Category Archives: Personal Development


The panic attack is one of the biggest problem that people face with. If you have a problem like this the article will help you to feel better. Panic attack occurs suddenly. It makes person to feel horror. Anxiety or panic attack begins suddenly and it became worse within 10-30 minutes. Sometimes it continues up to 1 hour.

The symptoms of panic attack are as follows:

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-Chest pain



-Problem in breathing


There are two ways in curing this disease. First one is medical treatment and second one is behaviourial treatment. In this article you will find what can you do extra different from medical treatment. For medical treatment you should consult your doctor.

First of all, you have to accept that you have panic attack and you have to be sure that the panic attack does not kill anybody. You will not die because of a panic attack. You will not have a stroke or you will not be craze because of this. And never use any medicine if a doctor did not advise you. And also do not give up taking medicines without the advice of a doctor. During your attack never drive a car. Do not move very much. This will increase your heartbeat. And also never be in a cold atmosphere.

Unhealthy diet, digestion problems, food allergy, anti-depressant medicines, overdose caffein, too much smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs can cause a panic attack. You can change your diet and be careful about what you eat and what you drink. Do not stay hungry for long hours in a day. Eat 5 times a day. Eat often with small portions. Do not eat foods which contain glucose. You have to stay away from sugar. Eat vegetables and fruit and do not cook vegetables more.

Drink more water. You can drink 8-10 glass of water in a day. Fresh fruit juice is also important in your diet. Do not drink coffee and tea much. Caffeine will precipitate your heartbeat and you can confuse this with a panic attack. You can drink herbal tea but not more than 3 cups of tea. Especially lemon balm and camomile tea have characteristics to make you calm. Add omega 3 and omega 6 in your diet. Fish should be in your diet. Wholemeal bread, lentil, chick-pea, bean, green peas also should be in your diet. According to Barry Mc Donalds taking calcium and magnesium will help you in coping with your panic attack.

There are things that you have to stay away. These are black tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol, cigarette, drugs and eating much food. You should know that you can cope with your panic attack only by following some steps. The first step is to accept that you are not the only one who has a panic attack. Meet with other people who have panic attack problem. When you talk about your problem with others which have the same problem with you will make you feel better.

Secondly, do not afraid. Face to your fears. In this way, you will understand that there is no need to afraid of them because it is a kind of mind. Your mind is playing a game to you. The other step is asking questions to yourself. What did you do or live in the past? What will you will do if one of your friends has a problem like this.

The next step is about breathing. You should reduce the speed of your breathing. Make breathing exercises. It is important to learn breathing techniques. Take a deep breath in six seconds and hold your breath for two seconds and give it out. Slow down your heartbeat by controlling your breath and be calm. You can do this exercise by sitting or laying on a bed. Learning breathing techniques will not only help you in coping with your panic attack but also will strengthen your immune system.

The other step is exercising sport. The sport will make you feel good. And another step is writing a diary. Diary will busy your brain. You can write what you felt during your attack. Also, do not think bad memories that you lived in the past. Be aware of your phobias and fears.

Amuse your brain. Do cleaning, listen to music, if you can play a music instrument, call your friends or relatives during the panic time. Tarry your brain with other activities in order to keep away your ideas from yourself. The most important thing is to be calm. Stay away fears and stress. Do not be under stress.

If you can do, try meditation. Take a walk into nature. Take a warm shower. Fill washbowl with warm water and have a bubble bath. And also breed cat or dog. Cats and dogs will make you feel better. And feeling better is very important to cope with your panic attack. But do not forget that all of these are alternative ways to help you in coping with your panic attack and these will make you feel better.


Abs Workout Program For Women

If you want to have a healthy and fit body, I have a new exercise program. Within a week, you can tighten your abdominal muscles and get rid of the fat stored in your belly.

This week’s exercise program was designed to help women dissolve their belly fat and make their abdominal muscles more noticeable.

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You should do the exercises here four days a week and take a day rest between the exercises. In this program, you will repeat each exercise three times, and you will have a total of 25 sets. In this way, you will melt off the fat that covers your abdominal muscles.

3 or 5 days of the week to do cardio exercise, especially 30-60 minutes to keep in mind that you can continue to do these exercises. Because we’re talking about strengthening your abdominal muscles in a week, having a flat stomach.

It shouldn’t be too easy, should it? We have to work ladies, we should all try too!

1.Klasik Crunches

Before starting further advanced exercises, the classic shuttle is definitely the right starting exercise. Lie back on the exercise mat to provide additional support for the spine region. Put your arms on your chest, and place your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.

Lift your abdominal muscles a few centimeters from the exercise mat and stay in that position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.

Repeat the same movement one after the other. To make exercise more challenging, try doing it on a balance ball.

2. Reverse Crunches

Reverse sit-ups, strengthens your lower abdominal muscles. Lie down on your back on an exercise mat. Keep your arms on both sides of your body, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, your hands are flat on the floor, and your feet are parallel on the floor.

Keep your back comfortable and steady on the floor. Lift your hips up a few centimetres from the ground and stay that way for a few seconds before lowering them to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise several times. Exercise the American exercise Council stresses that you need to find and maintain the most appropriate form of exercise to avoid excessive stress on your lower back while you are exercising.

3. Oplique Crunches

The inclined shuttle allows you to have a much thinner waist by running the lateral muscles of your abdomen. Lie back on an exercise mat and lie back on your right side.

Put your hands behind your head, above your neck, and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Just use your body to get up a few inches and stay in that position for a few seconds without letting yourself down. Complete a set before you move to the left.

4. Plank

Plank, the essential part of all abdominal muscle exercise, will allow you to tighten your abdominal muscles in a short period of time, will increase your endurance. Lie on your face on an exercise mat, bend your arms on your elbows.

Lift your body up on your arms and toes. When pushing your forearms and toes towards the exercise mat, start pushing your body from the mat to the top.

Your body should be parallel to the ground and straight. Count to ten within you before you drop your body down. Then repeat.

Strengthen Self- Confidence

Do you often feel that all the others are better, faster, more talented and confident than you? Are you often times uncertain and therefore contendest with your self-confidence? Then change what!

No one has to spend his life as a shy wallflower. The good news: you can strengthen and train self-confidence. This requires the will and the conscious decision to bring about positive change, says Tatjana Strobej, an expert on human nature.

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Sure, that does not happen overnight. Dr. Herbert Meck, Specialist for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, A low self-esteem has always to do with the individual personality This can not be known to change a button’s why you should take enough time treat.

With small changes and tricks each of us can work daily to itself and so strengthen permanently the self-confidence. Top priority: relaxing stay!

Strengthen Self- Confidence --

Strength list

Most see people with low self-esteem only their weaknesses. This applies to change it.

Tip 1:

Make you your top 30 strengths in mind and write them to question you. What makes you unique What are you especially good Why other people appreciate you What would these people be missing if you’re not in their environment?? advises Tatjana Strobej.

Tip 2:

Here come who weaknesses should. Accept Nobody is perfect! Especially the different mix of strengths and weaknesses gives each of us an individual profile and makes us so unique. If someone in front of other stands by its weaknesses and this is considered the as a sign of strength, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Strengthen Self- Confidence


The day was bad? Do you think! Eyes and vision change!

Tip 1:

Keep a diary. Leave this every night on what you particularly well done that day, what you’re proud of, which have received compliments and feedback from you. Write down also, what are you afraid of what you have but passed with flying colors. Read this book always in the moments when you lose faith in you, says Tatjana Strobej.

Tip 2:

You Make a habit to treat you before bedtime at least a compliment, which refers to the last day. You must not have done all things well. Nobody ever gets it right! Therefore everyone should deal mercifully with them and sometimes error permit – provided one is willing to learn from them, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Strengthen Self- Confidence-

No comparisons

Who is dissatisfied with himself, likes to compare themselves with – supposedly happier – people and feels even more miserable. A vicious circle that needs to be quit.

Tip 1:

You almost always find people who are more successful, more attractive and more careless than you. Helps you but such knowledge really on? Especially since it is based on your own personal review and yes can also be completely wrong. Unless you compare yourself with others, pretending you you to look at yourself, says Dr. Herbert Meck.

Tip 2:

Instead of looking at others, you should ask yourself: What skills do not draw me enough of what I need to develop more Set your standards high while fans rather in being proud of what already exists? and what makes you unique already.

Man of Your Dreams – Find Him or What?

All women want to meet with him. Who is he? Where he live? When he will find you? Never or it depends on you. You can watch steps and take to greatly improve your chance.


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1st Tactics:

Begin with understand yourself. Look your around, observe other relationship and decide what you need. Be honest with yourself. You are great with your faults. Cause its you. so you need someone who will understand you and love you with your faults. If you know yourself better, it shows you are ready to meet someone else. If you know yourself, you can decide what you want in a relationship.


2nd Tactics:

None is perfect. Admit, you are not perfect either. Perfection is not a good way to find a real man. Cause real is this. Any man is perfect. If you dont change your mind, you can never find him. Loneliness is not nice. Also, dont wait anybody. Chance is sometimes going somewhere only you know. You can find that chance.


3th Tactics:

Feel always happy to be alone. Be always positive. Life’s too short to think about details. Work, walk, spend time with your friends. Outside interest can bring you your man. Survive and smile. Rise your light. Your life can change suddenly. Your man is waiting you somewhere. Go and find him.

choice and directions signs

4th Tactics:

When you begin to love life, you will love yourself. Think like you are not amazing person but you are optimistic, cheerful. Finding your man will make you love the world, love the flowers, love everything even yourself. Cause of it begin from love yourself. Then others will happen.

After obey all tactics, never think every man is your Mr. Right. Just observe. You can date someone to have experience .  Date with persons. Later, you will understand how hard to find perfect man and you should leave the perfect man in your dreams or save him there forever.


                                                  10 SECRETS TO BE ENERGIC


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             If you feel yourself so  tired and this situation is permanent you should make some changes in your life. Here are some recommendations for you to feel yourself more energic.

            1- Sleep regularly: You should sleep 8 hours in a day and plan your sleeping schedule in a right way.

            2-Eat a balanced diet: Start your day with a breakfast.Do not miss your meals.Balance protein, fat and carbohydrate in your diet. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

           3-Eat meantime meal: Eat yogurt-milk with low calorie, a porsion fruit, dried fruit between meals.

           4- Drink water: Drink at least 2 liters of water in a day( excluding tea, coffe, soup)  


          5-Do not consume salt and sugar: If you use too much salt this will cause high tension. If you use too much sugar this will cause increasing blood sugar and over weight.

          6- Do not take alcohol and smoke: If you want energic and healthy life stay away from cigaretta and alcohol.

          7- Exercise sport:   Exercise sport at least 3 days minimum 30 minutes in a week.

          8- Get check-up: Get check up once a year. In this way you should prevent many diseases.


         9- Have hobbies: Share time to yourself and have some hobbies.

         10- Have a holiday: Holiday is the best way to get rid off your problems.

       In these ways you will feel yourself more energic and more healthy.