Category Archives: General




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Cinnamon is very important spice for throat and nose. If you have problem like sinusitis, quinsy and hoarseness cinnamon should be in your natural pharmacy in your kitchen.

Cinnamon involves cineol and cinnamaldehyde which are preventative against quinsy and hoarseness.These two effective materials need cuminaldehyde  to be functional. Thus, cinnamon is very important for its involvement of these three materials.

It is very effective for nose-throat infections. Cinnamon tea is very useful especially for people who use their voices like teachers,singers and speakers. The tea of shell cinnamon is useful for these diseases: – It is preventative for diabetics. It activate glykosil transferas enzyme and stops serintreonine protein kinas enzyme. This increases insuline sensibility.



– It decreases blood sugar. But it is not medicine for decreasing blood sugar. It is factor in decreasing blood sugar.

– It is preventative for rheumatism

– It is protective against quinsy

– It decreases the risk of attacking high blood pressure

– It is fatigue remover

– It is tranquiliser

– It prevents the forming of nitrozamine in lugs

– It is natural anti-bacterial

– It is preventative for headaches which is caused by busy business tempo

– It is stomach friendly

– It is good for mental fatigue

– It is protective against cancer.

– It strengthens the immune system

– It involves different structured molecular antioxidant. It is most powerful anti-oxidants. It involves at least 9 anti-oxidants.

– It is good for stress

– It is preventative against migraine

– It is very rich from potassium. If you have kidney failure or dialysis problem stay away from cinnamon.

– If you have hypoglisemy stay away from cinnamon

– It controls cholesterol. High cholesterol has negative effect for insuline sensibility. If you drink cinnamon tea  it helps to control total cholesterol and LDL.

– It is protective against pimple



You can drink cinnamon tea 4-5 times a week. Do not consume it too much because if you addict your body to herbal tea, you cannot use its benefits. Leave time lag for 15-20 days while drinking this tea.

Cinnamon Tea: Boil 150-200ml. of water. Put one cluster of cinnamon in it and boil for 5 minutes. Drink after filtering.

Resource: The article of Prof. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu




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KARDOMOM  is very useful for gut and breathing system. Seeds are chewed in sufficient amount. You can also use it in your dessert.

GINGER  has good characteristics. It helps digestion sytem and fights against sickness. It sedates pregnant women. It liquefies the blood, and protects from cloting which causes heart attack and brain diseases. It enables the blood stream. If you consume it with cherry it fights with rheumatism. And also it gives a good smell to fish and vegetables.


MUSTARD is diruetic and softens gut. It has effect of stimulant.

            BLACK PEPPER forms 1/4 of spices which are consumed alone. If you consume it in small amount it is friend of stomach and pancreas. It fights against catarrh and fever but if you have urinary tract infection you should consume less.


            TURMERIC  is star of anti-aging spices. It is cery useful for our health. It is more anti-enflamatuar than aspirine. It is anti-viral. In other words it prevents the spread of viruses of flu and catarrh. Generally, it strengthens the immune system. Ot lowers the cholesterol rate. It prevents the development of some cancers especially gut and prostate cancers. It reduces the symtomps of menapose.

CUMIN is appetizing. It is more powerful spice for digestion system.


THYME is anti-bacterial for respiratory tract. It also strengthens immune sytem.





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The coriander is grown in Europe, Africa and Asia.Mostly  it is used as spice. The other name of coriander is black cumin. The benefits of coriander is as follows:

– It has effect of appetizing. It eliminates indigestion.

– It makes you calm.It eliminates headaches if the reason is neural.

-If you have abscess in your month, put 10-12 drops  of coriander in a glass of water and drink it.

– If you consume it overdose, this will cause vertigo and study.

– If you eat it with honey and olive oil it cures thrush and hives.

-It strenghthens the heart and prevents flutter.

– It regulates period among women and enables giving birth.

– It redoubles the breast milk.

– It removes stomach ache and disgorge

– It has effect of curing trots

– If you eat coriander by mixing honey, it lowers tension

– If you have excessive stomach acid you should not consume coriander.

– It increases virility

-It is recomended to consume coriender against  athorosclerosis

– If you drink powder coriender after steeping it in hot water it will cure wounds in your month.

– It is useful for eyes inflammation if you drop  two drop of coriander sap in your eyes three times a day.

– Its plaster is used  against hemorrhoid.

–  If  you faced with insect sting, you will crush leaf of coriander and put it on it and this will stop the ache.





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According to experts cherry is not only consumed as fruit but its root, peel, flower, cement, seed and stem are consumed. The miracle fruit’s benefits are as follows:

– It cleans the body from  toxic substances with its diuretic effect by being friend of  kidney.

– It helps to  plunge the ovearage water from the body so this causes  loosing weight.

– It helps to cure the pimples on your face and body

– If you rub the cherry juice on your face, this will prevent new wrinkledness and smooth out your face.

– Consuming overdose drugs , poisoning, diseases  urge liver but cherry disburden the live. By time liver begins to work normal and this increases the ballast ejection which causes increase in digestion power.

– Body resistance increases against diseases.

– From medicine point of view the most effective part of cherry is its stem. It lets fall high cholesterol. There is no known serious side effect of cherry.

– Cherry is source of Vitamin A and involves beta caroten. It is also eyes friendly fruiıt.

– Cherry dashes uric acid and urate salts from the body so it is used in curing  rheumatism, gout, clacification, atherosclerosis

– Cherry is also used as pain reliever and it more effective than painkillers.

– Cherry involves fructose which is digested easily so diabetics can eat cherry without facing any problems.

–  Cherry has cinic acid in its form so cinic acid prevent formation of  kidney sand and kidney stone and by time it helps to drop kidney sand and kidney stone in gall blader

– Cherry involves antosianin substance which likes vitamins E and C. So cherry has anti-oxisidant effect.





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Every season has different fruits, We can find every fruits and vegetables in every  seasons but we have to consume every fruit and vegetable on its  season. These are some winter fruits which will be mentioned below.

APPLE is perfect fruit for healthy menu. Eating an apple every day is advised by doctors. If you have ulseratiph gripes and chronic trots you should not eat apple or drink fresh apple juice. If you have problem of puffiness eat sourish apple.

 QUINCE invigorates heart and it is good for digestion system of your body. If  you consume it in accurate way it will solve your problems of costipation and hemorrhaid. Divide a quince into 4 pieces. Take out the pips. Boil it in a lukewarm water for 2-3 minutes. Consume it with its water.

POMEGRANATE is very useful fruit if it is consumed in right way. Fresh pomegranate juice is good for high tansion. Drink 2 glass of pomegranate juice in a day if you have high tansion.  Drink it when you are hungry. If you have low tansion do not drink pomegranate juice. This is also useful for teeth problems and gums. Drink a tea glass of pomegranate juice twice a day.

 ORANGE is full of vitamin C. It is useful for guts. Do not drink fresh orange juice in the late hours of night for not to have kip problems. If you have hypoglysemi drink orange juice rarely. If you want to drink orange juice you should not be hungry.

Consume sweet fruit with bread in order to prevent fast inclines and declines in your glisami.