

Incidentally, red and red are excellent. Whether light or dark, shiny or matt, silk or knit – mix is expressly allowed.

Fashion Trend: Oversized Coat

The oversize trend continues bravely. Besides XXL sweaters will once again be featured in the next autumn and winter 2014/2015 plenty of loose-fitting coats that lure us from shop windows in the shops.

Advantage of the wide-cut jackets: Even if you’re wearing a thick knit sweater, you can move your arms easily and still does not look as if you had bought the clothes a size too small.

Fashion trend: Blue

Heat radiates the color not out, but it has a calming effect: blue. Many designers sent their models with outfits in this color down the runway. Reason enough to remember the sound as a trend for Fashion Trends for Fall and Winter 2014/2015 . Sky blue, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue – all there..  Elegant night blue way, is a nice alternative to black.

Fashion Trend: Transparency

It is now quite large already and remains for us in the fall and winter 2014/2015 obtained: the trend matter of transparency. Transparent or semi-transparent lace inserts give a clear view of bare skin.

But beware: Always make sure that you emphasized advantageous parts of the body. A look at small problem areas you should not release better. And, most important: Under a transparent shell has a beautiful bra.

No More Sorrow and Tears

Grounds-of-divorce separation

No More Sorrow and Tears – The Best Action Against The Pain of Separation

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There is hardly anything worse than the pain of separation. Nothing more interesting, nothing can cheer, all thoughts only revolve around one thing: the lost love..But even in this bad phase, there are strategies that can overcome the pain of separation.

These are the best measures against the pain of separation:

  1. Pain of separation: Prohibition of contact

Freshly isolated one has the feeling of standing on a precipice. ‘Internally, the partners in this phase is still extremely present. You have to constantly think about it, everything reminds him. And when you see yourself, the pain breaks over and over again,’ says psychologist Wolfgang Krüger (‘freedom to love’ , cross-Verlag). Therefore: ‘ In this first phase, an absolute prohibition of contact should prevail. You have to realize: Every conversation, every touch, every meeting extended the separation phase and thus the pain of separation.’

Contact prohibition also means revenge actions are taboo. ‘We hurt ourselves with it only because we inwardly always ready to deal with the partner. Too, which extends the phase of suffering.’

If you have children together, a total ban on contact is not an option of course. There are two principles, the expert said: ‘disputes can not be settled on the backs of children. Never should you talk before the children badly about the other. Man parenthood and thus the contact with the ex should sober as a common see project. This is about the welfare of children, nothing else. ‘

  1. Rediscovering Independence

Previously, the partner was always there, and has shared everyday worries – after a while you realize that you now actually stands alone. ‘In many situations, the small integration in the existing relationship we now only become apparent. It takes months before we are independent of the partners,’ said Wolfgang Müller. His advice: You should fill in the life active with new content. ‘At this stage, friends, family and colleagues are extremely important to gradually rebuild an independent life.’

  1. Reorientation

Sooner or later, all items that still remember the partner, to be disposed of. The only way to leave the past behind and to reorient. Soon you will see, the inner dialogue, the one constantly performs with the ex-partner occurs less frequently. And the joy of life returns slowly when you have recovered close to himself. Wolfgang Müller explains. ‘It must stop constantly pondering, and instead listen again more to the inner voice is the only way the real reorientation is possible.’

  1. Mourning

Displacement and distraction help with initial capitalization. Eventually, the separation must be processed internally. ‘Otherwise it’s like having a wall that you just sweeps,’says the expert. ‘ Who has not really processed his grief, will try in another life, protect single will remain or fail again in the next relationship.’ Mourning states: Internally adopt and make clear what loss you have suffered, what hopes you have buried what errors are happening. ‘Here comes one’s psychological injuries very close and that is of course painful. Reason, the grieving process is only possible if one goes back quite well.’

  1. Dare A new love

‘Really a relationship is terminated only when a new partnership comes into existence’, says Wolfgang Krueger. ‘Until then, exists between the ex-partners still a kind of relationship. One of them hopes usually on a comeback of love.’ Whether one of his ex-partner is really away, you can answer with a simple question: ‘ I Could my ex-partner in love problems advice, when he starts a new relationship?’ If one at that thought evil, then you are not ready for a new relationship. If you however ready for something new, you should think twice about what you want from a new partner and what hopes are associated with it. Wolfgang Krüger:  ‘ Who has come so far, has survived the worst Suddenly, one suspects that there is a full life after the separation And that’s good.’