The effective fruit of winter is kiwi. It involves many vitamins, it cleans the dead layer of skin and it renovates the skin. You can prepare your own mask at home. Here are some formulas for you.
Sliced Kiwi Rings
Bark the raw kiwi and slice it very thin. Put the rings on your face and rest for 5-15 minutes.
Compress with kiwi juice
Liquidize the kiwi with blender.Dip the steril bandage in kiwi juice and compress it to your face. Wait for 10 minutes.Wash with lukewarm water.
Kiwi juice and Slip
Mix kiwi juice and slip with wooden spoon. Make it consistency of cream. Rub it on your face. Rest for 10 minutes. And then wash with lukewarm water. This is very beneficial for oily and pimpled skin.
Every skin has its own characteristics. The absorption capacity of vitamins and minerals are different.The absorption is harder in thick and oily skin. For this reason they need more powerful products.
Thick and Oily Skin
If you have thick and oily skin, kiwi masks are ideal for you.It compact the meshes and balances the lubrication. Use raw kiwi in your masks. Apply 15 minutes twice a week. If you have pimples prefer mask with slip.
Thin and Oily Skin
Usually women have this type of skin. Men have more thick and oily skin. Thin skin can easily sag. Kiwi mask is very suitable for these type of skin. It involves high amount of Vitamin C. Collagen synthesis increases with Vitamin C and the skin tensed. Apply 5 minute masks twice a week.
Thin and Dry Skin
Most sensitive type of skin.It needs care very much. The Vitamine C in the peel part of kiwi helps to renovate the skin. Apply it twice a week. Do not leave the mask on your face more than five minutes in order not to irritate your face.
Normal Skin
Kiwi mask whitens and fines the skin. Apply the mask twice a week.
And do not forget for beautiful skin you should drink high amount of water every day.