Author Archives: Müge




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A prepared cake with cacao

A package of chocolate pudding



2 sliced banana

6 packages of kiktkat

3 packages of m&m




Prepare the pudding according to the direction on the package. Add sugar in lukewarm milk. Wet the bottom part of the cake with this mixture. Rub puddingon the cake. Place bananas on the cake. Put the upper part of the cake on this and wet it with milk. Rub the pudding on the upper part of the cake. Divide kitkats from eachother and place them around the cake. Wrap it with ribbon. Put M&M on the cake. Bon Appetite!



                                              MOCHA CUPCAKES WITH ESPRESSO


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1/3 Cup of cocoa powder

1-1/3 cup of flour

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

1 egg

1/2 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee

1,5 teaspoons of espresso powder

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1 stick butter


Put espresso powder in the brewed coffee and dissolve it. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt. Mix butter (at room temperature) and brown sugar and granulated sugar with mixer on high speed for 2-3 minutes. Add egg and mix them. Put milk, brewed coffee mixture and vanilla in it. Combine flour mixture and coffee mixture slowly. Cook muffins on 200’C for 17-20 minutes. Cool them completely and frost them. Bon Appetite.




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The usage of lavender will help you in your daily life. I will give some cures and their usage.

Alcohol, overweight, diabetics type 2, hyperlipoproteinnemy, usage of tetrasicline antibiotics, usage of kortikosteroid, excess intake of phoshor, inefficient intake protein, pregnancy period, wrong eating habşts are reasons for liver lubrication.

Usually you do not have clear compliants about liver lubrication. In some cases you can have ache and hump in your stomach.The cure for liver lubrication is beneficial.



                    CURE FOR LIVER LUBRICATION: Put 15-16 pieces of parsley in a bowl, add two table spoon of fresh lemon juice and 125 ml. water. Mix them with blender for 1-2 minutes. Drink this cure 15 minutes before the breakfast.Apply this cure 15 days and give break for 5 days. Then repeat the cure for 15 days. In second 15 days cure also apply lavander cure in the evenings.

                   Lavender Cure: Boil 150 ml. water and add a dessertspoon of lavender in it.Boil them for 15 minutes at low heat. After 8minutes take them from the heat.Drink this tea at least 2 hours after the dinner by draining. I recommend you to drink this cure half an hour before going to bed.

              CURE FOR ROMATOID ACHES: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 10 minutes at low heat. Drain it after it become cooler.Drink it two hours after the dinner for 15 days. Prepare this cure freshly everyday.Do not add sugar.After 15 days cure you can continue as 3-4 days in a week according to your compliants.



SAGE GARGLE FOR NASAL FOSSA CHUTE: Steep 1 table spoon of sage in 150ml. of water. Gargle your mouth with this teatwice before going bed. After breakfast repeat the gargle twice. This gargle can stay for 48 hours.

               CURE FOR DUST ALLERGY: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 6 minutes.Drink this for 15 days at least 2 hours after the dinner. Prepare this everday freshly.

These cures are very useful but do not use them instead of medicines and consult your doctor.

SOURCE: The article of Prof. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu




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Anger control is very important in social life. Here are A and B plans.

  Plan A:

1- Write 10 situations which you  blaze.

2- Determine the negative effects of your anger feelings to yourself and your environment.

3- Determine negative thinking patterns that trigger your anger.

4- These thinking patterns  have relationship with your childhood so determine enviromental factors related to these patterns.



5- Comb out blaming,pessimistic and other factors which causes anger feeling.

6- Check the coherence of new thinking patterns to you and your environment.


Plan B:

If Plan A did not work try Plan B

1- Keep a small stone with you every time and call it as toleration stone.

2- Choose a nice event that you had lived and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

anger control

3- Choose any other event that you feel yourself very powerful and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

4- Choose a moment which you feel strong spiritual peace and hold the stone and think that event for 30 seconds.

5- Good news! From now on you have a toleration stone which will turn your feellings from negative to positive whenyou faced with any situation that will anger you. When you face with situation like this take out your stone from your pocket and hold it for 10 seconds. You will be suprised for the results.



blood sugar

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If you have high blood sugar, especially in the summer diabetics can fall into coma. The dehydrate causes increase in tansion and this causes sudden apoplexy and cerebral hemorrhage. Here are keys to balance your blood sugar.

1-STAY AWAY FROM FLAN IN THE BREAKFAST: Start the day with balanced breakfast. Stay away from foods like flan, marmelade,honey and pasta in the breakfast which involve plain sugar. If you eat these kinds  of foods, they are turned to glicose and this increases your blood sugar. Instead of these foods consume brown bread, cheese with low oil and salt, egg, tomatoes, cucumber and greenery.

 2-EAT 5-6 MEALS IN A DAY:  In order to prevent the descent and ascent in your blood sugar you should eat 5-6 meals in a day.



3- EAT FOODS WITH PULP: Foods with pulp maintain  slow increase in your blood sugar. Thus, brown sugar, leguminous seeds, bulghur, fresh vegetables and fruits should be in your menu. Stay away from rice pilaf, macaroni, and flan.

4- DO NOT SKIP YOUR MEALS: If you skip your meals your blood sugar declines so do not skip your meals even if you are not hungry.

 5-DO NOT GLORIFY YOUR FRUIT PORSIONS: Be careful about your porsions while eating fruits. 1 medium peach or 4 items apricot equalls to 1 small apple or 1 fresh fig.

 6- EAT FRUITS WITH MILK OR WALLNUT:  Do not forget that fruits involve sugar. If you eat only fruit your blood sugar increases and decreases quickly. For this reason with fuit drink a glass of milk or eat 2 wallnutswhich involve protein and oil. So you balance your blood sugar.


7- PREFER DESSERT WITH MILK AND FRUITS: You can eat a dessert which prepared by cyclamate and milk or fruits once a day by caring the portion.

8- DRINK A GLASS OF WATER WITH YOUR TEA: Always drink water first. Do not drink more than 2 cup of coffe and 2-3 cup of tea in a day. Tea and coffee increases dehdrating so drink a glass of water with your tea. If you add  lemon to your tea this helps your digestion system.

9- STAY AWAY FROM FRUIT JUICE: A glass of fruit juice involves sugar of 4-5 fruits and since it does not have pulp it increases your blood sugar in fastly. Also do not drink light drinks more than a time in a day.

10- ADD CINNAMON TO YOUR MILK OR MILKY DESSERT: It is scientifically proved that cinnamon balances the blood sugar. Add 1 dessert spoon of cinnamon to your milk or milky dessert.

11- DRINK WATER: Water is very important for metabolism and for your body. Drink 10-12 glass of water in a day.


12-WALK : Regular exercises helps the usage of sugar  in the bodywhich is taken by foods. And increases the effectiveness of insuline hormone. Thus when you will visit your friends walk short distances. After 1,5 hour of dinner walk 30 minutes every night.

Blood sugar is very important for people so be careful and balance your blood sugar and these are some keys for you to balance your blood sugar.