Tag Archives: cholesterol




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Cinnamon is very important spice for throat and nose. If you have problem like sinusitis, quinsy and hoarseness cinnamon should be in your natural pharmacy in your kitchen.

Cinnamon involves cineol and cinnamaldehyde which are preventative against quinsy and hoarseness.These two effective materials need cuminaldehyde  to be functional. Thus, cinnamon is very important for its involvement of these three materials.

It is very effective for nose-throat infections. Cinnamon tea is very useful especially for people who use their voices like teachers,singers and speakers. The tea of shell cinnamon is useful for these diseases: – It is preventative for diabetics. It activate glykosil transferas enzyme and stops serintreonine protein kinas enzyme. This increases insuline sensibility.



– It decreases blood sugar. But it is not medicine for decreasing blood sugar. It is factor in decreasing blood sugar.

– It is preventative for rheumatism

– It is protective against quinsy

– It decreases the risk of attacking high blood pressure

– It is fatigue remover

– It is tranquiliser

– It prevents the forming of nitrozamine in lugs

– It is natural anti-bacterial

– It is preventative for headaches which is caused by busy business tempo

– It is stomach friendly

– It is good for mental fatigue

– It is protective against cancer.

– It strengthens the immune system

– It involves different structured molecular antioxidant. It is most powerful anti-oxidants. It involves at least 9 anti-oxidants.

– It is good for stress

– It is preventative against migraine

– It is very rich from potassium. If you have kidney failure or dialysis problem stay away from cinnamon.

– If you have hypoglisemy stay away from cinnamon

– It controls cholesterol. High cholesterol has negative effect for insuline sensibility. If you drink cinnamon tea  it helps to control total cholesterol and LDL.

– It is protective against pimple



You can drink cinnamon tea 4-5 times a week. Do not consume it too much because if you addict your body to herbal tea, you cannot use its benefits. Leave time lag for 15-20 days while drinking this tea.

Cinnamon Tea: Boil 150-200ml. of water. Put one cluster of cinnamon in it and boil for 5 minutes. Drink after filtering.

Resource: The article of Prof. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu


                                                 THE HEALTH SOURCE: EGG


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Egg’s protein and nutrition value is very high. It is food of animal origin but its involvement of fat is very low. Thus egg is friend of diet menus.

Egg has protein structure which can be absorbed by body. The biological value of egg is 94. It is perfect nutrition because of its vitamins, being cheap, easy access, low calorie and characteristics of being filling. Egg’s white and yelow parts differs with its nutritions. It involves balanced nutrition components from protein and lipids. 45% of protein is in its yolk and 55% is in egg white.   IT involves triptophan seratonın which is beneficial for mental activities.


Altough egg is animal origin food its fat involvement is low. An egg involves 4-5gr. fat. 1,5 gr. of it is saturated oil. The lipids in egg are in yolk. Egg white does not contain cholesterol and fat.

Egg involves B2,B6B12,A,D,E,K, iron, zinc, phosphor, potassium, magnesium, copper and calcium. Egg does not only involves Vitamin C. For this reason if you consume egg with tomatoes, parsley, orange, green vegatbles you either tkae Vitamin C and you provide the absorbtion of iron.It good source of Vitamin D.

It also involves minerals like iron and zinc which are very important for your health. Iron is needed for forming of blood. Iron has role of growing, developing and protecting from the diseases. If you have lack of iron it causes anemia.


Also according to researches that are done in recent years, the cholesterol rate in egg is not much so you can consume it three times a day. Colin is needed for brain functions. And egg is good option because of its colin involvement. The colin in egg is called betain in the body. Yolk contains lesitinine which is very useful  for liver. If you do not take enough lesitinine this causes the accumulating of fat and cholesterol in liver. Yolk involves contaksine, zeaksantine and lutein caratonids which forms the yolk’s colour qualiy. Carıtens has effect of antioxidant and suppport the imune system and also has effect of anti aging.

Thus egg is good source of vitamin and for your health consume egg. There are different ways to cook it so contribute it to your daily menu in order to use its benefits.




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According to experts cherry is not only consumed as fruit but its root, peel, flower, cement, seed and stem are consumed. The miracle fruit’s benefits are as follows:

– It cleans the body from  toxic substances with its diuretic effect by being friend of  kidney.

– It helps to  plunge the ovearage water from the body so this causes  loosing weight.

– It helps to cure the pimples on your face and body

– If you rub the cherry juice on your face, this will prevent new wrinkledness and smooth out your face.

– Consuming overdose drugs , poisoning, diseases  urge liver but cherry disburden the live. By time liver begins to work normal and this increases the ballast ejection which causes increase in digestion power.

– Body resistance increases against diseases.

– From medicine point of view the most effective part of cherry is its stem. It lets fall high cholesterol. There is no known serious side effect of cherry.

– Cherry is source of Vitamin A and involves beta caroten. It is also eyes friendly fruiıt.

– Cherry dashes uric acid and urate salts from the body so it is used in curing  rheumatism, gout, clacification, atherosclerosis

– Cherry is also used as pain reliever and it more effective than painkillers.

– Cherry involves fructose which is digested easily so diabetics can eat cherry without facing any problems.

–  Cherry has cinic acid in its form so cinic acid prevent formation of  kidney sand and kidney stone and by time it helps to drop kidney sand and kidney stone in gall blader

– Cherry involves antosianin substance which likes vitamins E and C. So cherry has anti-oxisidant effect.