Category Archives: Personal Development


                                       GREEN CURE AGAINST DEPRESSION


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There are many bioactive materials which have antidepression effect in many vegetables like broccoli, potatoes, eggplant, white cabbage, celeriac, parsley, etc. The mixture of these vegetables is very important because single effect of these vegetables are not effective. In this mixture spinach forms the main vegetable.

Spinach contains many materials which are effective for anti depression but the intake by our body is not enough. For absorption of anti-deppression materials in spinach second vegetable is needed. Most important vegetables in this respect is parsley and cress. Spinach-parsley and spinach-cress cures are very important for depression patient. This cures does not show side effects of medicals. Here is the cure of the day:

In the morning: The cure of spinach-parsley is applied

In the evening:  The cure of spinach-cress is applied

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Put 5-6 leaves of spinach and 10-12 pieces of parsley in half liter of boiling water. Boil them at low heat for 3 minutes. Drink it after it cools. Prepare it daily. Drink this cure in the mornings and in the evening prepare the same cure with cress. Put 5-6 leaves of spinach and 9-10 pieces of cress at low heat for 3 minutes. Prepare it daily aand apply this cures during a week. In the first week drink this cure twice a day as spinach-parsley and spinach-cress. In the second week apply the cure every other week. In the third week apply the cure third day. In the following weeks apply the cures once a week  for two months. You can  renew the cures in every six months if you desire. Both cures are drunk  half an hour before the meals or  an hour after  the meal.

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The material of spinacetin is the key material of spinach. Materials of spinacetin and calsequestrin make effect of anti-depression. In the winter spinach contains high amount of nitrat. If you want to eliminate 70% of  nitrat, boil the spinach in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and flash-freeze with cold water. So  in this way you can repress nitrats from spinach. Do not forget during boiling,  some useful materials are past to boiling water.

You should remember that these informations are not for recognition of illness. If you have an illness consult your doctor.


                                                          KIP AND FOODS


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Some foods bring down pulse and blood pressure which slow down metabolism and this helps get off the sleep but some foods increase the metabolism and brain activity which makes getting off the sleep difficult.

Kip has positive relation with foods and kip has very important place in metobolism and health. The kinds and amount of the foods are important for the quality of kip. There must be accurate time between your final meal and sleeping time for healthy kip. Your stomach should not be full of foods and also it is not recomended to be hungry before sleeping. If you have chronic kip problem consult your doctor and do not use medicine without doctor advice.

Here are some foods which will help you for good kip but these foods should not be used as medicine,


       MILK: Lukeworm milk with honey is very useful for kip. Calcium in milk has calming effect on body. It relaxes muscles and nerves. Also milk contains milk protein which has calming effect. If you add cinnamon on milk with honey and eat few almonds with it, this will help you to get off sleep.People older than 50 years old are recomended to drink milk without lactose in order to prevent the digestion problems.

      BANANA: Some people call banana as ‘yellow husky kip medicine’. Banana’s effect on kip is related with the effect of neurotransmeters in brain. Magnesium, potasium and triptophan in banana relaxes you and increase your kip’s quality.

      HERBAL TEA: The correct mixture of herbal tea has effect of either hypnotic or calming and stabilizing the emotions. Daisy, melissa, linden tree, lavender will make you to sleep well. Instead of sleeping if you need vitality you can prefer black tea or green tea which contains cafein.

     OAT PASTE:Prepare your oat paste with milk and add cinnamon in it. This is kip food and has characteristics of reducing cholesterol.

     YOGURT: The mixture of yogurt, honey and linseed is helpful for good kip. And also if you add garlic to yogurt, you will reduce the period of your get off sleep.

      BREAD WITH CEREAL AND TURKEY MEAT: After a busy day make a sandwich with bread with cereal and berated or grilled turkey meat will excrete serotonin and will give the message of sack time.

     POTATOES, MACARONI:Baked potatoes helps you to sleep easily. To increase its effect mix the potatoes with milk and prepare  pap. And also little amount of macaroni with yogurt will help you to get off sleep.

     FOODS WITH CAFEIN: Coke, chocolate, energy drink,tea nad coffe increase blood pressure and increase the activites of body. Thus, body will be alert and in good fettle. Do not consume these kinds of foods and drink in the late time of the day if you have kip problem.

    FOODS AND DRINK CONTAINING SUGAR AND FAT: Body use effort to digest the foods and drink containing sugar and fat. If you eat sweet foods this will increase the blood sugar which is energizer for metobolism and brain. This will delay your sack time. If you want to eat dessert, eat it in daytime to use its energy.

     ALCOHOL: High amount of alcohol makes you sleep but this sleep is not qualified. You wake up in the morning without resting. High amount of alcohol first gives vitality but then gives exhaustion to you.




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It is certain that  breathing is the first and vital thing that we perform but can we perform breathing correctly? Stress , hard living  and working conditions  causes changes in our breathing.We breathe less and and we behave less active so our body use less oxygen.

First step for right breathing is to start breathing from stomach, put your hands on your stomach, in this way you will see if you are breathing correctly or not. Breathe from your stomach deeply and  breath out slowly. The period of your breathing out should be longer than your breathing period. Try this again and your exercise should be 3 minutes long.In this way your cells and muscles will receive more oxygen and you will feel yourself better. If you exercise this twice  day after  few weeks yo will start to breath in correct way.

The correct breathing is also known as breathing from diaphragm. Right breathing system is learnt to people especially in yoga and techniques for parity without pain. Diaphram breathing washes all the body with oxygen. Thus, true breathing has protective and curatory feature on your brain, muscles, circulation system, immune system and viscera. Oxygen diffuses to your organs by diaphram and more oxgen means more health.

It is determined that person begins to breathe in wrong way when s/he gets angry especially people who commit crimes like violence breath in wrong way during these crimes, body looses its balance and person could not think in clear way. For this reason  it is recommended that breathe deeply from diaphram in anger times to became calm this is proven clinically.

True breathing is important for two reasons. First one is to give needed oxygen for our organs to live in healthy way and second one is to evacuate waste and toxin from our body. Oxygen is the main thing that our body needs to live. People can live without food for few weeks and without water for few days but cannot live without oxygen even a minute. So best way have to be performed in breathing. Especially our brain needs more oxygen than other organs in the body  because less oxygen going to brain causes mental obscurity or cognitive decline, depression, hearing and visual sense loss. If oxygen does not go to brain this will cause cerebral hemorrhage and if oxygen does not go to heart this will cause heart attack. Thus, oxygen is needed for health and qualified life.

Finally, it is clear that correct breathing increases life quality and parallel to life quality your success  will increase. By correct breathing if you feed all of your organs in best way you will receive physically and mentally healthy body so by starting correct breathing exercises you will give best present to yourself. So why are you waiting for to give this best present to yourself?