Easy Flan Recipe [ Cuban Egg Custard] (Simple)
- ½ cup sugar
- 5 eggs [reduce fat/cholesterol by using only 2 yolks and 5 whites]
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 Cup milk
- 1 T Vanilla
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Make sure that the pot that you will be using is clean and free from any grease or other food debris as it will cause the sugar to crystallize and ruin the carmelization process. To avoid crystallization, place 1 T of corn syrup in with the sugar.
Caramelize the sugar turning your burner to high. You want to get a honey colored amber or slightly darker. Cover the pot and remove the lid after 2-4 minutes or alternatively brush down the sides with water to catch the few grains of sugar that could start the chain of crystallization.
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As the sugar caramelizes it will go from a clear viscous liquid to a an amber then a light brown to a medium brown. You do NOT want to allow the sugar to boil or it will burn and ruin it. Once ruined, it cannot be saved. DO NOT touch the sugar or lick the spoon as severe burns will result keep in mind that the sugar will continue to cook after you remove it from the heat to prevent burning so continue stirring. If it’s gone too far (dark brown), you can shock the pan in a bowl of cold water.
Pour the carmelized sugar into a soufflé pan or round deep pyrex so that it coats the bottom and part of the sides. You can use any other round circular pyrex other than a pie pan as the sides need to be deeper than a pie pan provides.
Beat the eggs, adding regular milk and vanilla. Gradually add the sweetened condensed milk and continue to beat or mix until well blended. Pour into the soufflé pan.
You will need a pan larger than the soufflé pan. Fill this second pan half way with water. Place the soufflé pan into it making sure that the water does not rise so much that it enters the soufflé pan then place it in the oven. Add water so that it rises to cover approx ¾ of the way up the exterior of the soufflé pan. As the water heats it will dissipate to create stem/ moisture and prevent the custard from drying out.
Bake for 1 hour. Use tester to ensure that it’s done before removing. Allow to cool then chill at least 2 hours.
When ready to serve use a knife around the edges of the pan to loosen the flan from the mold. Get a plate which has a diameter that is larger than the soufflé pan. Flip upside down. The carmelized sugar will become a sweet syrup which drips down the top and over the sides. Spoon out any of the syrup left in the soufflé pan onto the top of the served flan