Category Archives: Health

Best Friends Forever – The Secret of Long Friendships

Best Friends Forever - The Secret of Long Friendships

The secret of long friendships

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Friends are a wonderful thing. Often they are similar to us close as our life partner. The special feature: you do not see us through rose-colored glasses, but rather clear and sober. And they love us anyway!

Best friends forever: That sounds great, but is not always so simple. Because even among good friends, there is uncertainty, controversy and disappointment. For example, because a lot invested and the other shows little grateful. There are many reasons why friendships break.

How, then, cultivates a friendship so just does not happen? What people make up correctly, are a life closely connected? Friendship is always a give and take, said the Berlin psychotherapist and author Dr. Wolfgang. One should be aware that you have to make and maintain friendships. And not just in good times but also or just in times of crisis. This shows most of who is a true friend and who is not.”

It does not make superhuman to get a friendship one. Ultimately, it is enough if we take a week one to two hours time for each other, make an appointment and ask ourselves honestly, how is the other, says the expert. The more we are willing to open ourselves and tell the others, the more wins the friendship of depth.

  1. Tip: Show Interest

Friendships always live on the interest on the other, says expert Dr. Wolfgang. Genuine interest. We should not only ask: How are you But we should also ask? What troubles you What’s been your life long issue and how can I help you here. From experience we all know: A friend who can really listen, gold is worth.

  1. Tip: Ask

Apart from our sandbox childhood friends we know many friends only half, because we have learned in adulthood. From our childhood, they often know nothing. That can change, says Dr. Wolfgang Why do not you sit with his friends together and looks at old childhood photos, telling stories, so that the other gets an insight into your own world?

  1. Tip: Write a letter

Why do not we tell the best friend or your best friend, what we like about it, what the five properties that we do not want to miss? In a partnership it is with expressions of love always very attentive and inventive, says the expert , But also good friends you should say what you like and appreciate each other. Therefore just about the best friend a letter.

  1. Tip: Huddle

Friendships also need shared experiences, the expert emphasizes. Unfortunately, due to time constraints we can not always meet each friend individually. Therefore, groups of friends are important, with which one undertakes beautiful things together, for example, by going to the cinema or make a bike ride. His tip: Just so organize a meeting among friends so you get several friends at once with a hat and the group experience provides common, beautiful moments Nothing connects more..!

  1. Tip: Addressing Conflicts Open

Conflicts occur in every friendship. Here, the expert says: If one already longer something bothers the other, you have to address it sent, otherwise it withdraws permanently and friendship thins out slowly. This makes, as so often, the sound, the music. It is important for a diplomatic dispute culture, for example by asking your best friend: I really meet me gladly with you, but in between you always go to your phone and talk for I feel this is a problem How do you see the..?

Flatulence in Baby – Help Against Stomach Ache

Flatulence in Baby – Help Against Stomach Ache

It expresses, tweaks, and doing just hurt – no wonder the kids are heartbroken at flatulence. Flatulence in the baby just come in the first few months often before and are a huge burden for mom and child.

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With bloating, so too much air in the stomach, we already torment us adults around times when we eat too greasy or have had cabbage and legumes on the plate. Flatulence in babies are quite similar, but unfortunately the kids can not even speak and say clearly: Mommy, my tummy hurts. You can only scream – and who has a baby knows: Shouting can have many causes. How to recognize as Mama, that the child actually has flatulence?

Flatulence in the baby: typical symptoms

In the bloating tummy hurts. The baby moves so often only the legs jerk to the body in order to stretch afterwards. In addition, it is restless and crying. Often bloating occur in babies on the afternoon or evening.

What causes flatulence in the baby?

Through the air caused the abdominal pain can have various causes. For one, the baby’s digestive system is in the first few months after birth not fully developed yet and can cause discomfort. On the other hand, show up while drinking air in the abdomen. Bloating occur when baby more often if it gets the vial. But even with breastfeeding, it happens that the little ones to gulp and then too much air enter the stomach. The burp after drinking is therefore very important.

Another cause of flatulence in the baby may be the food of breastfeeding mom. Through breast milk ingredients go into the belly of the baby. Indigestible foods include cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, onions. Does the child often abdominal pain, the mother should even pay attention to what she ate before.

In rare cases, the bloating comes from the baby food intolerance, for example, a lactose allergy if the child gets a bottle. To exclude this possibility, a doctor should be consulted if the baby cries a lot and after each meal.

This will help prevent bloating in the baby

We adults drink an herbal tea against flatulence. But what helps the baby? A Patently there is not, but a few home remedies that achieve very good results.

Flyer handle

A good trick to solve the flatulence in the baby, is the so-called flyer handle. For the baby with the stomach is laid down on the forearm, the head is supported with the hands. Older children can be placed instead on the forearm and on his knees.

Baby Massage

To solve the air in the abdomen, also an abdominal massage has been proven. But one takes the index and middle finger and pulling so on baby’s tummy in a clockwise gentle circles.

 Flatulence in The Baby - Help Against Stomach Ache


Even babies can already drink a little fennel. Alternatively, if the bloating is already there or as a precautionary measure when the baby is prone to abdominal pain.

Hot grains pillow

Heat triggers bloating – even the baby. Anyone who uses a grains pillow against stomach ache, should be very careful, otherwise it will quickly burn. Make the pillow is not too hot and always place a cloth between the pad and baby’s tummy.

Homeopathic remedies

Globules salts: Some swear by homeopathic remedies – including the baby. Here you should be definitely advice from an expert and adhere strictly to the instructions.

So it prevents bloating before the baby

In addition to proper nutrition for the mother, one can observe several things when feeding the baby. Who is breastfeeding, should see to it that the baby takes not only the nipple in his mouth, but still the tissue around it. However, the vial is given, the suction opening should be age appropriate and fit for food. After feeding the burp is not forget!

No Meat On The Plate? The Best Protein Sources Not Only For Vegetarians

Protein-rich foods – without meat & fish

Without abundant protein currently nothing works. More and more people rely on a protein-rich diet. But what to do if one is a vegetarian and neither meat nor fish like? Finally, these are absolutely the protein sources …

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But not the only ones! There are also many sources of protein for vegetarians – pure vegetable such as nuts and seeds, but also dairy products such as cheese. That’s good, because protein is essential for our body. It needs the protein for various metabolic processes.

Per kilogram of body weight to eat about 0.8 grams of protein. That’s about 47 grams of protein per day for a woman and 59 grams for a man on average. The protein content of the diet should make up about 15 to 20 percent.

Anyone tried the food on the following pages and all eating regularly, is well supplied with protein.



Eggs are good sources of protein, especially the yolk. In 100 g egg, 13 g protein plug that are at a normal 60-gram egg about 8 grams of protein.

Milk & Milk Products

Milk & Milk Products

Milk and milk products are known for their high calcium content. But still they can do much more- plenty of protein!

  • 100 g Harzer have 30 g protein
  • 100 g Emmentaler have 28 g protein
  • 100 g butter 26 g cheese have protein
  • 100 g Gouda have 25 g protein
  • 100 g Camembert have 24 g protein
  • 100 g mozzarella have 17 g protein
  • 100 g cream cheese (10% fat) have 13 grams of protein
  • 100 g low-fat quark have 13 g protein
  • 100 g cow’s milk have 3 g protein
  • 100 g natural yoghurt have 4 grams of protein



Attacks often to nuts! Peanuts, hazelnuts or walnuts stuck not only full vital fatty acids, but are also a good source of protein.

  • 100 g peanuts have 25 g protein
  • 100 g almonds have 19 grams of protein
  • 100 g cashews have 18 grams of protein
  • 100 g walnuts have 14 grams of protein
  • 100 g hazelnuts have 12 grams of protein
  • 100 g pistachios 11 g protein
  • 100 g pumpkin seeds have 35 grams of protein



Legumes are the perfect protein source for vegetarians as they contain plenty of protein. Optimally, dried lentils and beans, because the protein content is significantly higher than in the canned version.

  • 100 g white dried beans have 21 grams of protein
  • 100 g white beans from the can have 9 g protein


  • 100 g dried peas have 23 grams of protein
  • 100 g canned peas have 5 g protein


  • 100 g dried Goabohnen have 33 g protein
  • 100 g Goabohnen out of a can have 8 grams of protein


  • 100 g dried chickpeas have 19 g protein
  • 100 g canned chickpeas have 7 grams of protein


  • 100 g of dried kidney beans have 22 grams of protein
  • 100 g kidney beans out of a can have 9 g protein


  • 100 g of dried lentils have 24 g protein
  • 100 g lentils from a can have 10 grams of protein



Tofu is not just a meat substitute to make meals varied, it also provides high-quality protein. In 100 grams of tofu stuck 8 g protein. If the fried tofu, there are even 16 g.

Quinoa & Amaranth

Quinoa & Amaranth

Quinoa? Amaranth? Have not most, they should urgently meet people! The little yellow grains, visit the health food store and next to a good dose of iron is in them a large dose of protein. Quinoa and Amaranth are prepared like rice cooked in vegetable broth and best. Besides these two exotic grains, there are other, containing large amounts of protein.

  • 100 g amaranth have 16 g protein
  • 100 g quinoa has 15 grams of protein
  • 100 g green core / have 17 g protein
  • 100 g millet have 11 g protein



A few linseed muesli, a little poppy or sesame seeds in the cake: Who wants to easily record a little extra protein, which scatters seeds about food, because they are small protein bombs.

  • 100 g flax seeds contain 24 g protein
  • 100 g poppy seeds contain 20 g protein
  • 100 g sesame seeds contain 18 g protein

Relaxation – Reduce Stress and Tension

Relaxation - Reduce Stress and Tension

In everyday life, which is characterized by the stress of the time pressure, the proper relax is very important. The pressure that is built up from work, family and household, necessarily requires a balance, otherwise the psyche suffers. All has its own method developed in the course of time, which leads to relaxation. The important thing is that you take time for herself, her body and her soul.

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Mental exercises

Mental exercises


Stress is a psychological problem, which is why it must be fought at the root: in the psyche. Thus the soul is busy and relaxed, you have to switch off and can drift. There are some methods such as Meditation exercises, yoga exercises and Qi Gong, some of which have proven themselves particularly in Asia for thousands of years.

Meaning of the colors for the soul

Meaning of the colors for the soul


Everything that meets the eye, has an influence on our being. In our society, the power of color is very often underestimated. Meanwhile, it has been found as important and decisive influences are various color or can be. Special relaxation methods emerged as light therapy or color therapy from exactly this realization. But the interior design can determine our well-being. Feng Shui can help you to be consistent with its direct environment.

Healthy and Fit at Any Age


Whether jogging, walking, cycling or swimming: Regular training in one or more sports keeps you young, fit, and active. Learn how positively more exercise affects your health.

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Fact: Almost every man or woman can and should move. Before newcomers, particularly people start with health problems, with a new sport, they should, however, seek advice from the doctor. Better safe than sorry. It does not always have to be a marathon: Nordic Walking, or walking, for example, the individual capacity to be customized alternatives. If the doctor has given the green light, it means an end to the baser instincts and pure in the sports shoes! Who is already active in sports, knows from experience how beneficial is regular exercise affects the mind and body. We have compiled the best tips for beginners and also for experienced athletes for you. On medical evidence based training plans, healthy exercises for muscle building, Council for sports injuries and more.

More exercise – your health

Move yourself healthy: It is scientifically proven that exercise has many positive effects on health. Sports physician and internist Dr. Karl Zelberge swears by the healing power of sport: Every step more is good for us,he stressed. Concrete positive impact movement, for example, on the immune system and the cardiovascular system. But of course you should not just be a more rational grounds: sports fun.

Lose weight the healthy: Sports burns extra calories

Another great benefit of sports is that the physical activity burns extra calories. More exercise helps with weight loss or in maintaining the weight. Depending on the type and intensity of exercise you consume in an hour of exercise up to 800 additional calories. And even at rest increases the energy consumption of your body, because even inactive muscles burn more energy than fat tissue.

Fountain of Youth Sports: active into old age

Who moves regularly, remains easier fit. Sports is like a fountain of youth, says sports medicine Zelberge. Regular exercise seniors can increase their chance as long as possible to lead an independent life. For example, decreases the risk of falls in physically active seniors.

Training according to plan: Tips for Your Fitness

Daily Sport – or enough once a week? The truth lies in between. Is ideal if you drive three to four times a week sport, each possible with a day of rest between workouts to allow your body to recover. For beginners, it is particularly important that they increase their training slowly and not overwhelm. Give your body time to adjust to the new requirements.

Which sport is right for you? Here are just chronic patients should consult with their doctor. In general, to be particularly good, a mix of cardio and toning exercises have been proven. You forget about the common misconception that strength training less calories are burned than in endurance sports. The energy balance is also doing strength training considerably – and especially beginners, seniors or people with a greater preponderance fall force exercises often initially lighter than endurance sports.