Author Archives: Busra Demir

How To Make Preventive Care Work For You?

You get a flu shot so you are not bedridden over the winters. You get your cholesterol levels checked to ensure they won not impact your heart. You visit the dentist to help prevent cavities.

Staying on top of your health helps you feel good, avoid illnes, and catch issues before they become big problems. When a condition is diagnosed early, it is usully easier to treatment. And regular checkups can help you and your health care provider’s identify lifestyle change’s you can make to avoid certain conditions.

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There’re four main things that can get in the way’s of keeping up with your preventive care;

Not like ing your health care providers and not make enough time to follow~through with preventiving health care appointments.

Help to you squash these thing’s to ensure you stay on top of your preventive care and here’s some guidance on how to find  health care professionals you love and how to make the time to see them.

How To Find A Health Care’s Professional That Meets Your Need?
Right health care professional’s part of a successful preventative care routine. You should not to be wondering, Is this the right health cares providers for me? Seeding a health care professional you are question’s can be hazardous to your health. They may wear a white coat and a stethoscope, To be beloved by your mom and hold a fancy medical degree but they may not be right for you.

The office is dirty or messy. You can not see germ’s, but  office that looks unakempt and gives you a bad vibe could mean that it is not being sanitized properly.

Your health care professional resists second opinions. A good health care professional should be open and confident about having you doubles check your diagnosis and treatment your plan. You are entitled to a second opinion.

The office no longer accepts your insurance. If you’ve been having second thoughts about your provider to begin with, now may be time to look for one who accepts your insurance.

You frequently have a lengthy wait before visits. If you repeatedly wait months for an appointment or hours in the waiting room, it can damage your relationship.

Your health care professional overprescribes antibiotics. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three antibiotic prescriptions in the United States is unnecessary. These lifesaving drugs can lose their effectiveness if they are used inappropriately.

How To Make Preventive Care Work For You

How To Make Preventive Care Work For You

Your health care professional isn’t listening to you. They should maintain good eye’s contact and nodding and facing for you, even when they are entering information into files or scanning your chartes.

Your health care professional orders too many tests. They should do what iss in your best interest medically. Learn more about if it is time to find a new health care professional.

How to make time to schedule screenings

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish or self-indulgent. Focusing on your own health and well-being will lower your stress, not add to it. Managing your health and your family’s is non-negotiable.

Find a health care professional you can see regularly for day-to-day problems and who can help coordinate your care with specialists when needed. You might consider sharing a family health care provider with your kids. That makes it simpler to treat a household virus or keep an eye on that heart condition you passed down to your daughter. Even if you keep your own health care professional, schedule your wellness exam when you book your kids’ checkups.

When choosing a health care professional, scope out some basic policies: whether it’s possible to get a same-day visit, how long patients usually have to wait for a routine checkup and whether you can make those appointments and access your records online. Check out finding time to schedule screenings.


What Is Hair Loss In Women?

What Is Hair Loss In Women?

The DHT hormone, a derivative of the male hormone testosterone, is one of the real enemies of the hair. Under certain conditions, DHT kills hairworms and thus causes hair loss. The difference in hair loss seen in females compared to male type hair loss is that the hair division is enlarged due to spillage and the hair on the upper part of the head is gradually decreased. So in women, instead of opening the hairline like men, there is a spill in these parts.

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How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

Each person loses an average of 50-100 wires per day, which is normal. If you are finding your hair falling on your scarf, clothes, these hair are from normal spillage. However, if you feel weakness in your hair, and you think it’s excessive, it’s time to start taking measures.

Possible reasons for hair loss in women

Female hair loss has many causes. However, if we have to consider the main reasons, the following 6 factors need to be considered.


Fifty percent of women approaching age 50 may experience hair loss in general. It may even become more intense after entering the menopause period. Since hormones support hair growth, hair starts to change as the estrogen hormone starts to decrease. Thus, hair loss problem arises.

Multiple Diseases

Diseases such as thyroiditis, diabetes, anemia may also cause sudden hair loss. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and medical treatment methods of cancer are also caused.


Hair loss may increase after a stressful or traumatic event.


Hair loss may occur after pregnancy. This can happen when the hormones try to reach normal levels after birth. However, if you are experiencing excessive spillage, you should start taking precautions.

The Layout

Sudden weight loss due to diet can also cause your hair to lose weight. When the body does not get the nutrients it needs, it only delivers to the vital organs such as the heart and brain. In this case, nutrients do not reach the hair and hair loss problem arises. For this reason, it is imperative to obtain a diet consisting of protein, iron, vitamins D and calcium!

What Can Be Done For Hair Loss In Women?

If you are suffering from a hair loss that you are experiencing, you should consult your specialist to start treatment. The medicines recommended by the doctor and the backs that can support the growth of hair again can bring back the old health of the hair! These supports can be as follows:

You can use hair care sera every day, which contains ingredients like Aminexil, Octeine, which strengthen hair from the root, and helps strengthen the hair follicle’s bond to hair.

– You can thoroughly clean the hair using shampoos containing Arginine, B5 protein to clean the hair from the dirt, the remnants of the hair styling product and prevent the hair roots from clogging.

– After consulting your doctor, you can take advantage of nutritional supplements containing Biotin.

-You can massage your hair gently often to increase blood circulation.

-If you are having a hair loss problem caused by stress, you can try to avoid it by doing various activities such as sports.

Forming tips for spilled hair

If your hair has excessive shedding, we recommend you to choose a short haircut. You can also hide sparse areas by changing the hair division and shaping it in a wavy pattern. After applying the styling foam to your hair, dry the hair in hot mildew with big fuels. Apply hairspray that gives volume when you open your hair and distribute the waves with your hands. That’s it

Paleo Diet – Does The Stone Age Diet Slim & Healthy?

Paleo Diet

How it works

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Pizza, pasta, ice cream – all of which did not know the people in the Stone Age. For them it was a lot of meat, a few vegetables, fruits and seeds – and so it was good for them! Obesity or heart disease at that time were not a problem. Today there is. And this is exactly where on the Paleo diet.

What is the Paleo Diet?

The term Paleo-diet is a little misleading, because strictly speaking it is not, this is a diet that will serve the wane. Instead, the Paleo diet is a diet with the goal of healthier, genetically just to eat. There our ancestors to do the same, who did not know highly processed foods like ice cream or croissants.

This change in diet should greatly benefit our health. How to relieve the symptoms of various diseases, the Paleo Diet, for example, inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Also rheumatism and multiple sclerosis flare-ups is to reduce a Stone Age diet. Sufficiently proven scientifically, although it’s not.

Paleo Diet -

How does the Paleo Diet?

Calorie counting is eliminated in the Paleo diet for happiness. Finally, it is primarily not about weight loss but about a healthier lifestyle. That one or the other kilo tumbles However, if the diet is drastically reduced, is a welcome bonus.

Who decides for the Paleo diet should be high meat fan, or he has a problem. The main food in addition to vegetables, fruits and seeds are meat and fish. Possible raw and little processed. Vegetarians have it hard to stay for her eggs only to cover the protein requirements, as dairy products, legumes, whole grain bread or tofu are forbidden in the Paleo diet.

A detailed schedule is not available for the Paleo Diet. Everyone eats from the allowed foods, which tasted good. Special Paleo recipes, there are now sufficient in the Internet or in cookbooks.

Advantages – disadvantages of the Paleo Diet

What our ancestors did well, can not hurt us, right? That’s not unfortunately. The great advantage of the Paleo Diet is that it excludes highly processed foods such as candy or finished products and relies on unprocessed foods as possible. But it covered a whole range of foods such as dairy products or grain away, provide important minerals and fiber, z. B. the calcium from the milk. Calcium deficiency may, inter alia, lead to osteoporosis.

The Paleo Diet also recommends a protein content of 37 percent of the diet, which is significantly higher than what the German Nutrition Society recommends (20 percent). Whether long-term damage caused by excessive protein intake, has not been scientifically clarified. People with kidney or liver disease should consult their doctor before carrying out the Paleo diet.

And we must not forget: Unlike us, the Stone Age people were out all day on your feet. Presumably they were alone so slender and had no heart disease.


Lean meats such as chicken, beef and venison is an important part of the Paleo diet and may daily on the plate.

Fish & Seafood

Also fish and seafood are allowed. You will of course not breaded and fried, but steamed only in oil.


Vegetables should be eaten as much in the Paleo diet, as you like. It should be as fresh and seasonal. It is optimal if you grow it yourself and reaping.


Our ancestors have previously collected a lot of berries. We can either pick in your own garden or buy at the store and enjoy to your heart’s content. Berries are like the other fruit allowed on the Paleo diet.

Nuts & Seeds

Also, nuts and seeds have the Stone Age people already busy collected, so we can eat them plain or sprinkle over food. Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein and they contain high quality fatty acids and some vitamins and minerals.


So afreshly baked bread is something fine. But not if you stick to the diet the Paleo diet. Grain in all its forms is prohibited. Say: bread, pasta, cereal, rice. Even potatoes were not in the Stone Age.

However, cereals are an important fiber provider and they also contain some vitamins and minerals.

Milk & Milk Products

Milk, cheese, yogurt – there was not then and is accordingly now no part of the Paleo diet. Since milk and milk products are valuable sources of calcium, which must supply through other foods, for example, mineral water and vegetables, balanced – which is not easy.


Sweets, cakes or ice composed mainly of sugar and it was not in the Stone Age. Accordingly, all sweet sins are forbidden.

This aspect of the Paleo diet is a good one, because candy provide us usually just extra calories, sugar and fat, but no vitamins or minerals.

Fast food

Yes, pizza, sandwiches, burgers and fries or ketchup did not know our ancestors. You are so taboo and forbidden in the Paleo diet.

Although these foods taste good now and without question, but as for the sweets applies: They provide plenty of calories and fat, but hardly vitamins and minerals. Our body can so well without them.

Taut, Slender, Perfectly Formed! 7 Simple Exercises for Thighs

Slim thighs thanks to these exercises

There are several reasons why we are at war with our thighs. The good news: It’s our free decision to end this war! Either by accepting our legs as they are. Or by bringing them with a few selective fitness exercises in a better shape.

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Those who opt for the latter, you should definitely read on. Even with 3 x 20 minutes per week a lot can be achieved! About as long as it takes to make the seven exercises on the following.

Who wants to bring  leg muscles in shape so properly, should also do cardio training to these exercises, jogging, for example, or regularly rise to the elliptical machine. The burns lots of fat, so that the newly acquired muscles better accentuate.

Leg Balance


Balance exercises look harmless, but they are a great workout for the back of the thigh.

Here’s how:

Tense your stomach tight, just stand up and turn our gaze to a point on the ground. If you like, arms stretched out to the side, to facilitate balance. From this position, shift your weight to the right leg, find a firm footing and carefully remove the left foot from the ground. To recommend to the right knee and leg stretch 15 x forward, without lifting the foot on the ground.

3 sets of 15 reps per side

Variant: When the leg is extended away laterally, the inner thighs can be trained with this exercise.



In this exercise, the Po and the front of the thighs need to burn properly!

Here’s how:

Tense your stomach tight, the back is straight. With your left leg a big lunge forward. Make sure that the knee is at the height of the heel and does not extend beyond the toes. Go pretty deep with the right leg. Come back to the starting position with the right leg and make a big lunge forward.

3 sets with 15 repetitions per leg

Variant: Strenuous will it be if in each hand holding a dumbbell is taken to simultaneously train the biceps. In addition, the lunges can be jumped. This variant but you should only do if no knee problems are present.



Actually, squats are simple squats, which had already make the sport our grandpa. But because the exercise is as effective for the formation of bottom and thighs, just the name was a bit modernized and already it says: go deeper! Buttocks and legs must burn!

Here’s how:

The legs are open hip width, upright, tense your stomach tight. Extend your arms at shoulder height straight forward and now go deep in the knee. While pushing your butt back as if you were to sit on an imaginary chair. Three short bob at the lowest point, then come up again.

3 sets of 15 repetitions

Variant: If the inner thighs are trained, the legs for this exercise are simply becoming more broad, so that the feet and thighs outward.

Rear Leg Extension

 Rear Leg Extension

Perfect! The Po is also used in this exercise, not too short and is trained with the back of the thigh.

Here’s how:

Kneel on the ground and come in fours. Make sure that your knees are under the hips and hands under shoulders.

Tense your stomach tight and left leg – by stretched – slowly lift upward. Tighten the thigh muscles tight and the leg circle at the highest point 20 times in small movements.

3 sets of 20 repetitions each leg

Variant: To complicate the exercise, ankle weights can be applied ..

Side Leg Raise

Side Leg Raise

Many women want to streamline not only the front and back of the thighs, but also streamline the inside. This exercise will work out.

Here’s how:

Comfortable place on the right side, so that the body is kept from the right forearm and right leg. He should form a straight line.

Tighten the belly, loosen the left leg from the right and slowly – using only the power of the leg muscles – lifting and lowering.

3 sets of 20 reps per side

Variation: If you like, again rests ankle weights. Instead of lifting and lowering the leg, and small circles can be drawn at the highest point.



This exercise also trains the muscles of the inner thigh.

Here’s how:

Set on the ground and the upper body lean back. He is supported by just resting forearms.

The legs bent to lift, so the calves are parallel to the floor. The belly is screwed down tight. But powerfully and purposefully – – From this position the legs in fast movements are crossed 20 seconds.

3 sets of 20 seconds each

Variant: To mitzutrainieren the abdominal muscles, the legs can be stretched diagonally forward.

Leg slide

 Leg slide

Firmer butt, firm thighs: This is the result of this exercise.

Here’s how:

Sit down, the torso lean back comfortably and supported on the forearms. Loosen the legs a few inches off the ground, tighten muscles and alternately push the left and right knee toward your chest.

3 sets of 15 reps per leg

Variation: If you like, defines ankle weights to the feet.

Cod with Spinach & Rice

Low Calorie Dishes - Cod with Spinach & Rice

Preparation time: 20 minutes

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Baking / Cooking time: 20 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 400 g cod fillet
  • 2 dashes lemon
  • 200 g spinach leaves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 pinch of spicy mustard
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches of coarse ground pepper
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped herbs (cilantro, basil, mint)
  • 2 pcs. Spring Onion
  • 60 g rice


  • Cod fillet and drizzle with lemon flavor. 12-15 minutes in steam cook.
  • Arrange washed and dried spinach leaves on a large plate.
  • Olive oil with mustard, lime juice and water whisk. Season with salt and coarsely ground pepper.
  • Spread half the marinade over the spinach. Process the remaining marinade with finely chopped herbs (cilantro, basil, mint)
  • Arrange the fish fillet on spinach. Spread the oily mixture of herbs on it.
  • Garnish with strips of spring onion. Serve with rice 60 g.