Category Archives: General




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Migraine is very important disease which headaches are seen most. There are tension type headaches and these headaches are because of nervous reasons. There is no throbbing pain, nausea, head movement related pains. These typ of pains are directly related with stress. The number of people who has these type of headache is less then the number of people who has migraine.

If you have problem of headache wonder about migraine. Migraine is a physical disease. Anything triggers it and brain membraine inflammation occurs, veins expand, and pain. If you have migraine cold weather is harmful for you. But during migraine attack the best way to stop the pain is ice press. Place ice on your head.

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If your pains are permanent consult your doctor. The number of women who have migraine is 3 times more than men. Women have migraine pains approximately for 1.5 day and men have 1 day.Nausea and vomit are mostly seen in women, women have more migraine attacks than men. 1/5 of migraine patients cannot see one side, light flashes and see lines in front of their eyes. If the people who have these symptoms use birth control pill or drugs which contain ostrogen or smoke have risk of becoming paralyzed is 30 times more than others.

           Ways to get rid of from pains: – Wear beret and scarf in cold weather.

– Do not go out after having bath in the morning. Have bath at night and dry your hair very well.

– Do not stay in the wind. Wind should not come to your head.

– Do not open windows of the car during vacation.

– Use  hair dryer on tepid. It should not be too hot or too cold.

– Do not use hair gel. Hair gel increases conductance. Especially teenagers who have migraine face with this problem very much.


migraine 2

All the patients who have migraine should consult their doctor and make their regular treatment.




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The pain which occurs outward of your elbow is called ‘tennis player elbow’. In the past especially tenis players faced with this diseases but in fact many people face with this disease.

In the past, housewives after house cleaning and people who use screwdriver for a long time were  faced with this problem. At the present day the widespread of using computer. People who use keyboard and mouse for a long time are thread by this disease.  This disease begins outward of elbow after the activity.Micro rips occurs on tendons.

 Do not make these mistakes:

This disease occurs when you gripe your fingers too much. Thus you should care these points:

1- Avoid repeating the actions

2- Do not grip mouse

3- Do not use small mouse. Mouse should occupy your palm.

4- Give 15 minutes breaks when you study with computer and move periodically.

5- Decrease your stress in your office because stress causes  griping the mouse.



How will you recognize the disease?

When you press 5mm below of your elbow bone and feel the pain this is the typical symptom of his disease.  And you can feel the pain when you hold your arm. If you have these symptoms consult your doctor.


You can cure this disease without operation. If your pains are new use drug-ice method and rest. If you did not receive the theraphy you can use phsiotheraphy methods ( ESWT, massege, ultrasone,etc,) Also you can use injection methods. Best way is consulting your doctor and not wasting too much time with computer.




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pomegranate and beauty

Pomegranate seed oil  innovates the skin by moisturizing.Pomegranate is one of the functional food  amon foods  and  the importance of pomegranate seed oil is increased.

In the structure of promegranate there is punicic acid. Punicic acid has powerful anti-oxidant effect and this is used in anti-aging and wrinkle creams. It also involves poliphenollers and Vitamin E. And also pomegranate seed oil involves conguge oil which prevents skin cancer.



According to investigations pomegranate seed oil eliminates cancer cells in breast cancer. And also it is seen that people who had hyper tension problem have lived decline 5% in their blood pressure. According to investigations of scientists pomegranate seed oil is safe and protective agent against skin cancer.

Pomegranate seed oil is naturel cosmetic for dermotologic use. It is rich from Vitamin E and poliphenol so it can be used in skin care directly.



It also meets the needs of skin and renovates skin with its regenerative characteristics. With this feature pomegranate seed oil protects skin against free radicals. This contributes  the apperance of wink and elasticity in skin. Your skin can be damaged because of age, air pollution, environmental factors and lack of care. For emergence solution pomegranate seed oil is used. This is important for innovation, nutrition, moisturizing and elasticity of skin.

The usage of pomegranate seed oil is as follows. For internal use, 7-8 drop of pomegranate seed oil is enough. Put 7-8 drop of pomegranate oil in a glass of water and drink it. For external use, drop the oil on your finger tips and massage it to your skin. It does not mentioned about the harmful effect of  pomegranate seed oil. But it does not recommended to be used during the first three months of pregnancy because it involves natural ostrogen and also if allergic reactions are seen give break to the usage of pomegranate seed oil.




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The usage of lavender will help you in your daily life. I will give some cures and their usage.

Alcohol, overweight, diabetics type 2, hyperlipoproteinnemy, usage of tetrasicline antibiotics, usage of kortikosteroid, excess intake of phoshor, inefficient intake protein, pregnancy period, wrong eating habşts are reasons for liver lubrication.

Usually you do not have clear compliants about liver lubrication. In some cases you can have ache and hump in your stomach.The cure for liver lubrication is beneficial.



                    CURE FOR LIVER LUBRICATION: Put 15-16 pieces of parsley in a bowl, add two table spoon of fresh lemon juice and 125 ml. water. Mix them with blender for 1-2 minutes. Drink this cure 15 minutes before the breakfast.Apply this cure 15 days and give break for 5 days. Then repeat the cure for 15 days. In second 15 days cure also apply lavander cure in the evenings.

                   Lavender Cure: Boil 150 ml. water and add a dessertspoon of lavender in it.Boil them for 15 minutes at low heat. After 8minutes take them from the heat.Drink this tea at least 2 hours after the dinner by draining. I recommend you to drink this cure half an hour before going to bed.

              CURE FOR ROMATOID ACHES: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 10 minutes at low heat. Drain it after it become cooler.Drink it two hours after the dinner for 15 days. Prepare this cure freshly everyday.Do not add sugar.After 15 days cure you can continue as 3-4 days in a week according to your compliants.



SAGE GARGLE FOR NASAL FOSSA CHUTE: Steep 1 table spoon of sage in 150ml. of water. Gargle your mouth with this teatwice before going bed. After breakfast repeat the gargle twice. This gargle can stay for 48 hours.

               CURE FOR DUST ALLERGY: Steep 1 dessert spoon of lavender in 150 ml, of water for 6 minutes.Drink this for 15 days at least 2 hours after the dinner. Prepare this everday freshly.

These cures are very useful but do not use them instead of medicines and consult your doctor.

SOURCE: The article of Prof. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu




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dried fig

Fried fig is excellent blood producer. You will be suprised if you apply the formula below.


Boil 0,5 liter of water without chlorine. Add 8-9 numbers of dried fig and boil them for 7 minutes at low heat by closing its cover. Then wait for a time to  become cooler. Drink by filtering before 15-20 minutes ago the meals. Prepare this cure everyday freshly.This is total 42 days cure. Apply it 21 days. Leave 7 days break and apply 21 days more. If figs have white powder on them  before boiling them wash them with cold water. If your problem continues, repeat the cure for further periods.




Boil 1 liter water without chlorine. Cut  15-16 dried fig with knife once  them in boiling water. Boil them for 20 minutes at low heat by closing its cover. If figs have white powder on them wash them with cold water. Wait for a time to be cooler. Drink it by filtering  before 10-15 minutes ago meals. This is total 50 days cure. Apply it for 25 days. Leave 7 days break and apply 25 days more. You should prepare it everyday freshly.


dried fig1


Boil 0,5 liter of water without chlorine. Add 8-9 numbers of dried fig and boil them for 10 minutes at low heat by closing its cover. Then wait for a time to  become cooler. Drink by filtering before 15-20 minutes ago the meals. Prepare this cure everyday freshly.This is total 20 days cure. Apply it 10 days. Leave 3 days break and apply 10 days more. If figs have white powder on them  before boiling them wash them with cold water.

If your doctor recommended medicines to you, you should use them. You should learn if you have allergy to any kind of vegetable. These cures are only for adults. These informations are supportive and consult your doctor before diagnosing to yourself. Only doctors can diagnose any disease.