Category Archives: Health


                                                          HEALTH SECRETS 3


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green pulm

          Green Plum is very useful fruit. It is good for digestion system and it prevents constipation. If you eat green plum regularly it strengthens the gums.In the treatment of iron deficiency it is very useful. Green pulm helps to produce blood cells so it prevents anemia.

         Mineral Water is good drink for summer. It has high amount of mineral and this enables good fettle to body. And also it is rich form magnesium and this lowers the diseases of heart and vein. If you drink a bottle of mineral water ever day you decrease the risk of having sudden heart attack. But if the sodium rate in mineral water is high this can increase tension.

         Peach is rich from vitamins A, B, C. And it also involves calcium, potasium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphor minerals. This fruit increases the resistance of body, softens the gut, enables digestion and prevents constipation. It is also good for insomnia. It also runs kidney and it spills kidney stone.


         Gruel is needed for healthy breakfast. If you do not have much time for breakfast gruel mush is ideal for you.You can balance your blood sugar. Cook half package of gruel with half cup of water for 2-3 minutes. Add half cup of milk in it. You can eat it in the breakfast.

        Sun Protective Cream is used against skin cancer but while using these creams rub it on your ears. If you do not rub protective cream on your ears these parts have high ratio of having cancer.

breast milk

Breast Milk is very important for the health of babies. According to final investigations it is proved that breast milk protects babies from cancer.According to researches the cancer cells which are produced in labs are killed by breast milk. Breast milk  sets the places of cancer cells and kills them. And also the ratio of babies who are fed by breast milk faced with respiration system infections is very low. The immune system of babies who are fed by breast milk are become 9 times more stronger than the babies who are fed by nipple.Thus, mothers should show great importance to feed their babies with breast milk.


                                              HEALTH WITH WHITE CABBAGE


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white cabbage

White cabbage is the most important vegetable for the health of people. It contains very important materials like Vitamin-u, didolmetane, isotiosianate, glucoiberine, folacine, crocetine.

The cure of white cabbage evacuate toxins which accrued in fatty tissue.The nutritions evacuate toxins by evoking biotransformation mechanism. Any person who takes his/her medicines but can not lower his/her blood sugar can lower his/her blood sugar by consuming white cabbage. It prevents and removes cellulite.

White cabbage regulates blood stream system. It also helps to strengthen immune system of patients which had chemotheraphy and radiotherapy and it has effect of preventing bowel cancer. White cabbage is used to cure sleep apnea. Many patients used white cabbage against sleep apnea. White cabbage cure has protective effect aginst many diseases. When you drink it regularly it has protective effect against gut cancer. The cure has effects  of either antioxidant or hormone balance.  It has also preventive effect against capillary chap.

When you consume white cabbage cure it likes you wear an armor against many diseases. If you are candidate of diabetes you should consume the cure in order to balance your blood sugar.

The cure: Boil 4 water glass of water. Add 7-8 leaves of white cabbage without sawing to this boiling water. Stew them  fo 10 minutes by closing its cover. During the boiling open the cover. Care about laying cabbages in the water during the boiling. After it cools, filter white cabbage and drink 1,5 glass of cure   before meals or  one  hour after meals but it is more useful to drink it before meals. You do not need to consume the leaves of white cabbages.Apply this cure 4-5 days in a week but prepare the cure every time new. If you cannot drink 1,5 glass of this cure once a time, drink it during the day time. If you are diabetics apply this cure 3-4 times in a year. While applying this cure  never give up consulting your doctor. Consult your doctor regularly.


                                                               HEALTH SECRETS 2


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healthy woman

            Water  slows down aging. One of the important factor for wrinkles is not drinking enough water. Water fosters skin and give the apperance of fresh and chippy. It has important place in preventing skin aging. If you want to protect the youthfulness of your skin and slow down your wrinkles, you should drink 2- litres water in a day.

          Sleeplessness  causes high blood pressure. Sleeplessness increases the risk of high blood pressure. According to medical researches people who sleep less has possibility of having high blood pressure is 83%  higher than others who sleep more. High blood pressure causes many mmedical problems like heart attack and palsy.

         Watermelon contains high rate of water so it is useful for waterlessness. Watermelon actuates kidneys and helps to shed kidney stone.

         Friendship relations  prevents dementia. In order to prevent dementia and alzheimer active social life is very important. Friendship relation works brain. According to medical researches, in this way memory and brain health is protected. Also exercises are impportant in ppreventing dementia.

       Yogurt water is source of vitamin. The yogurt water is most rich vitamin source. It should not be spilled. It is very health and important to strengthen the immune system.


images healthy

      Tea prevents halitosis. It has negative effect in social and business lives. Black tea contains polifenol which destroys the bacterias which causes halitosis. For this effect you should drink tea sugar free. But the reasons of halitosis can be teeth or gingivitis. If your halitosis does not end, consult your doctor.

       Vitamin D  is important for tooth.You can take vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D is necessary not only for bones but also for tooth but 15-20 minutes is enough to take vitamin D from sunlight.

      Apple  is ideal fruit for heart health. Antioxidants fight against free radicals which causes damages in body cells, DNA and structure.Free radicals can cause diseases like heart and vein, cancer,etc. Apple contains ‘quercetin’ which fights with free radicals with its antioxidant effect.If you eat 1-2 apples in a day you can protect your health.

      Fish protects from allergy. According to medical researches if a baby consumes fish before 1 year old the risk of having allergic diseases decreases 26%. To eat fish twice a week is very useful for babies.

    Horse tail tea is good for hair loss. The horse tail vegetable contains flavanoids which develops immune system.It also contains salisilic acid and many minerals. This tea is beneficial for hair loss and nail. Boil 1-2 cluster of horse tail vegetable in a liter of water. Drain it and drink 1-2 cup of tis tea in a day.

Resource: Articles of Prof. Dr. George Lexington


                                                  SUPER FOODS: DRIED FRUITS

fuit           Dried Fruits are very benficial for health of people. Especially pistachio and sunflower seed to redouble the fine cholesterol. And this prevents atherosclerosis which causes heart attack and cerebral hemorrhage. But if you consume excessive dried fruit this will cause getting high calories. For his reason you should eat a handful dried fruits every day.Here are some benefits of dried fruits:

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             NUTS contains crome which balances the sugar blood.It strengthens the body and helps problems of menopause and tension. It reduces cholesterol and risk of heart attack.It contains calcium which strengthens bones and tooth. Nut has 1-3% of fibre so it cures constipation. It also contains iron minerals so it helps forming ed blood cells and prevents anemia and disorder of the digestive system. And also it has effect of aphrodisiac which increases sexual  performance.

          ALMOND dispels mental and body frazzle.It redoubles lactation and helps babies’ body and mental development. Almond oil is very useful for nose dryness and lip crack.It is rich from calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium and minerals. It balances blood sugar and increases sexual performance. It is good for cough. And also it involves Omega 3 which prevents cloging blood and atherosclerosis and also it lowers cholesterol and risk of heart attack.


          ROASTED CHICKPEAS’s raw material is pea and it contains low fat. It gives the feel of glut and has low calorie so it is ideal for people who have diet. It protects gut and relaxes stomach.

          PISTACHIO NUT increases concupiscence with the effect of aphrodisiac. It dispels body and mental frazzle. It contains calcium mineral which is necessary for muscle power and nerve transmission. It contains fibre. Foods which contains fibre is shorten the period of harmful materials which causes cancer staying in gut so it protects from cancer. It causes indigestion if you consume more and sometimes it can causes allergic reactions.

         WALLNUT contains phoshorus and calcium which dispels  mental and body frazzle. It strengthens the tooth and bones. It is very rich from potassium. Potassium is needed for nerve stimulation and working of muscle structure. Wallnut involves magnesium so it relaxes muscles. It contains iron minerals which carry oxygen from lungs to tissues and it also prevents anaemia. Also wallnut oil is very beneficial. It cleans stomach and gut. It also involves silver ione, sodium, potasium , Vitamins B1,B2,B3,B6 and Vitamin E. It has leaves with aromatic smell. It is good for indegestion, lack of appetite, cleaning blood.


PISTACHIO meets the needed fat, Vitamin B1 and phoshorus which are necessary for body if you eat 10-12 pieces of pistachio ever day. It containsVitamin B1 which is necessary for forming blood and also it lowers cholesterol in blood and optimize the brain functions like understanding andd teaching. It decreases the risk of chronic heart diseases. It is rich from Vitamin E,B, and C. Also it contains chrome and fibre which balances diabetes. It prevents the increase in blood sugar nd lowers the absorbtionof glucose in gut. And also it is good for cleaning pus and it cures cough.

SUNFLOWER SEED prevents atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol. It increases concupiscence. It prevents nerve case. Sunflower has characteristics of diuretic. It has cureness effect in respiration system diseases. And also it involves phosphor and zinc minerals. It also prevents rostate growing, kidney inflammation and cystitis It relaxes gut and  effuses hookworm. It prevents the diseases of kidney, heart and vein diseases.

Prefer consuming raw dried fruits. Uncooked and salt free dried fruits are beneficial for human health.




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Hospital infection is big health problem worldwide the world. 5% of patients in developped countries and 10-15% of patients in undevelopped or developing countries face with this problem. Is everybody who goes to hospital face with this problem? Who are in the risky group? What are the factors which causes hospital infection?

Hospital infection is infection which is seen among patients who line in hospital after 48-72 hours later  lining in hospital or within 10 days  after being discharged. In fact this shows the quality of hospital. People who have weak immunity system like new born babies, premature babies, cancer and aid patients, old people are face with dead because of hospital infections. Every year 100,000 people were suffered die in USA.

Hospital infection can be developped according to patients. For an example intensive antibiotics taking,  taking cancer causing drugs, age of patient are some reasons of this. Infections arise with microorganisms which are spread to the body from different ways. This can be bacteria, viruses, parasite or fungus. If the source is bacteria its ratio of seen is high and its treatment is hard. In hospital infections if patient has resistance to antibiotics, this increases the risk of suffering  hospital infection.

There are many kinds of hospital infections but most popular infections are urinary tract infection, surgery scope infection and respiratory infection.  The ratio of decedent from the respiratory infection is the highest  ratio among other infections. Microorganisms spread to patients from medical materials which microorganism was mixed up, hands of health personnel, mechanical air conditions, aspiration materials which are placed to throat or mouth.

According to investigation of World Health Organisation among 14 countries, in 55 hospitals the search has done and 9% of patients had hospital infection. Hospital infection is also risk for hospital staff. If hospital staff do not show attention to hand cleaning, if there is sterilization problem for medical materials, inadequate number and qualified personnel in the hospital and  if the hygienic rules are not obeyed in the hospital the ratio of facing with hospital infection is very high.

It is not possible to abolish hospital infection but it is possible to decrease the ratio of people who face with this problem. Hand washing decrease the ratio of infection 30%. Anti microbial soap is recommended in hospital. Infection watching units are established in some hospitals in order to control the infection.According to datas they control and prevent the spread of infection. And also the education of health staff is important. Staff take education programmes against infections. This is also very important to cope with infections.

In 2012 RFID technology is began to used in Florida. Intelligent wristband is used. This wristband alerts the personnel by vibrancy during hand washing. MicroUSB is used to collect datas and these datas are send to managers of hospitals in order to give information about how the personnels obey the hygenic rules in the hospital. This system has watching and feedback capacity in 24 hours 7 days. If this system is widespread around the world this will decrease the ratio of hospital infections.

RESOURCE: Science and Technic Review, May 2013