What is Good for Cough in Infants

What is Good for Cough in Infants?

What is Good for Cough in Infants
What is Good for Cough in Infants

A cough can be a symptom of a disease in infants, or it can be a reaction to an irritant substance in the throat or respiratory tract. What is good for babies cough?

Coughing is the removal of mucus from lung infections or respiratory tract. Dry cough is not a serious problem, but the cause is not always known. During the cold, nasal discharge may be due to irritation of the respiratory tract by going backwards.

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If a foreign body has escaped from the body’s main trachea, dry cough can also be seen as an effort to dispose of it. If smoke is being inhaled around the child, smoking can irritate the child’s respiratory tract and cause dry cough. Ear infections can also lead to dry cough.

What Should Be Done?

If cough is a cough with sputum, do not use cough syrup. In this case, it is important not to cut the cough, but to remove the sputum with the cough. As you cough, put your child on your knee as a face lift, slightly hitting his back to help puke out.

Sleep upright by putting support under your child’s pillow at night. You also prevent the mucus from slipping down the throat causing irritation. Prone or side tilt also prevents irritation.

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Keep your cough child’s room moist all the time. A cup of water, or a glass with a light interval to leave the room to prevent the air from drying. Don’t overheat the room.

Before going to bed, give your child something warm to soften his throat. Do not give milk to children older than 6 months as it increases the secretion of milk.

For children older than 18 months, you can give a drink prepared by adding lemon juice with a few drops of melted honey in warm water.

5 Best Natural Methods For Baby Cough

1.Mix Tea: Apple peel and seed; peel an Apple, put in a few seeds, a little lime, a couple of cloves, maybe a cinnamon peel.With a twist of lemon..Drink this for your child warm, warm and abundant, warm during the day (you can taste honey for children over 1 year old).

2. Honey & Ginger: For adults (do not use it to your child) to mix powdered ginger with honey and make a paste (eat), it is very good for your throat.

3. Molasses & Black Pepper: Mix two tablespoons of Mulberry molasses with the appropriate amount of black pepper and give one spoon a day. Cough for a day or two. ( 1 year after the age of)

4. Butter & Molasses: 2 tablespoons butter with 1 tablespoon pekmezi (1 teaspoon water) boil, while warm…It’s delicious and it cuts the cough. (After 6 months)

5. Lime & Quince Leaf: if boiled together with lime and quince leaves, it can be a good solution for cough.(For infants under 1 year old )

Note: What is written here is only recommended.Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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