Avocado and Banana Health Benefits

avocado and banana health benefits


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Avocado and Banana Health Benefits

Fruits are generally fortified with lots of natural health benefits. We will speak about 2 which commence with A and B – Avocado Health Benefits and Banana Health Benefits.

Health Benefits of Avocados:

Anti-Cancer Qualities

Like olive, avocado is abundant with oleic acid. Studies have discovered that oleic acid works well in combating cancer of the breast. Research has also suggested that antioxidants compound in the fruit helps combat prostate cancer and also fight pre-cancerous along with malignant oral cells.

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Boost Vision

Avocado is a wonderful origin of carotenoid lutein. Lutein is very effective at preventing cataracts and macular degeneration, which are age-related eye diseases.

Perfect for Your Heart

Avocado fruit has a huge amount of heart helping nutrients, such as the significant omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, oleic acid, folate along with glutathione. The fact is, a cup of avocado supplies a 23% of RDA of vitamin b folic acid. Reported by medical studies, diets rich in folate make contributions considerably to cardio health and give you better prevention against cardiovascular diseases.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Cutting in down Depressive Disorders

Bananas have got tryptophan, an amino acid which can be transformed to serotonin, giving you better feelings.

Enchancing Anemia

Bananas are fairly rich in iron typically assists your haemoglobin function.

Curing Diarrhea and Constipation

Due to their content of fiber, they may help gain back a regular bowel function. In addition, diarrhea commonly depletes one’s body of important electrolytes. Additionally, they contain pection, a kind of soluble fiber which will help stabilize motion through the intestinal tract.

Bananas are a good source of potassium– which is important for brain and nerve function as well as muscle function and blood pressure control. Bananas also contain fiber for heart health and vitamin C to help your body from getting sick.

With all these health benefits you can see why people eat so many bananas every year. Plus, it’s a delicious fruit so while you are eating you healthy snack you can also enjoy its sweet taste!

Don’t forget – it’s alright to try just one bite!

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