Small crises and disagreements occur in the best relationships. But sometimes we make ourselves a little and keep in a partnership firm, although we no longer have long been happy.
If the first phase of the great passion over, every relationship has to prove itself. Only then we will see who really fits together. A test that not every partnership is: Some couples just live side by side, or get lost in the daily guerrilla war.
To draw a line, but falls not easy. But you should make it clear: I lie to not only me, if I hold to a broken relationship, but also my partners.
Relationship crisis? These signs should set alarm bells ringing:
No more cultural dispute
Who conflict arises with his partner no longer, but everything swallows diligently, demonstrating how little the other represents him yet. To have a relationship also means investing in them. And that means that the other, it is worth to me, I deal with him and his idiosyncrasies.
If you are no longer interested for his troubles, fears and desires. Which can indicate an end of love and relationship. Anyone who listens to each other hardly more, simply because it no longer interested him, should seriously consider why this is so.
Impute evil intentions
No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. But if I assume the other really evil intentions, it shows that a limit has been exceeded for a long time.
Fear of being alone?
Test: Close to his eyes and imagine where you’ll be in five or ten years. If the partner is part of your future dream? If not, it could be that there are currently mainly diffuse fears that let you remain in the relationship.
Laugh together?
One should consider, when you get the last laugh with each other. I make my partner happy and he makes me happy? He looks relaxed and released when we are together, or rather closed and bitter?
Foreign Flirting
Who suddenly switches back to single mode and sees other men, flirting with them and imagine what it would be like to be with them, should hear the shrill alarm bell. Because this is often a sign that a relationship is something missing in the current.
Sex? None
Of course you do not constantly have wild sex. At the latest, if there are children, the sex life can sometimes take a back seat. The important thing is that the sex is not approved on time. Corporealities are important – and be it only kisses, hugs or gentle stroking.
Small skits there are in every respect. But you should never disrespectful treat each other! Boundary that is usually exceeded unnoticed. Is the tone rough, throws a partner hurtful vulgarities at the head, then you should ask yourself if this is the person with whom you want to share his life. If the poor handling is more than one phase with each other, help only appropriate consequences.
Why is earlier I never noticed that? Suddenly there are traits and behaviors on the partner, the massively annoying and make downright aggressive. Attention, alarm bells!
Everyone, come the serious doubts about his relationship should ask themselves the following questions:
- Preponderance in my relationship with the positive or the negative aspects?
- Let us respectfully with each other?
- I feel good in the relationship? Makes me happy my partner or rather unhappy?
- Do I feel emotionally safe and secure?
- I feel physically safe and secure?
- Are we still in love?
- I see a future with my partner?
- We work both because it is better?
- Makes the relationship progress or is it just a sad imitation of the former love?
Recognize the problem, is the first step. A crisis does not necessarily mean the separation. But you should make honest thoughts about changes. Fight for your love – but is, if the fight is hopeless.
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