It takes only a few handles to refresh your makeup during the day quickly. We show how it’s done …
Hi! Awake!
Make-up is transient – the notes every woman who looks in the mirror after a morning in the office. The morning matt complexion shines, the dark circles are visible at once again and the freshness on the cheeks is completely gone. How good that you can brush up on his make-up again with a few skillful hand movements. This can be seen not only immediately fresh again, but feels like it!
Good laminated
A slightly opaque BB Cream you may also like to apply again in between. It gives the skin moisture and discreetly covers all irregularities from.
Matter complexion
Heat stress and bring the skin unsightly shine! A touch matte powder instantly and makes for a even finish. Mineral powders are incidentally very skin friendly.
Bright lips
Nothing has optically a better immediate freshness effect than color on the lips. Rose works beautifully and naturally lit discreetly.
Rosy cheeks
Finally, a little rouge on the cheeks – from the center of the face veneer to the sides – and no one looks at you that you are working in the office for hours.
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