Health is the most important thing in life. You should care about your health before losing it. In this article, you will read some recipes about your health. These are herbal recipes and alternative ways for you. First, you should consult your doctor and then you can try these recipes. All of these recipes will show you alternative ways for your health.
2 soup spoon of honey
2 soup spoon of pomegranate seed oil
Mix honey and pomegranate seed oil. Eat twice a day. If you have an allergy to honey, you mix it with 2 soup spoon of yogurt.
Pomegranate seed oil is very good for cholesterol. Also, there are pomegranate seed oil capsules. You can use it against cholesterol.

2 dessert spoon of evening primrose oil
2 dessert spoon of angelica oil
Mix evening primrose oil and angelica oil. Consume it in a day.
During menopause, women need some supplements. This cure will comfort you a lot. Also, you can find evening primrose oil capsules in pharmacy.
1 dessert spoon of saw palmetto oil
1 dessert spoon of pumpkin seed oil
Mix saw palmetto oil and pumpkin seed oil. Eat it three times a day after meals.
Pumpkin seed oil is very good for the prostate. This cure is very effective. You can also eat pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seed oil is also good for the skin.

1 dessert spoon of honey
2 soup spoons of fennel seed
2 soup spoons of lavender
1 soup spoon of jasmine
1 soup spoon of rose leaves
1 soup spoon of strawberry leaves
1 soup spoon of raspberry leaves
Mix fennel seed, lavender flower, rose leaves, jasmine flower, strawberry leaves, and raspberry leaves. Boil them. Wait for a night. In the morning boil it once and filter it. Drink one cup of it every day.
Jasmine, lavender, and fennel seed will relax you very much. It is recommended to consume strawberry and raspberry in menopause.

2 soup spoons of honey
1/4 bunch of fresh mint
100 gr. sweet marjoram
50 gr, fresh ginger
1-2 cloves of garlic
Boil fresh mint, sweet marjoram, and garlic. Grate fresh ginger and add it to them. Boil all of them for 3-4 minutes. Wait for a night. In the morning boil them again. Filter it. Add honey. Keep it in a glass jar. Eat a soup spoon of it every morning before breakfast. If your thyroid does not work, you can do this cure. If your thyroid works, do not do this. People whose thyroid do not work can drink sweet marjoram tea.
This cure is very effective for your immune system. Do this cure for a month. After a week repeat this cure again.
100 gr. of ginger
100 gr. of honey
100 gr. of artichoke leaves
100 gr. of dead nettle.
Mix ginger, artichoke leaves, dead nettle, and honey. Eat a dessert spoon of it every day.
Ginger is also good for nausea, influenza, digestion problems, prevent cancer, developing the brain, and protecting the liver.

1/2 bunch of fresh mint
1/2 bunch of parsley
100 gr. rosemary
Cut fresh mint, parsley, and rosemary into small pieces. Put them in a glass jar. Add Apple vinegar. Put it under sunshine for 3-4 weeks. Consume 1 soup spoon of it after meals for two months long.
Parsley is also used against inflammation. Rosemary strengthens memory and the immune system. It also fights against breast cancer.

2 soup spoons of green tea
2 soup spoons of dead nettle
2 soup spoons of mallow
2 soup spoons of blackberry leaves
2 soup spoons of thyme
Mix green tea, dead nettle, mallow, blackberry leaves, and thyme. Boil them. Filter for 2-3 minutes and drink 3 cups of it every day after meals. This tea will increase your metabolism rate. Also do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. You will feel the difference.
Especially green tea is recommended for people who want to lose weight. Thyme is good for bones and heart. Dead nettle strengthens your immune system and it is good for the digestion system. Blackberry leaves are anti-oxidant. They strengthen bones and balance high blood pressure.
These cures will help you very much. You will enjoy these alternative ways because these cures are tried and gotten good results. You will find many new recipes in our new articles.