The most obvious symptom in breast cancer in the breast is controlled manually, when coming into the hands of an audience. In addition, radiology imaging methods can be performed.
Known as determination of masses of advanced stages of breast cancer breast tissue changes occur in skin by changing color of veins, and observed an increase in bloody discharge symptoms, such as breast and axillary lymph nodes of breast cancer don’t come hand in among symptoms.
Breast cancer symptoms occur before a possible intervention that may be plays a major role in reducing the risk of breast cancer.
As with other oncological diseases breast cancer, early diagnosis is of vital value. As a result of early diagnosis, disease will be treated early and chance of reducing the negative results will be increased.
It is recommended to have ultrasonography before 40 years of age, and mammography checks after 40 years of age. In addition, women should examine themselves manually.
In addition, if there is blood coming from breast to the underwear, thickening of breast tissue and similar changes in tissue, an application should be made to specialist physician immediately.
The most common results among symptoms of breast cancer are manual examination of mass.

What are Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?
- Mass in breast
- Breast skin becomes like orange peel
- Inward nipple of the nipple
- Discharge from the nipple and bloody discharge
- In case of early detection of breast cancer, there are some local findings.
Editor’s Pick:
Late Signs of Breast Cancer
- A large mass felt under armpits
- Pain felt on breast
- Visible wounds on breast and spread of breast cancer cells to other organs and bones.
Which Foods are Useful to Prevent Breast Cancer
Looking at worldwide research, green tea has a protective effect on breast cancer, while use of pulses should be increased.
In a study conducted on Asian women, was found that breast cancer was less common, Asian ladies, reason for this beans, soy beans, consume a lot of legumes such as red kidney beans and chickpeas, was observed that often when you consume legumes meals without too much ceremony, while at the same time be protective against breast cancer preventing breast cancer.
Russia is a different country; In another study conducted on women, was observed that Russians consumed cabbage soup almost every day.
As a result of scientific research conducted on cabbage, active preservative substances that prevent breast cancer have emerged.
We should benefit from this food by consuming cabbage in different ways.