Women never give up their beauty. Every woman at every age always wants to be beautiful and well kept. In this article, you will find some beauty recipes for you. All of them are tried and achieved good results. Here are the recipes;


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1 lemon

50 gr. of castor oil

1 dessert spoon of lemon juice

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1dessert spoon of milk powder

Grate lemon peel. Mix it with castor oil, lemon juice, and milk powder. Make it creamy. Apply it on your hands. When it dries, rub away. Do it every day.

Lemon balances PH. It nourishes your skin and your hair. It gives a shiny look to the face. Castor is a natural moisturizing. It reduces acne. It strengthens your hair. It reduces the effects of aging. Lemon juice brightens your face. It whitens your tooth. It eliminates black spots. It bleaches your hair. It strengthens your nails. It cures acne and it moisturizes dry skins.

It is important to apply this cream every day and in a few weeks, you will get good results. But be careful about the materials. If you have an allergy to one of the materials in it, you should not use it.


The under-eye bag is a big problem for us because with an under-eye bag you look older. This cure will treat your under-eye bag.

500 gr. boiling water

A pinch of daisy

A pinch of fennel

Boil the water. Put daisy and fennel in it. Wait for 10 minutes. Put it among the gauze patch. Put it on the under-eye bag.

A dessert spoon of jojoba oil

A dessert spoon of daisy oil

A dessert spoon of lavender oil

Mix jojoba oil, daisy oil, and lavender oil. Massage it on your under-eye bag. You can do this every night before you go to sleep.

Jojoba oil is an anti-bacterial. It renews the cells. It is also used in the treatment of acne and pimple. It gives a shiny look to your face. Daisy oil also renews cells like jojoba oil. It softens the skin and it is very beneficial for hair. Lavender oil is a good disinfectant for skin and scalp. And it also prevents the formation of acne and pimple.

This cure is very effective but you should use it every night. After a few weeks, you will feel the difference. Never leave to apply it. You will get a good result.


2 dessert spoon of sea salt

1 bowl of water

Mix salt and water. Apply it to your foot and underarm. When it gets dry apply baby powder to them. You can repeat this 2-3 times a day.

Sea salt involves minerals that have a rejuvenating effect. It is effective in cell renewing and circulating oxygen to the blood. It prevents early aging. It strengthens the immune system and it eases to take the beneficial materials from foods to the body.


1 ripe apple

1 dessert spoon of honey

1 soup spoon of milk

1 dessert spoon of almond oil

1 soup spoon of almond flour

Grate the apple. Mix it with honey, milk, almond oil, and almond flour. Apply it on your face and decollete. Wait for 30 minutes. After 30, minutes rub away from it. Do this mask once a week.

This mask will firm your face and you will be very happy with the change. Here is some information about the materials in it. Apple is one of the important fruit in nature that gives health to you. It strengthens your immune system. It has strong anti-oxidants so it eliminates the harmful effects of free radicals that cause early aging, wrinkles, and aging spots.

Honey nourishes and moisturizes your skin. It also cures pimple and acne. It helps in the formation of new cells. It cleans the cells and prevents the formation of black spots. Milk gives color to face. It cleans and moisturizes your face. It is a natural sun care cream. It is good for pimples and it is anti-aging.

Almond oil also protects the skin from sunshine effects like milk. It cleans and moisturizes the skin. Almond flour involves Vitamine E. Thus it has an effect on anti-oxidant. For this reason, it protects the skin.

In this article, I gave beauty recipes to you, and also I wanted to inform you about the ingredients of the masks. What is good for what. You will enjoy these recipes and you will see the changes on you.

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