During summer time children’s lifes routins become more relaxed. But suddenly school time comes and going back to school is a bit of a shock for children. also when we look parents side, they dont know what they can do. There is some details about that problem.
In summer holiday, keep them reading. They can choose their book. They have many capacity about books or visit big libraries with them. Library visits are not about children. They dont interested with it but you can say it is a summer activity and make them believe this.
Try to not change their routins. İf you child sleep at 9 pm , in summer holiday go on this habit. If your child doesn’t want to sleep, you can give the most 25 minutes. You should try to control or every day it is going to be hard to go school and you have many things to do.
Be next to children always. Play games, read book with them and do what they want. Only, he should know you are not their friend to play, you are parent of them. If you can protect this distance when school time cames, chilren will listen and obey you. Cause their mind are going to think directly ‘ my muther or dad was always with me, they did what i want so i have to do what they want now.’ Also, for that mental ray, you should always say ‘ Look, i do what you want if i need, you need to do what i want’ and take a promise from them.
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