Tag Archives: urban outfitters

This is Really Tasteless! Urban Outfitters Shocked with Massacre Sweatshirt

Hanging dress, vintage look and unusual furnishing articles: For known U.S. fashion label Urban Outfitters. However, with the blood-spattered -Vintage Kent State sweatshirt- it reminded now of a dark chapter in American history. And draws the ire of the Internet community to itself.

Actually, it’s a sweatshirt like many others: Pink, typically used look with college print. Were it not for the blood spatter and the logo Kent State University. Those who know the history behind these American university, white: This sweater is a scandal!

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At Kent State University in Ohio – four students were shot by – the National Guard, as they protested peacefully on campus against the Vietnam War on May 4, 1970. Nine others were seriously injured. The Kent State massacre shocked the whole of America.

Sure, the blood splashes are of course not real and the holes are part of the vintage look, but for a Shit Storm handed it anyway! In social networks, countless users complained about the irreverence of the brand and called for a boycott of the clothing.

This is Really Tasteless! Urban Outfitters Shocked with Massacre Sweatshirt

Because unfortunately it is not the first time that Urban Outfitters has managed with irreverent clothing in the headlines. A shirt with jagged six-star, which looked very much like the Star of David the Nazis, made ​​in 2012 for worldwide outrage. And in 2010, the chain sold in their online store, a T-shirt in the color “Obama-Black”. Everything of course just a misunderstanding – but promote a positive image of the hip U.S. label these scandals are not.

Urban Outfitters even took the shirt now from sale and apologized on Twitter. The red spots are only color, no blood spatter. In addition, the -Vintage Kent State sweatshirt – was not inspired by the massacre of the US-Uni. But the pale aftertaste remains.