VEGETABLES AND FRUITS FOR HEALTH


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Nutrition has vital importance for health. In your daily  menu, eat two or three meals vegetables end fruits. Here are some useful fruits and vegetables for some diseases:

 PUMPKIN consists antioxidants so it protects the body from Alzheimer  and cancer.It also struggles with young aging and protects the health of brain and eyes.

BEAN  is important for kidney and rheumatism diseases. It  helps in curing of these diseases.

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NUTS AND WALLNUTS are recommended for heart health. An investigation was done in U.S.A and it is concluded as the risk of heart attack was decreased 50% among women who  consumes nuts and wallnuts.

COFFEE  struggles with cold and asthma by uncovering the bronchitis and also by cafein in coffee the physical  strength increases.

DRIED FIG is storage of potasium and everybody should consume dried fig for heart health. It arranges blodd pressure and protects body from heart and vein diseases.

TOMATOES prevents asthma because of the licopen which it contains. And also tomatoes

is useful for allergic inflammation in lugs.

APPLE is important for immune system. If you eat an apple before exercising any sport, this will give energy to you during your sport.

VINEGAR struggles with respiration diseases. It si good for asthma and high blood pressure.

PLUM prevents young aging and wrinkles. Green plum is rich from  magnesium and mineral which ensure re-generation of cells.

Here are some vegetable juice which are recomended for health,

 POMEGRANATE JUICE is friend of people who has heart and blood diseases. But if you have problem with your gut do not drink it.

GRAPE JUICE: is duratic. And also it protects the elasticity of skin and strengthens the memory.

BLUE BERRY JUICE: is good for diabetics.

 ORANGE JUICE: strenthens blood veins and adviced for the health of lungs.

APPLE JUICE: is good for kidney and lungs.

BERRY JUICE: is good for rheumatism and varicosis. It strengthens the veins.

Do not eliminate fruits and vegetables from your daily menu. Besides this, do not forget to drink water for your body health.

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