Category Archives: Health

For More Fun on Movement – Sports That Do Not Even Feel Like Sports

This should be sports?

No sweat or the muscles must burn and pain. This old coaching wisdom we can no longer hear. Even if the one or the other surprise: Sports can be fun!

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With the right sports the hour flies by and we are at the end of total risk, but happy, satisfied and full of happiness hormones.



Higher and higher: Trampolining is a great workout for the entire body, but especially for legs and buttocks.

It is of course useful if you have a garden and there could put a large trampoline. A small apartment in the works but also is fun and keeps you fit.

circus workout

Circus workout

All who are very mobile or feel like something else to do, should look around for circus classes. Here you can do acrobatics, balancing on ropes, jumping through hoops or juggle. This keeps us fit and there is guaranteed to find every thing that makes it fun.

pole dancing

Pole dancing

In Pole Dance most probably think only of strip clubs and not in sports. But there’s a reason why more and more studios offering classes. The training at the barre shapes the entire body,it is really exhausting but also makes really fun. Perfect for those who like to dance and looking for a new challenge.



Dancing is not a sport, right? Sure it is! Because dancing is quite tiring, especially when you dance fast numbers like Swing or Lindy Hop. Due to the cool outfits’s makes the same again so much fun.

Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy


Tired, distracted. These symptoms know many expectant moms. They do not always caused by an iron deficiency in pregnancy, but the mineral deficiency can be a cause.

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A pregnant woman needs, according to the recommendations ,Nutrition approximately 30 milligrams of iron per day. Ideally, she takes the on with the food – there are many foods in which iron plugged. But sometimes this is not enough, because the body can not utilize iron from food as well and there is an iron deficiency during pregnancy – often in the last third.

Because iron is a very important mineral and it is required for the development of the child. The woman doctor regularly monitored with blood tests whether an iron deficiency exists in the pregnancy or whether the iron stores are still full. Iron will, among other things required for the formation of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen.

Iron deficiency increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Moreover, it may happen that not developed by the lack of oxygen supply in the blood of the baby’s brain properly.

So it does not even come to an iron deficiency in pregnancy, the woman should eat enough iron-rich foods expectant moms. Preferably in combination with vitamin C, which improves the absorption by the body.

If there is already a lack of iron, the doctor may during pregnancy – and optionally thereafter – prescribe the intake of iron supplements. This should be decided by the doctor – pregnant women should not arbitrarily take any dietary supplements!

  1. Iron deficiency and its symptoms

Typical symptoms of iron deficiency are constant tiredness, fatigue and concentration problems. In addition, pregnant women suffer in such cases often pale, chapped skin and they are more susceptible to colds and other infections.

  1. Iron-containing foods: meat

Meat is a very good source of iron – especially organ meats such as liver. Since, however, is not suitable for the diet of a pregnant woman, lean cuts of meat such as fillet should be preferred, for example beef or veal fillet.

  • 100 g veal (breast, leg): 3 mg iron
  • 100 g veal (chop): 2.1 mg iron
  • 100 g beef (tenderloin): 2.3 mg iron
  • 100 g ground beef: 2.4 mg iron
  • 100 g beef (comb): 3.2 mg iron
  • 100 g Pork (tenderloin): 1.3 mg iron
  • 100 g pork (escalopes, comb): 2.2 mg iron
  1. Iron-containing foods: legumes

The plant food legumes are fed up way ahead when it comes to the iron content. Pregnant women should regularly resort to lentils, chickpeas and white beans. Who seasons legumes with cumin, improves digestibility.

  • 100 g of dried lentils: 7.5 mg iron
  • 100 g white beans: 6.1 mg iron
  • 100 g chickpeas: 6.9 mg
  • 100 g of soybean: 6.7 mg
  1. Iron-containing foods: cereals

Besides legumes cereals like oatmeal or millet are excellent sources of iron. The best oatmeal with a large glass of orange juice enjoying, by the vitamin C, the usability is increased.

  • 100 g oatmeal: 5.2 mg
  • 100 g wheat: 3.3 mg
  • 100 g rye: 4.8 mg
  • 100 g barley: 2.8 mg
  • 100 g green core: 4.2 mg
  • 100 g millet: 9 mg
  • 100 g quinoa: 8 mg of iron
  • 100 g Amaranth: 9 mg
  1. Iron-containing foods: vegetables

When it comes to iron-rich vegetables, most people think immediately of spinach. The green leafy vegetables are actually very rich in iron. But there are still some other vegetables with lots of iron.

  • 100 g Spinach: 3.4 mg
  • 100 g black salsify: 3.3 mg
  • 100 g purslane: 3.6 mg iron
  • 100 g of nettle: 4 mg
  • 100 g fennel: 2.7 mg

Who Want to See Our Children Grow Up in Such a Society?

This image makes us so sad!

In what kind of world we live in every fifth child has an eating disorder?

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Slim, lean, eating disorder.. If you look at the models in magazines, fashion catalogs and on television, it quickly becomes clear why so many people, nowadays suffer from an eating disorder , customised to women. The ideal of beauty, which is specified by the media is clear: Only those who are slim,it is considered attractive and beautiful.

That the media world is a distorted picture of our society and that is cheated on almost all images via image processing, everyone should really know. And yet we are subtly influenced by them. Young people quickly feel insecure, doubt their own appearance. You do not feel beautiful enough, you are not afraid to conform to the beauty ideal. One fifth of all 11 to 17 year-olds. Today there is a suspicion of an eating disorder, such as the Child and Adolescent Health Survey  of the Robert Koch Institute showed. A frightening number.

eating disorder

Exactly with this topic also dealt an image that is currently spreading like wildfire on the Internet.

It makes it clear that children seek out role models often from the media. You do not even realize that the utopian ideals that are tricked them there, you have nothing to do with reality. Many break at this pressure, end up in a depression or eating disorder.

Therefore it is up to us to serve the children as an example, grant them courage and strengthen their self-esteem. It is important that children learn from an early age, like a healthy diet works. You should diet and exercise are introduced with fun and joy of the topics and to build a healthy body image and self-confidence. No child should ever hear the words: -You’re too fat.-  Rather than discourage them and shut down, we need to strengthen her back and make her self-conscious.

Only when we stop themselves, a utopian ideal of beauty behind vie near, the company is in the we  and our children live, change finally.

No More Cravings – With Out 5 Plan From The Sugar Addiction

sugar addiction

Stop the sugar addiction

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More! Bring on the Schoki, forth with cake, ice cream and jelly! The thoughts just for sweets, is the diagnosis: acute sugar addiction.

Although it is in the sugar addiction strictly scientifically not a real addiction like alcohol or drug addiction. But honestly, who constantly thinks of chocolate, must always eat the whole bar and then has still not enough, needs no scientific definition, but help – in the form of a 5 point plan, which finally concluded with the sugar addiction makes.

The 5 point plan should be followed at least two weeks, better one month. In time is completely without sweets. Do not worry: After the first two or three days the cravings for sweets disappear by itself and the rest is a no brainer. Then you can slowly enjoy a bar of chocolate or ice cream, and do so without the urge to eat the whole bar.

  1. Eliminate inventories

For weeks forgo sweets and know that in the cabinet are three bags of fruit gums and a packet of biscuits? Then it can also be directly. Step 1 in the fight against sugar addiction: the complete destruction of all stocks. Friends, acquaintances or colleagues rejoice determined about it.

  1. Healthy food shopping

Instead of cookies and ice hiking vegetables, fruit, natural yoghurt and wholemeal bread in the cart-everything that is not immediately screams sugar and tastes just sweet. Should therefore be avoided fruit yogurt, cappuccino flavored or ketchup.

Anyone who is unsure should sometimes taking a critical look at the packaging. In addition to the carbohydrate content and the sugar content is usually given. Generally, unprocessed foods as possible are the best.

  1. Eat regularly

Cravings and constant appetite for sweets arise when the one constantly eats something sweet, but also when you eat irregularly. Then comes the blood sugar out of balance and demands for something to eat, ideally sugar.

To prevent this from happening, should have three solid meals are planned, ideally with complex carbohydrates, as they are stuck in legumes and whole grains and a serving of protein (dairy, meat, fish or eggs). At choice may also have a morning and afternoon snack will be eaten.

  1. Drinking enough

Thirst is often confused with hunger times. To prevent this from happening, at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water should be drunk per day. If you like, add a dash of lemon juice. Even unsweetened herbal and fruit teas are allowed. Juice, spritzers or light beverages are prohibited.

  1. Avoid sweeteners

Sweeteners are not sugar – but they are not really great. After all, they taste sweet and remind us what we are missing. It is better to avoid sweetened with sweeteners or sugar substitutes foods such as soda, candy or yogurt. Also, because there are always studies confirm a link between sweeteners and increased appetite.

What Helps Against Nausea? The Best Tips


Oh how bad! The stomach is a thick boulders and in mind pops the question to – I must give myself the same? –  Nausea is one of the nastiest diseases that can make one – because one feels in a heap. And you only want to know: What helps to relieve nausea?

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Nausea may have different causes. It can occur as a result of too much food or too much alcohol. In the case just only helps Wait until the stomach food or beverage has digested. Often nausea is a side effect of gastrointestinal disease or a food intolerance. However, infectious diseases, migraine or pregnancy can ensure that ours is bad. Who answer the question – What helps against nausea – searches, so it must first find out where the nausea comes.

Unfortunately, it does not stop with a sinking feeling in the stomach in most cases. Those who suffer from nausea, has usually also sweats and feels dizzy. Often – but not always – the vomiting center of the brain is activated and you have to pass. If the nausea caused by food, it goes one better then most. For all others, we have the answer to the question – What helps against nausea – on the following pages. Because there are a few home remedies that help in the rule to happiness. If you do not continue with it, there are special medications. You should also be best to lie down, relax and drink enough. The nausea has not improved after two or three days, a doctor should be consulted.


Ginger is a wonder drug for gastrointestinal diseases. In the tuber specific pungent substances stuck (and shogaole) that suppress the nausea and promote the digestive function.

If you like, cut slices of the tuber and brew it as a tea. Drink as needed. Ginger, there are also dried or as drops.


In case of slight nausea and a very simple trick can help: Take a deep breath, best in the fresh air. This would especially help if the nausea from too much food or alcohol comes.

Camomile tea

Chamomile or fennel tea are also among the home remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems – even with nausea. Just one, drink two cups in little sips. The tea should not be sweetened as possible and not be too hot.

Also peppermint tea can help – here but you should try carefully whether the pungent aroma not rather the opposite effect and increases the nausea.

Something Light to Eat

Listen to the nausea of too much alcohol here, a light meal can drive them. Turns at the thought of not eating stomach, you should try a serving of oatmeal, a banana or a biscuit in small bites. Often that soothes the stomach.