Category Archives: Health




*Keep body hydrated-Cucumber has %96 water content that is more nutritious than regular water

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*Skin care

The high water content, vitamins A,B,C and the presence of certain minerals like magnesium, potassium and silica make cucumbers an essential part of skin care.

*Control Blood Pressure

Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and fiber that work effectively for regulating blood pressure


Digestive disorders like acidity, heartburn, gastritis and even ulcers can be cured by the daily consumption of fresh cucumber juice.

*Relieve gout and arthritis pain

Cucumber is rich in vitamin A,B1,B6,C and D, Folate, Calcium. Magnesium, And Potassium, when mixed with carrot juice, they can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering the uric acid levels.

BENEFITS OF CUCUMBER1*Aid in weight loss

Due to its low calorie and high water content, cucumber is an ideal diet for people who looking for weight loss.


                                                        CHRONIC FRAZZLE


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If you feel yourself bushed all the time, you can become prey of chronic frazzle. Chronic frazzle  is called the frazzle which does not come good by resting.It increases with phsical and mental activities and it continues at least 6 months and more.

        Chronic frazzle continues longer than normal frazzle. The symptoms are loss of memory and concentration, sleep disorder, muscle pains that are resistant to treatment., some pains in joints (without swelling and rednes), headache, chronic sore throat and lympatic sensibility,

            Test yourself…

          If you feel yourself bushed all the time, after consulting  your doctor if your laboratory tests are normal and this situation continues more than 6 months and if you say ‘yes’ to the four or more questions below you can face with chronic frazzle sendrome.

 1- Do you  forget hasty or do you have concentration problem?

2-After any physical or mental activity do you feel yourself bushed, groogy, ill and crummy for a long time?

3-Do you wake up bushed  after sleep?

4- Do you have muscle pains in your different parts of your body?

5- Do you have joint pain without swelling and redness?

6- Do you have headache frequently?

7-Do you have chronic sore throat?

8-Do you have  lympatic sensibility on your neck and underarm?


    If you say ‘yes’ to 4 or more of  these questions be careful about chronic frazzle. What can you do to protect yourself from this disease?

   – Apply stress management

    – Sleep 8-10 hours in a day

   – Perform physical exercises

   – Eat a balanced diet

  – Stay in your favorite weight

  – Be optimistic

 – Share time for resting

  – Drink large amount of water

  -Stay away from alcohol

 – Eat banana, strawberry and kiwi when you feel yourself bushed

   Thre are also alternative methods against chronic frazzle. Massage, yoga, acupuncture and tai-chi can be some options for you to feel yourself better.


                                   10 FRUITS THAT LENGTHEN LIFE

Fruits involves vitamins, minerals and fibre which are most important constituent of body, Here are some fruits which are beneficial for our body.

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        APPLE lowers the cholesterol and tension. If you consume it regularly it has effect of anti-aging,  regulates the sugar rate in the blood and prevents early aging which is result of diabetics. It strengthens  the immune system. It stops joint and rheumatism aches. It prevents constipation and stops diarrhea.

japanese pear

       JAPANESE PEAR  is a kind of apple which gives the taste of pear. It has qualified minerals and low calorie.


       ORANGE  is rich from Vitamin C. It has enough calcium and has anti-cholesterol fibres. Do not forget fruit is the best dessert.


      PLUM strengthens the heart veins. It is diuretic and softens the guts. It is rich from minerals and source of anti-aging.


      BERRY  protects capillary. It supports blood stream and it has anti-aging effect.


      PINEAPPLE  has low calorie. It has enzyme which is called bromelain. This enzyme balances blood cloging and protects the heart. And also it involves enzymes which prevents the combination of cancer causing materials and protects stomach.


       WATERMELON involves high amount of water and keratine. It is rich from fibre and anti-aging. It is effective in protecting from cancer and cardiological diseases.


      LEMON strengthens blood veins because of vitamins and flavonoids that it involves. By blood stream lemon gives power to our cells like benzine and provide vital vitamins to our body. And also it has important place in protecting people from cancer. You can use its benefits by adding lemon juice in your meals because it lowers sugar rate in blood and blood presure.


AVOCADO has high calorie but it is good candidate to  add it in your daily menu because its oils are very beneficial. They are as good as olive oil. It is friend of heart. It involves fibres and Vitamin E which is anti-cholesterol and very good anti-oxidant.


GOO-FO has very low calorie. It is rich from vitamins and fibres. It lowers sugar rate in blood. Its biting taste is helpful for digestion system. It is ideal for beauty and health.

RESOURCE: Dufuor, Anne.’ Okinawa Diet’.


                                                 THE HEALTH SOURCE: EGG


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Egg’s protein and nutrition value is very high. It is food of animal origin but its involvement of fat is very low. Thus egg is friend of diet menus.

Egg has protein structure which can be absorbed by body. The biological value of egg is 94. It is perfect nutrition because of its vitamins, being cheap, easy access, low calorie and characteristics of being filling. Egg’s white and yelow parts differs with its nutritions. It involves balanced nutrition components from protein and lipids. 45% of protein is in its yolk and 55% is in egg white.   IT involves triptophan seratonın which is beneficial for mental activities.


Altough egg is animal origin food its fat involvement is low. An egg involves 4-5gr. fat. 1,5 gr. of it is saturated oil. The lipids in egg are in yolk. Egg white does not contain cholesterol and fat.

Egg involves B2,B6B12,A,D,E,K, iron, zinc, phosphor, potassium, magnesium, copper and calcium. Egg does not only involves Vitamin C. For this reason if you consume egg with tomatoes, parsley, orange, green vegatbles you either tkae Vitamin C and you provide the absorbtion of iron.It good source of Vitamin D.

It also involves minerals like iron and zinc which are very important for your health. Iron is needed for forming of blood. Iron has role of growing, developing and protecting from the diseases. If you have lack of iron it causes anemia.


Also according to researches that are done in recent years, the cholesterol rate in egg is not much so you can consume it three times a day. Colin is needed for brain functions. And egg is good option because of its colin involvement. The colin in egg is called betain in the body. Yolk contains lesitinine which is very useful  for liver. If you do not take enough lesitinine this causes the accumulating of fat and cholesterol in liver. Yolk involves contaksine, zeaksantine and lutein caratonids which forms the yolk’s colour qualiy. Carıtens has effect of antioxidant and suppport the imune system and also has effect of anti aging.

Thus egg is good source of vitamin and for your health consume egg. There are different ways to cook it so contribute it to your daily menu in order to use its benefits.



black cumin

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According to researches which are done in USA Cancer Investigation Laboratory, 100% natural black cummin oil lessens the growing of tumor 50%. Black cummin is the most popular vegetable that was investigated upto today. It is very beneficial vegetable.

Black cummin oil involves Omega 3, Omega 6 oil acids, elements, enzymes and vitamins. Black cummin  oil is known as nigella sativa. This oil increased the growing rate of bone marrow 250%. The researchers approved the anti-bacterial and anti-micotic effects of black cummin and determined the benefits in lesenning the sugar level in treatment of diabetics.

Many diseases like pollen and dust allergy, asthma and skin inflammation are treated by black cummin oil. It is proved that in obesity and type 2 diabetics treatment with black cummin oil  the ensulin resistance lessens and protects the patients from side effects of  antiviral treatment. Black cummin oil also used in the treartment of  jawbone fusion. And it is proved that black cummin oil has protective effect against stomach irritation which are caused by alcohol. It protects the stomach from harmful wounds.

Black cummin oil prevents the secretion of calcium so it has effect of relaxing muscles (spasmolytic) and expanding piper. It has also effect of controlling blood pressure and increasing the body secretion. And also you do not need to be ill to consume black cummin oil. Black cummin oil contains omega oil acids, B1,B2 and B6 vitamins, folic acid, beta carotine, Vitamins A,E and C so for healthy life it is nedded. You do not need to be ill but consuming a dessert spoon of black cummin will strengthen your immune system.