Author Archives: Busra Demir

Impure skin with 25 plus – 5 Type to Bring The Complexion to Terms

Impure skin with 25? That helps!

The 25th birthday is long gone, eaten the birthday cake and puberty they think they finally disappeared. Since he appeared one morning again:  nasty small pimples and after it many more. We spoke with an expert who knows what helps the other hand – and what has to do with the birthday cake!

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Impure skin with 25 – not an isolated case

Impure skin that shines and again suffers from pimples and blackheads, is not just a puberty problem anymore. Today there are women in mid, late 30s, who suffer from a so-called late acne. The causes of this problem are complex, white Kerstin Shoklin, beautician:

Often Occurs are hormonal fluctuations ago. Still too much stress on, the late acne arises. But it also keeps unhealthy foods such as white flour, sugar or ready meals for a possible cause. The recommendation of the skin expert: Pay attention to the diet and reduce stress! What else you can do for a purer complexion?

1: Cleanse – the right way!

Cleanse - the right way

The Nuts and Bolts for blemished skin is clean! says Kerstin. Specifically: throw warm water on my face is not enough! The expert even recommends the evening make-up always clean off twice: eg only with a cleansing milk that dissolves fat-soluble dirt, then use a mild cleansing gel, which frees the sebaceous glands outputs of water-soluble dirt. The skin still needs the support of a clarifying Tonics (face toner). It will remove surfactant residues from the skin and helps her to come to the cleaning quickly restore balance.

2: Gently exfoliate

Gently exfoliate


An important factor in late acne is that the skin in the area of the sebaceous glands outputs too horny and jams the skin fat. Come then, certain bacteria to be quite nasty pimples quickly from the clogged pore. Therefore advises Shoklin, the sebaceous glands outputs regularly ‘expose’ – with a scrub. The best lend themselves enzymatically acting scrubs once or twice a week.

Scrubs with enzymes have the great advantage that they are very gentle to the skin, but remove keratinized cells thoroughly. Scratch is not necessary to solve the enzymes on chemical, the skin cells. Incidentally put such enzymes naturally present in pineapple and papaya extracts from these fruits and turn in scrubs!

3: Gently clarify

Gently clarify

Unclean skin is particularly pleased with Extra Care, Shoklin says: I recommend clarifying mask with healing clay or zeolite (a mineral) and herbs. The mask preferably in the evening to cleansed skin, leave on for at least ten minutes and then remove with a tissue. The skin can absorb the intense ingredients well at this time and is better equipped again in the fight against pimple-causing bacteria.

4: Supply pimple correctly

Supply pimple correctly

If the purulent pimples already there, helping press and usually not squeeze, to make the problem more quickly invisible. Shoklin advises: Stay away from the impurities That only leads to large pores and scars.. Instead, dab the pimple with an antibacterial solution, for example, Salicylic acid (causes of pimples opens) or contains alcohol (fights bacteria).

5: Take the whole body into view

The causes of late acne are hard to get only to cosmetic products in the handle. Shoklin advises about taking on an acne treatment is always the whole body into view. Often, the impurities also have to do with the fact that the bowel does not work well. A check-up with the family doctor or medical practitioner is therefore definitely a good idea, if the pimple simply refuse to go away or heal very poorly.

In addition, it is worth some time on white flour and sugar and bring to dispense with detoxifying teas the gut back into balance, says Shoklin. The skin that is often only reflects back what is inside the body in a bad way. Anyone whose hath received has – in combination with proper care – a good chance to be able to look forward soon on a clear, pure complexion.

Nasty Beauty Problems

Everyone has them, everyone hates them: nasty beauty problems

If you believe the advertising of beauty products of all types, makes beauty products just always fun. But sometimes we have to take care of beauty problems, which it does not quite fit into the glamorous world of cosmetics advertising. Problems – Sometimes even a bit disgusting, but for which there nevertheless needs a solution.

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Beauty problems with disgust-factor

Our skin is not just a shell that can embellish with colorful make-up at will, but a living organ that has many functions. Interference from the outside they do not like – it off balance or even smuggle seeds in its interior, can trigger inflammation.

Outwardly manifest itself in this unsightly redness, oozing pustules or even pustules. Brrr, how nasty! But also normal. The comforting: Such beauty really has any problems – even models. And: There are ways to eliminate them quickly. We explain how to get the five nastiest beauty problems under control.

Purulent pimples

Purulent pimples

The problem:

Sometimes the look in the mirror in the morning is a traumatic experience, namely whenever a laugh against a pimple. And a really nasty, with – hold on, now it is disgusting – purulent surface. We know at the sight before: No matter what we do, the little bastard will ruin our face at least a week. Wrong! What we do with him, is not matter, but determines how fast and well it heals.

Disgust factor: ****

The solution:

Wash hands thoroughly and clean face – preferably with antibacterial cleansing gel. A clean wash mitt in hot water, wring out and, pressing on the affected area two minutes. Then wrap both index fingers with a tissue and open the pimple gently. Not squeeze, but pull apart the skin while slightly more (!) Key. Clean with an alcohol-containing facial water and antibacterial Blemish Gel Apply.

If the pimple heals, helps a wound cream with D-panthenol in the regeneration and reduces the scar-Risikio.

Waxed hair

Waxed hair

The problem: Permanent epilation or waxing makes the hair roots no joy. The mechanical tearing it irritates. An irritated hair follicle leads the growing hair but sometimes fail, so that it penetrates close to the skin surface into the surrounding tissue or growing back into the follicle. There it solves one purulent inflammation of.

Disgust factor: ***

The solution:

The keratinized skin cells on the ingrown hair must be removed so that it penetrate and may be removed. With a scrub that works out very gently: Moisten skin, apply a fine-grained facial scrub and massage with your fingertips. Then apply a pimple gel with salicylic acid. This ingredient also ensures that the skin peels while acting antibacterial.

Repeat procedure at a distance of half a day until the hair passes through the cornified cells. Disinfect the area with wound spray. The skin has closed, an ointment helps heal. As prevention advises esthetician Kerstin Sunday, Always apply cream skin after waxing or shaving with growth inhibitor products The decomposed the regrowing hair or makes it fine exfoliate After two to three days, absolutely, for example with a loofah.

Dark blackheads

Dark blackheads

The problem: If the blocked sebaceous glands, in the skin fat accumulates (sebum). What is blocking the exit? For example, come dead skin cells, dirt or an unfavorable keratinization of the skin’s top layer in question. Within a few days a small, lousy blackheads grows. Its surface reacts with oxygen in the air, it turns dark.

Disgust factor: **

The solution: Who is prone to oily skin, should perform up to two times per week, a gentle exfoliation with enzymes plus scratch bodies. The evening cleaning can assist in the T-zone brush face. So not only will prevent new blackheads, clogged pores but are exempt.

Then soften the skin with a warm moist compress and pull apart large blackheads gently with your fingers – pressing lightly on. Opens the sebaceous glands immediately, stay away! Then the blackheads is a case for a professional cleansing at the beautician.



The problem: As snow from the clouds trickle whitish skin cells from head on our shoulders. Cause of dandruff is usually too dry or stressed scalp. Fungal infection or an allergy also comes into question. The keratinization of the scalp is accelerated and the dead skin cells clump together into large clusters that are visible with the naked eye.

The ick factor: **

The Solution: In most cases, anti-dandruff shampoo gets the problem under control quickly. To dispense hot water to wash the hair and does not irritate the scalp with sharp ridges. The situation does not improve, there is also still or severe itching, dandruff is a case for the dermatologist.

Plus Size Was Yesterday – Now is Finally All Size!

Baggy cuts, clothes that look like tents and dark colors to hide as much as possible: So fashion from dress size 42 often looks. Designer Polisk Heidrih wants to change that. The plan of the 24-year-olds: The plus-size market revolutionize!

Heidrih designs under the label mable fashion from size 36 to 48. Okay, that make other companies. What distinguishes ​​mable of them? The idea is called ‘All Size’. This means that each design is available in small and large. Cut, pattern, details – all the same! Thus, the mode can be worn by almost all women, no matter whether thin or curvy.

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Plus Size Was Yesterday  Now is Finally All Size

My designs are a 36 as a 48. It’s just a matter of looking pretty and feel comfortable in his body one can not say! Leggings or short dresses are not for obese women, says Heidrih. Their motto: Not only slim is beautiful!

The designer knows what she is talking about. She has even dress size 44/46, working in their spare time as a plus-size model and knows the problem, to find in stores only shapeless, baggy clothes. For plump women, there is little cool stuff. And I like to fall on, dress myself colorful and show my figure.

Plus Size Was Yesterday -- Now is Finally All Size!

While there are more and more labels that produce large quantities, unfortunately, although not always as trendy as fashion for slim women. Most think you must be on the special needs very corpulent women received, the clothing must conceal and hide. Your curves will be seen as a kind of physical impairment, almost as a disability, says the 24-year-old.

Nonsense! Curvy is hot, we know not only since the trendy plus-size models. Power-women want to show what they have. And who wants to show what he has, wants beautiful fashion. With bright colors, mini skirts and asymmetrical cuts mable the fashion market wants to stir up.

It comes designer Heidrih not only on the optics. She sees it as a challenge to tailor fashion that suits all figures. When the body is fuller, it grows differently in width. Some women get a bigger butt, some a little belly and still others create the bust size significantly.”But are all: “girls with curves can be proud of her body and may also carry the outward!”

Plus Size Was Yesterday - Now is Finally All Size

Nevertheless, the designer makes restrictions. With her ​​collection she wants to direct fashion again in a healthy direction. Therefore, there is neither their pieces in extremely small or extremely large sizes. Girls who wear size 0, emaciated, extremely large sizes, however, are also not good for the body is why my collection hears at 48 -.. Until then you can certainly still be fit and athletic and show it, she explains.

Damn right! Who says that a woman with luscious breasts and plump butt not least so sexy in a pencil skirt and blouse looks like the lean models on the catwalks? Every woman is beautiful when she is not shy about her body!

The Biggest Fashion Sins in Men

Men and fashion – which can sometimes go awry pretty. About Taste is indeed argue known, but there are fashion sins with which we are again and again visually molested. And this fashion missteps do not even have anything to do with current trends that will put the world of men by hook or by crook. No, this styling disasters are like a chewing gum that has stuck really, by the last years.

We have compiled the worst times fashion sins that men can commit. You will probably be one or the other fashion faux pas to be well known …

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Socks with sandals

Socks with sandals

For heaven’s sake! Although it is no longer the frightened hands up over your head when you see these creepy combination on the road – this one has simply seen too often (bad enough!). But for incomprehensible head shaking it definitely goes every time: socks in sandals!

To wear stockings in open shoes, is one of the biggest fashion sins that men can commit. As if this were not bad enough, it will actually ease up a gear tastelessness put it: With white tennis socks and trekking sandals one takes the cake. Now even a pant that gives a look at the hairy legs free, and the whole thing has reached its peak of fashionable cruelty.

Tip: please wear sandals without socks. And very important: Neat feet are the alpha and omega, if you wear open-toed shoes – no matter whether man or woman.

Short sleeve shirts including tie

Short sleeve shirts including tie

Oh yes – Short sleeve shirts can look real pretty stupid. And narrow-minded one at that. Worse still looks the look, if you wear a tie to the short-sleeved shirt. And, believe it or not, there is still an increase of bad taste: If the sleeves are cut so far that it looks as if you want to make Batman competition and stand equal. Then one has really set the fashion faux pas. Ouch, that hurts the eyes!

Ok, the argument in the summer so was a much more airy shirt is understandable. Sorry, unfortunately – the short-sleeved shirt is still lacking in style. Who wants to be beautiful, so must suffer.

Tip: If men wear a short-sleeved shirt, they should make sure that the sleeves nice snug. Otherwise: When long-sleeved shirt casual roll up your sleeves (see dynamically from!) Or wear as an alternative just a polo shirt.

Tie with cartoon designs

Tie with cartoon designs

The tie belongs in some professions simply de rigueur. The serious impression but can quickly slip into the opposite – namely, if one really nice picks in the choice of the next tie. Eccentrics should be better off steam elsewhere.

Who is brave in choice of colors, relies on flashy pattern or perhaps even carries models with cartoon prints, animal motifs or other figures, is very quick to joke. Such ties are allowed only if you earned appearances at children’s birthday his rolls, carnival times want to give really gas, is invited to a theme party or want to get rid of this in an amusing way its Gag Tie forever. Otherwise: Stay away from those things!

Tip: men should best coordinate their tie color on the shirt and the jacket of course. With subtle colors and patterns, such as stripes or small dots, you can actually go wrong.

You Want to Strike The Right Note? These Colors Are Now Trendy!

Yesterday’s totally uncool, can already be greatly cheered today. In fashion, anything is possible. This also affects the colors! Each season there are few sounds that stand out and a little louder ‘here’ cry than others. What colors do in this winter their own personal high, know Sara Vieten, PR expert at fashion online store Jade and Carolina Schlueter, an editor at the online store Edited.

They lie side by side, stacked and folded accurately: a lot of sweaters! All have the same cut. Only in the shade they differ. Now it is called so, to decide- Sometimes it is not so easy – We have the ultimate decision support and tell you what is now trendy!

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Generally speaking, that make loud colors rar. At the moment, everything plays rather more muted, quiet and unhurried world of color, says Vieten. Of course there are always brave fashion stars who like to wear a coat in bright yellow or bright pink, in order to set the tone.”

Ok, muted colors are so trendy. Are we moving now but times of the general tendency towards individual hues. Here one stands out in particular. And though Camel: a lighter shade of brown, which alternates between beige, nude and caramel. If you want to bring a bit of color in the closet, Camel is a very good choice. The sound you can now also see very often at fashion bloggers and street style, says Vieten. Very popular, so the expert on, are also khaki and olive: The Utility Chic has just re-season A Parka in these shades is always a great combo ability..

Rose is a subtle splash of color

 Rose is a subtle splash of color

For Schlueter are particularly pastel tones of the top trend colors in winter: The palette ranges from about Rose Nude to mustard yellow variants coats and knitwear in these shades look simply fantastic.. Extra wide front looks Vieten especially the Pinks: Although the colors are not quite as loud, you set them yet a little splash of color in the dreary winter world. Equally striking are metallics. Shimmering shades such as gold, silver or bronze is the color trick of the season. Even shiny Lurex threads are celebrating a real fashion comeback, says Schlueter.

We come now to the typical winter colors like gray, black, cream and white. Always go, right? You can actually call all-time favorites, says Vieten. The front nose has more gray for Schlueter. The color is anything but boring from light gray to anthracite -. Gray is chic, feminine and cool at the same time.

The time of neon colors is over

 The time of neon colors is over

Favorite color is missing? No need to worry. Finally, all other colors have not holed up in this winter. You just wear only, no trend tiaras. Can cope … So everyone can still wear what he likes and where he feels comfortable. And maybe you should make sure that the colors are really one. For example, beiges can make incredibly pale. Since it also does not help that they are trendy, says Vieten.

Nevertheless, there are also colors that are currently not more popular as properly. Our experts agree: The time of neon colors is over. But Vieten notes: The colors are, however, sooner or later come back So you should not dispose of his neon colored skinny jeans, but just pack in the back corner of the closet..