Fine Hair, Loose Strands? How to Do a Lush Mane – So it Gets a Thick Mane

fine hair

Beautiful hair is shiny and healthy. That’s the theory. Unfortunately, the reality often looks different. 40 percent of women have thinning hair that looks weak and susceptible to split ends. The good news: So they do not have to come to terms. There are ways to give hair new strength. We explain how healthy hair growth can be supported.

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The origin of beautiful hair: The hair root

Beautiful hair is rooted literally in the scalp, for there sits the hair root. In her hair is made and supplied by the blood with nutrients. Also about the color and thickness of the hair decide what happens in this “growth center”. Is the hair root well supplied with everything they need, we can look forward to a magnificent mane. For strong hair shines all by itself and is relatively resistant to split ends or hair breakage. This means that we can influence the condition of our hair from the outside, even if its basic characteristics are set by our genes limits.

But what our hair needs is actually concrete, to be healthy and strong? Healthy hair growth on the one hand promotes everything that the transport of nutrients to the hair root stimulates, saying; What stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, the quality of the hair benefits. Scalp massages with your hands or a soft brush feel are not only great, but help the supply of the hair root on the jumps. However, substances such as taurine or caffeine have applied in the form of hair tonic or hair serums on the scalp this effect.

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For beautiful hair

But a good circulation alone is not enough. It must have sufficient nutrients and vital substances to the hair roots are transported, for example …

  • Amino acids: These mini-blocks of proteins needed by the body to form keratin – the fabric, our hair consist of mostly. Especially good usable amino acids stuck in lean meat and low-fat dairy products.
  • Vitamins: UV light, smoking, stress – all these external influences lead in the body for the formation of aggressive oxygen molecules, the so-called free radicals. Unfortunately damage them – they are not previously checkmated – the body cells. The cells of the hair root are affected. So if you want healthy hair, should stop the harmful external influences. Because it is not always easy, we can slow down with antioxidants free radicals. The radical scavengers are present mainly in the form of vitamins (A, E, C) in fruit and vegetables. Since recently, you know that they put said plant materials in lignans. Above all, flaxseed is a good source of lignans.
  • Trace elements: As effective radical scavengers for the hair cells of the trace elements selenium and silicon apply.
  • Magnesium, B vitamins and biotin: This Substanze stimulate cell division in the hair root, and thus bring the formation of new hair on your toes. Especially whole grains and legumes these vital substances mix delivery is free.

Vital deficiency weakens the hair growth

Together, all these substances act as an intensive treatment from the inside to the hair root. Conversely, however, that is: the absence of these substances to the body over an extended period of time, the substance suffers from our hair. They are brittle, dull and prone to split ends – even with the best care. In addition, a lack of hair active substances cause our hair is getting lighter and thinner regrow new hair. A deficiency of vital substances in the body is often a slinky. Follow your act on the hair due to the particular growth cycle with a delay of two to three months. Only then will we realize that our hair has a problem.

Who wants to make sure that it goes all around his hair well, you should pay attention to a balanced diet rich in vital substances and avoid negative factors such as smoking, lots of sun or stress. This is done for a magnificent mane a lot.

However, there are phases in which we have to compromise here: Stress at work can be avoided, just as intense UV radiation not always. In addition, hormone preparations may like the pill or physical and mental disorders. Cause the supply to the hair roots gets into a tailspin with nutrients. Then, food supplement whose active ingredients are specially adapted to the growth of hair, make up the deficit. One tablet a day is usually sufficient already, so that the vital balance of the hair root comes back into balance.


Fine Hair, Loose Strands? How to Do a Lush Mane - So it Gets a Thick Mane
Article Name
Fine Hair, Loose Strands? How to Do a Lush Mane - So it Gets a Thick Mane
Beautiful hair is shiny and healthy. That's the theory. Unfortunately, the reality often looks different. 40 percent of women have thinning hair that looks weak and susceptible to split ends. The good news: So they do not have to come to terms. There are ways to give hair new strength. We explain how healthy hair growth can be supported.
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